What does Omnipotence REALLY mean?
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
July 27, 2007 5:55pm CST
I have been thinking about this for a long time.
If the omnipotent god does exist, he would be the "ultimate neutral being".
he would not hate, or love or take sides.
he would know the future, he would know your will.
therefore, he would know what his own will..but he is immortal, and has always been and will be, so that means that he would consist outside of time, he would be the ruler of all 10 dimensions.. he would be the ruler of all universes.. wow.
seeing as we cant even what the fifth dimension really IS..he is like 6 dimensions higher than us..
this is really crazy..
and then people say that jesus is the son of the ruler of the 10 dimensions.. really that is just.. i dono what to say to that..
but who is to say that there is even a ruler, for if this being exist, there would be no free will and our life would be pretty much meaningless..
cant stop thinking about it, im gona go crazy haha
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10 responses

@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
30 Jul 07
in fact, i presume that the power is never used at all!
why? because god is perfect and to use power means to change.
a perfect being does not change.
the only reason we change is because of lack of perfection.
to say that god uses his power to create in the first place is to say that god is imperfect in the first place... UNLESS..the only logical observation is that god has not always been perfect, and he needed things to get to the top of power, but if this is true, god isnt really god then.. but a being who rose to power, which means we can do it too, which means Buddhism is the only right religion.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
Yes, it does...but being all powerful doesn't mean that the power is always exercised. Being all powerful it is not inconceivable that within that power it can be freely given to others so they also may be empowered through the right of free will to work as co-creators with Creator.
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@marmalaide (470)
28 Jul 07
Well yes, obviously all this stuff is WAY beyond our powers of comprehension and anybody who doesn't have their brain completely scrambled by it isn't thinking about it properly. After all we only have miserable little human brains, so how can we possibly cope with the idea of a totally omniscient being who knows everything there is possible to know throughout the whole of time and space?
So in answer to your question, nobody human can say what omnipotence really means, because none of us will ever experience it or even come close to understanding it. But just because we can't understand something with our limited powers of comprehension, doesn't mean it isn't true.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
I hate thinking that it is out of reach, and beyond comprehension..
try explaining calculus to the cavemen from 75,000 years ago..
i really dont think that there are limits.. to anything, as we are pushing them every day.
one of the reasons why i am an existentialist.
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
28 Jul 07
Hello fightingistheonlyway!
I know I will be stuck here for long time but I can't resist answering to your genuine questions:-) I'll start with a short answer though and would love if you ask for explanation of anything that is not clear.
Omni-potency doesn't mean restricting free will. They are not exclusive of each other. Knowing something, having the power to influence and actually influencing something are different things. I hope you se what I am saying. I would love to have your feed back:-)
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
lol.. trust me.. if you arent ignorant to facts..this will be over very fast..
and how do you only have a score of 7 with all the flattery?.. my score is 7 and im attacking religion all the time lol..
this is the simplest way i can tell you about it..
RULE: for something to be created, there must be a creator.
1)God knows ALL
2)God has always been.
3)God created Humans
4)Humans created Will
5)Will was known by GOD before Humans was existent.
6)according to the rule, for something to be created, the creator must exist...
7) since god was always omnipotent, and always all knowing, human will has always been existent, through the knowledge of god. humans have a beginning, however.
know what i mean?
if you still dont agree.. check out this discussion, where the believer gives up her logical base:
in number #6, the answer is in the longest post i have.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
but you did not address my point.
its not a matter of whether god lets it happen or not.
the point was:if he knows my will before i existed, i am not the creator of my will because to create means to be existent.
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
28 Jul 07
Firstly the trivial things:-)
What do you think why I have 7 score with all my flattery? and please help me find the flattery first!:-)
Now to the question:
I see where your confusion is about. Free will is not created by humans. It is granted by the GOD HIMSELF. HE grants us the power to choose out way. This free will, however, isn't that free by the way. This free will is only limited to the "way" we choose to do things. we can't do just about anything we wish to do but the way to do it.
I hope it's a little clearer from my perspective:-)

@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I have tried to explain this to you before as a parent child relationship. Let me break it down a bit further. You decide to have a child. You know they are going to make mistakes, you know they might even grow up to hate you and they might not even want to talk to you but you have kids anyways.
If you have a child you want them to grow up and make decisions for themselves you hope they will chose the right path but ultimately they have free will to do whatever they want.
If you were to constantly punish your child or protect them from ever making mistakes than they would never really grow and it wouldnt be free will. Some parents do manipulate there kids to force them unkowingly to do just what they want when they get older. It takes free will and experience to grow.
But any good parent has a back up plan for when kids do make mistakes to bail them out if they really need it.
So humanity is like a child and God is like the parent.
As far as Jesus being the son of the ruler of the 10 dimmensions, what about the 11th dimmension (M theory)? Just joking about the 11th dimmension.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
30 Jul 07
lol.. anyways, um, string theory will not be proven for a LONG time..its more of a theory without facts and no observations, its more of an IDEA than a theory really.
that is why i only accept 10 dimentions at this time, unless someone comes through with a break through, in which i will do my research and challenge myself to understand the new theory, and make comparisons there. therfore, coming up with a good conclusion..
anyways.. your analogy is basically wrong, if you look at the above response i gave to kamran, you would know why.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
30 Jul 07
the one i gave aprox. 12 mins ago
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@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
31 Jul 07
I already told you in a previous discussion that you seemed to not want to reply to. That whole omniscent crap is something athiests came up with to try to disprove God. Young athiests still try to argue this point to this day while older more intelligent athiests disproved this a long time ago.
The word "omnipotent" has never been used in the bible. Read it sometime. The bible NEVER claims God can do all things either. He cannot lie. He cannot sin. Although he can do anything he is determined to do and that is the true meaning of omnipotence- the ability to do anything one sets out to do.
Atheists distorted the meaning of omnipotence to try to prove God does not exist. Don't believe me? Research it!
Yes, at this time you will throw in free will. I have ecplained that to you as well, and apparently you seem to just want to start the SAME exact discussion yet again just wording it differently.
You create these discussions to get a rise out of believers and then you call them ignorant and illogical.
You my dear need to read more up on religon, God, and actual definitions before you throw out certain comments.
Free will DOES exist, of course an athiest would not think so. That is why you are athiest. If you understood a Christians point of view then my guess you would not try to disprove Christianity, but one thing you cant seem to understand is, no matter how many times you call someone ilogical for having faith, no matter how ignorant you call someone, you will not change a true believers mind on the subject.
It is virtually impossible for people like you to understand religous faith because you do nothing but distort information to your advantage. My guess is you have never actually read the bible from cover to cover. You have never read the Quaran or any other religous book. You are unable to accept others beliefs bc to you they are stupid to you. You look for logic in all things, which I do as well in some things, yet you can't seem to grasp the concept that EVOLUTION is rather illogical as well.
Oh and NO a true Christian cannot accept evolution.
Yes, there is free will. Yes, God is allknowing, but that is too complicated for a young athiest such as yourself to comprehend therefore I will leave it to you to actually look up the information rather than me retype it AGAIN.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
31 Jul 07
its funny, because, i used to be a believer, and im just talking normally and it seems that you are getting angry with the truth.
you are saying the bible does not say that god is all knowing and all loving?
to be all knowing, is to can do all, which is, omnipotence.
now, you contradict your own bible saying that god is not omnipotent, which means, he is not all knowing..
that is fine.
but, if god is not omnipotent, what is the point of worship? he would be nothing more than a parent.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
1 Aug 07
i know what your trying to say... god cannot create contradictions, god is limited.. ofcourse i know that.
omnipotence does not mean "create contradictions".
also, the god of the bible is completely illogical, for he is "surprised" that adam and eve ate the apple.. but he is all knowing haha..
but the question of the rock has very little to do with free will, because, in the rock question both answers lead to "no omnipotence" however, in the freewill question, one answer leads to omnipotence, and that is, no free will.
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@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
1 Aug 07
you also just proved my point, your definition of omnipotent is distorted. that meaning is NOT true. since god cannot fail, lie, or sin he is not what you say he is. god IS all knowing. he is omnipotent in a snese but not in the distorted way you are explaining. being as he is all knowing dont you think anything is possible with him if he sees it that way?
Where in the bible does it say God is "omnipotent"?
and no i am not angry, just tired of the same exact conversations all the time, and i know i do not have to reply to them, but my gosh, pick a different topic!
look at this website, it better explains what i am trying to say.
The wonderful famous athiest question. Can God create a rock he cannot lift? He is all-powerful, Why would he create such a thing? To prove what?
What I am trying to say, and I did word it wrong, due to lack of sleep lol, Omnipotence does Not mean God can do all things. There are things God cannot do, which I have stated above.
God cannot violate his nature, therefore creating a rock he cannot lift is an illogical argument.
God could have created a world in which all would be saved or all would be damned. Instead, he created a world where some would be saved and some not. Free will.
If there was no free will, then why did his son die on the cross for our sins?
God is the almighty power, yet, his power IS limited. Therefore, he loved us so much he sent his son to die for our sins. If we could not sin, we would have no free will.
He could have sent his angels to rescue jesus but he did not.
I guess it all depends on your definition of omnipotence. Is God all=knowing? Yes. Does God have certain limitations? Yes.
If God is all-powerful then he can CREATE HIS OWN SET OF RULES, and he did. His inability to lie, die, sin, act against his nature(create a square circle) shows he has limits.
God is omnipotent in a way, but not in the way you are describing.
How could there be free will if he is all-knowing? Well, it is totally possible he knows what we are going to do before we do it, but it is also totally possible that he does not intervene in the decision., I guess kinda like "Psychics" They claim they can tell you your future, yet they have no control over it. They just "know" what is going to happen, and you spend 5 bucks a minute to find this out lol.

@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
I am unclear why you assume that an omnipotent being would give the right of free will and then take it away by intervening. With the belief that we are energetic sparks from Source's being there is no reason to believe that it overrides our right to choose just because It is omnipotent. All knowing, all seeing...does not lead to an automatic assumption that the right of free choice will be revoked.
If a creator wants co-creators then there is every reason to believe they are set free on a path of discovery and given the option to use that to develop their uniqueness through their choice making.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
30 Jul 07
its not an assumption at all, its a logical base.
if god is omnipotent, he knows all. he knows what i will create (will) before i am existent. therefore, he is the creator of my creations (will is the creation).
if you would like to look on this further, look at the debate i am having above and you can join in if you like.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
28 Jul 07
I was under the impression that omnipotence meant 'infinite in power or authority', or 'all-powerful'. I don't see how being able to love or hate would come into being omnipotent. Theoretically, an omnipotent God could be a hateful homicidal monster and it wouldn't make him any less omnipotent. But I guess that depends on what your definition of 'power' is.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
no, its just, you need to like read some stuff.. i dont want to explain it but i feel like i must, because, every time someone asks this question, as long with many other questions, its so crazy that i feel the need to teach it to myself.. but i hate typing.. lol, more of a writer.. even though nobody can read my terrible hand writing lol.. i like to call it "artistic".
to be omnipotent, you are also omniscient, all knowing etc etc.. you cant be one without the other. oh wait, you can be omniscient without the other, but you know.. if god is omnipotent, he is all knowing.
but wtvr, thats besides the point.. before i start to get deeper i need to ask this question:
do you know that a perfect being cannot want or need?
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@santuccie (3384)
• United States
6 Aug 07
Omnipotent means "having unlimited power." If you define this word using extended vocabulary, "omni" means "all," and "potent" means "strong."
As far as God's existence negating free will, I don't think this is the case. As far as God knowing the future, this could be explained in much the same way as predicting the market.
While some people do not plan well, and businesses go under, there are some people who are VERY good at predicting consumers' reactions to a product, and their enterprises flourish and wipe out the competition. There are also chess players who can think so many moves ahead that they can defeat a supercomputer.
Now, why shouldn't God, all powerful and all knowing, be able to "manipulate" us (this sounds like a negative word, but I think it works) in such a way that we follow the direction He wants us to go? We humans can manipulate others, and it seems God would be ever so much better at that. And this is not to say that God would be destroying free will; He would just be "persuading" us. Of course Satan might be working against God's will, and taking some of His market share away, but we are supposed to believe that God is the better "chess player," and will not be outdone in His game. Whether we do is our choice.
As far as God's existence making human life meaningless, I could answer this in two ways. On the one hand, the very idea of worship is acknowledging that God is our LORD, and that we are indeed to humble ourselves before Him. But if He saw fit to create us, then who's to say that His will is meaningless? He wants us here, and that tells me that we mean something to Him. And to mean something to the King of kings tells me that we mean quite a lot.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
30 Jul 07
nonetheless, what is your view on it?
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
13 Oct 12
I can't quite picture any dimensions outside of the four space-&-time dimensions ... I imagine it's like a drawing's view of us---how it can't really see beyond the two dimensions it acts in.
Anyway, maybe 'the way we look at pictures' is 'the way God looks at us.' You see a picture of an arrow flying toward an apple, you know that--though the arrow LOOKS LIKE it should continue to the apple--it's going to stay there in mid-air as long as the picture remains.
God doesn't see the 'passing of time' (which is something man invented so he could better organize this place). God sees it all as if it were a giant sculpture.