How would you know how many people are online on myLot?

How would you know how many people are online on m - How would you know how many people are online on myLot?
@argie713 (1809)
July 28, 2007 8:14pm CST
If there's a way to know how many people are online on myLot, it would be much better. It would also be much better if we could know that a user is online on myLot. For me, I would know if there are a lot of people online by going to the new discussions tab. If there are a lot of new discussions within a small amount of time then many users are online.
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22 responses
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
29 Jul 07
When I don't see some of my friends for a while, I will go to their page to see when was the last time they logged in. But other than that, it really doesn't matter to me.
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
29 Jul 07
That is what I was thinking but was unsure I have been on for hours at a time sometimes and see different times logged so it would not amaze me if it was in the thousands of users on at a time it is such a good site its hard to quit reading and responding to get rest LOL Take care my friends.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
29 Jul 07
There are so many different times zones on Mylot that your best bet is just to post when it is daylight where you are at. It is kind of impossible to keep track, because a lot of people like me have Mylot saved to their favorite, so no one can tell when they are on or not. Everytime I go to my profile, the time that it says that I logged in is wrong. It will say that I logged in 8 minutes ago and I will have been posting for like an hour already.
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
Knowing how many people are there online can help you choosing the time when to start a topic.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
29 Jul 07
It does not really matter how many of the partial number of the total is online at any given time. It would be much better to know what the active population is around this site and the total sign ups. Many of us have inactive referrals and so that speaks for the total number going up. These discussions are set up to be answered at whim. Best response is best not given for a week so allow many to find the discussion. So maybe rethink this and perhaps we can lobby for an accurate count of active members.
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
Users are just adding up. Almost 150 a day. I don't think myLot would do that.
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@funnysis (2619)
• United States
29 Jul 07
There are members who just do enough to remain active enough to stay counted but there are others that they get hospitalized for some reason so I think mylots has been really good at helping us to be able to have are accounts I love mylots but because of illness I have missed several days in a row but I will try not to do that now i am goinfg to try harder to do more.Take care my friends.
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
We can always try harder but the results would always be the same. If you can at least post 100 a day then you earn more.
@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
29 Jul 07
It would not really affect me knowing whether users are online or not. I chat with some on instant messengers so that works for me. I would want to know how many users are still active on myLot and who have left. I think knowing that would be more beneficial since the active users will respond to other peoples discussions when they have time or have interest in the discussion.
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
29 Jul 07
No it does not affect people it is just one of those odd curiousitys that you get so you want to find out more about what the rate of people being here is thats a good thing because I think some will pay closer attention to there time at mylots and try to participate more which drives up the mylot website and gives you extra money and its a win win for all this way,I think Take care my friends.
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
There are several inactive users that have active referrals and still earn. They may also have remaining balance on their account that can be used to pay us, active users.
@derek_a (10874)
29 Jul 07
I don't think there is any way of knowing how many people are on line with myLot. I have been to some forums and message boards where there is an indication of how many people are on the site, and sometimes there is a list of the names.. It would be quite good on mylot too I think :-)
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@funnysis (2619)
• United States
29 Jul 07
I was curious since the question has been brought up I am now interested in trying to find out so I am on my quest for the day LOL I like to find new things to find out about mylots and that is something good to know maybe I will see.Take care my friends.
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
Yeah. I've seen it on other sites too. But the user interface here in myLot is great. So I wouldn't be leaving.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
29 Jul 07
I would like that option too. I wish there was a tab that let you know how many posts you do daily. I wonder that most days, but I don't really try to keep up with it either. I have also seen posts about people wanting the option to be able to personally delete discussions with no responses.
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
29 Jul 07
I am one of those I have a discussion I started nine months ago and never got one reply on it I think it would clear up space for mylot it couldn't possibly hurt anything,I wouldn't think but it is a curiousity for now.Take care my friends.
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
That would be a good option too. A problem with deleting inactive users is that their discussions will be deleted too. It would cause a lot of problem.
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
oH WEll you got it right.. Its better to see who are online at the same time that you are also online.. For me I only recognize that you are online if you got a zero discussions few minutes ago... Like now.. I know you are on! lol I just finished replying on your tounge piercing discussion.. Hey kabayan, baka you like to join under me on a very nice forum just like this.. Just thought you might like it as well as I do.. its There are lots of fellow mylotters who are also posting in there and there ae lots of Filipinoes there too.. Just have a try! dagdag kita din.. ;) Just noticed you got a very good talent on thinking for topics that would best appeal to the majority of members here.. super job for you! hehe keep it up!
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
Thanks! I'll join under you some time. I have to reach the payout here first. I can't concentrate if I have to do 2 forums.
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
Yes, it would really be much better if we knew how many users are online.
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
29 Jul 07
I am not sure I have never really took the time to look and see that would be kinda nice to know sometimes,but then it really don't matter I can imagine that mylot stays busy day in and day out.I love it so there are many others out there that do to just look at how many responses some have I think some people give up every other website for mylots i almost thought about it but then I thought that would take the fun out of it.I am curious now i will see if I can find out for us.If you do let me know. Thank you and take care my friend.
@healwell (1268)
• Ahmedabad, India
31 Jul 07
I dont know. If you come to know then inform me too!
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
well we cant really determine but i must say how do you get a lot of responses deary?! hahaha :P
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
Exposure and tagging. Friends help a lot too. Timing when to start your discussion is also crucial.
@mummymo (23706)
29 Jul 07
I don't use new discussions to tell how many people are online - not everyone online starts new discussions! It would be nice if we could see how many people were online at any one time but as far as I am aware there is no way of doing this at the moment! xxx
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@navtech (1773)
• India
30 Jul 07
Dear argie713, I do not know how to find as how many people are on line on mylot. Morever I do not have time to do such research. I just reply discussions whenever possible because I can not devote much time on mylot due to my full time job. May be two or 3 hours I can spend on mylot that is all. In case you come to know anything please send a message.
@alexsis (2149)
• United States
29 Jul 07
I totally agree with you, it would be much better to know how many are on line. It would be nice to know if any of your friends is on at the same time your on. That would be a cool feature. And that is something they need to think about adding on here.
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
29 Jul 07
My goodness! My earnings just went down by 9 cents. I'm afraid to tart a new discussion and rant because it will just be deleted. I'm very disappointed. I wanted to know why my earnings went down. I was active today.
@asahibza (388)
• Canada
29 Jul 07
Sometime back I tried to find out myself. But there appears to be no indication on myLot site to that extent. I have seen many sites show on the top of their page the number of people online at any point of time. I guess there are not many people participating on myLot site. I also guess that number of active members on myLot will not be more than 5%. As on date I have 10 referrals and none of them is active. You can imagine?
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• United Arab Emirates
29 Jul 07
It's a great idea. If mylot provides this facility, then it would be great. We would know who all are online. May be in future we can expect. Good luck.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
30 Jul 07
that seems to be the only way but also if I respond and I get an answer back while I am in mylot I know someone is there out time differences are so different it is hard to find friends on at the same time tho.
@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
29 Jul 07
This is a very good question. Sometimes I feel very upset when the discussion I started no one response and wonder why it could be if there are more than 100,000 members with Mylot. Obviously, I know it is impossible all the mylotters will be online, but there must be at least 1 percent or more. If there is a function showing how many members will be great!
@mymytri (2030)
• India
30 Jul 07
Nice idea argie!!I am with you.I use same technique to know how many mylotters at the time when am online.It is better to add a tab to know how many members are online so we can plan to start discussions.More users online,brighter chances to get good number of responses in a short period of time.Who dont want to have good number of responses to their discussions???I see good number of mylotters online at evening than morning in my local time.Smiles
• China
29 Jul 07
ooh,Darling Friend,It's a good idea,I think this function should be implemented by sht Mylot system,then we will all appreciat it ;but still U can implement it by yourself ,another way ,just add a button in ur page ,when U are online ,then press it ,it will send a query message to all of ur friends(such as email box,but first U should set the auto reply function in ur mail box^_^),if Received responses ,then U will hnow that. But ,I think it's a better way than the Mylot system implement this function. I will be fabulous ,and more convenient.
@dafnie (382)
• United States
29 Jul 07
yeah i'd wanna know who's online!
@mindyja25 (180)
• United States
29 Jul 07
It would be nice just to have a little number somewhere showing how many users are online. I think it would be neat to see what times had more people online and what days.