Question for the ladies....

United States
July 29, 2007 12:54pm CST
What would you do if your s/o decided he wanted to have a vascectomy? My bf is 17 years my senior and already has 3 kids, while I only have one so far. He says he doesn't want any more, but I'd like to have at least one more. We've been together about a year and he's had his heart set on it. Would any of y'all consider moving on over something like this? Maybe not immediately, but within a year or so?
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11 responses
@patgalca (18424)
• Orangeville, Ontario
29 Jul 07
When I was a single mother, raising my daughter alone from birth to two years of age, I dated a few men. Most were divorced with children. One in particular told me on the first date that he had had a vasectomy and didn't want anymore children. I did not pursue a relationship with this man, as much as he tried to. He couldn't give me what I wanted so I moved on. I you want to move on because he can't give you something you want, why would you wait a year? That would make it more difficult to do and more painful. By the way, vasectomies can be reversed but it doesn't sound like that is even an option. Perhaps he is not the man for you. Just my two cents.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
30 Jul 07
You and your bf have only been together for a yr. right? Have you both takled about the pro's and con's to this and your feeling and his feelings? Do you think that you can roll with his decision if he decides to go for it because he already has 3 kids of his own. Have you looked at it from his point of view... Also have you had him look at it from your point of view..? Have you talked to him about alternatives so that you can have another kid. Like getting his sperm frozen until you and him are ready to start a family together if you even get there. You and him have only been together for a year and the decision to have a kid with someone should be done further done the road. Not that I'm one who should talk but I've learned from my mistakes, I feel that children isn't something that should be brought up in the beginning of a relationship because the fact the relationship is new and you need to learn about eachother more. Spend time working on seeing where the relationship is going .. If children are important to you then you have to think hard and long about this relationship... But like I said there are always other options and if you are going to discuss this make sure you look at all the alternatives ... You do have to remember that he is older than you by 17yrs and that for him he might want to get to the point that he wants to enjoy life he has kids that he raised and you have one that if he is in a relationship with you he is most likely willing to be there for but to go through the infant stage agian he might not want to do .. You have to figure out what is more important to you?
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• United States
31 Jul 07
I completely understand his desire to enjoy the kids he has (most men I've dated have been in the same situation, though most have wanted more), and while I respect that, it doesn't lessen the craving I have for more children. The reason the issue came up so early in our relationship is 1)We talk about everything, and 2)He wants to get it done next month, while his insurance at work will still cover it. I've spoken to him about having his sperm frozen, but he hasn't given me any conclusive opinions on the subject. He said we could use donor sperm if it came to that, but I want my child to look at him and see the similarities. I never really had that as a kid, so it'd be nice to give to my next child. My son looks so much like me, it's hard to point out his own dad's features, lol. As for the infant stage... his youngest is only a year and a half, so he's still there, pretty much. Blessed Be
• United States
31 Jul 07
I wish you luck and hopefully you and your loved one can work this out.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I would have a long, heart-to-hear talk with him. If he is insistent that he wants no more children, then you have to decide if you love him enough to stay and give up your dream of another child.
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@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
30 Jul 07
I think you need to have a long, deep & meaningful discussion with your partner, it's wrong for the both of you though - it's wrong for him to deny you more children but it's also wrong of you want to leave him because he wont give them to you - especially if you are going to leave it for another year. Ask him why he thinks you shouldn't have the chance to have another baby, ask him why it's ok for him to have 4 children & you only 1, ask him if there's any way he'd reconsider :) You both need to compromise & stop thinking about just yourself - he needs to realise you're younger & you need to realise he's got 4 kids & i'm sure they cost a fortune! It must be hard for you but these are the obstacles you'll always be up against when you are with someone who is so much older than you & has been previously married with children. I wish you well & hope you can sort it out but don't jump to conclusions & don't make rash decisions that you'll regret down the track. There's no point in making yourself a single parent before you've had a proper chat & discussed all the pro's & cons with having more kids :)
• United States
31 Jul 07
What a lot of people are assuming is that my son is my bf's as well, when that's hardly the case. My bf has two girls and a boy, two of whom he supports entirely, and one he tries to, but the mother isn't having it. I'm already a single mom, and I've mothered 9 other children before my own, mainly on my own, so I'm used to the difficulties and joys involved. The reason I'm having such a hard time with his desire for a vascectomy is that I want to have another child, but I want it to be his. He's such an amazing dad and he's crazy about kids, his and my own. I love his daughters and son and our boys are about the same age. Our family dynamic is so much better than many mixed families and our relationship is for the most part incredible. He makes good money, as do I, and we could very well afford another child, even if I were to stay home with the kids full time. We've been back and forth on this subject for a couple of months now, but he doesn't seem to see any alternatives. I don't want a child RIGHT NOW, but in 3-10 years, I'd like another one. Blessed Be
• United States
12 Aug 07
I mentioned somewhere in one of my other responses that I wanted HIS child. We've already discussed freezing some of his though.
@Pequena (74)
• Canada
30 Jul 07
I had the opposite happen, I wanted no more children after I had my son. There is 9 years between my kids, and by the time is part way through the pregnancy with the last one, I knew I did not want to do this again. I decided to have my tubes tied as I am the older partner. I discussed this with the hubby first, and he was fine with it. I made it clear that if it was not ok, we would have to figure something out though. He is younger than me and I wanted him to be able to decide if he wanted more kids if something happened with us, or to me. I knew I wanted no more, but he may change his mind later on. At 17 years your senior, I can understand where your bf is coming from. Three kids is a lot. I also understand where you are coming from. I think that you need to sit with him and have a long discussion about this. If his heart is set on this, then you need to think about what is best for you. If you truly want kids of your own, will you resent your partner later on if you stay and have none? Take the time to think and talk it through. Best of luck.
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@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
29 Jul 07
I was in a similar situation..My husband and I have son together...He and I split up for awhile and in his previous marriage he has a son with his ex...When him and I got back together He said simply my boys are enough for me I don't want anymore kids..I want to get a vasectomy..I love my husband with all my heart and soul..I sat down with him and talked it over with him..I told him I understand what you are saying that you already have 2 kids..And you feel that is enough for you..But I have just our son together and I really want more kids..I feel it's unfair to me..Can we please talk more and come to an agreement..We talked it over benefits, and disadvantages on both sides...He then comes up to me one day..Gives me a kiss and says your right hun it is unfair to deny you a chance to have one more baby..So lets see what happens whatever happens happens..We now have a 14 month old babygirl...I didn't leave and chose not to because I love him so much..I guess if it was me I would soul search and see how much this relationship means to me to have the conversation I did..Or just respect his decision and be friends and move on with him undestanding your side..I hope this response didn't come across mean good luck smiles
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• United States
31 Jul 07
No, it didn't come across mean at all. I actually really like your response; it makes so much sense. If i had even two kids of my own body, I think I might be satisfied with that, but just one? I come from a family of ten kids, so this is a little foreign to me. Congrats on your little girl! I want one sooooo badly. Are girls more difficult than boys? I've only ever had 2 stepdaughters, though 7 stepsons at one point. Blessed Be
• Canada
1 Aug 07
Thanks for that hun...I haven't found much of a difference so far..My son is 14 and my daughter 14 months..And for that age of them they are pretty layed back kids..My daughter is always on the go..She likes the phone more then my son..But for sleeping patterns my daughter is a bit easier she has been sleeping through the night since 2 months old and my son started at about 10 months old...Although I noticed more of a temper with my daughter and sucky lol but I guess with her being my last baby...I tend to spoil her lots with kisses hehe...
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@rosie_123 (6113)
29 Jul 07
Well as someone who doesn't have children and never wanted them, I would have been delighted! It would have put an end to all those years of taking the Pill or using other precautions, and getting totally paranoid every month if I was so much as a day late! Actually, my partner did offer as he never wanted kids either but when it came down to it he was too much of a coward to go through with it (awwwww!). I guess if your partner already has 4 children he feels very strongly that he cannot support/afford/give his time, or whatever to any others, and I respect his decision. I guess if you are not happy with it, and desparetly want more. then you will have to move on, - but surely being with a responsible guy who is the father of the child you already have together, and obviously respects you enough to be honest with you, is better than bringing up the child you do have alone? After all, you may not find another guy you love enough to want to have another child with anyway.
• United States
31 Jul 07
Lol, first off, my present guy isn't the father of my son, though he's been there since the boy was 4 months old. And I've wanted children since I was 12, so badly I actually started producing milk before I graduated highschool, and even now every time I hear a child cry, or even smell my son. We definitely have the money and the time (his other three kids are primarily with their mom); I think he's just trying to get a few things in his job settled before he wants to focus on procreating, but he won't define that area too much. It's a good thing you and your partner are so in tune on the subject. It's a pretty big deal. Blessed Be
• United States
9 Aug 07
I would drive him to the doc myself. Sounds like a great idea. I'm most likely infertile, but "most likely" isn't good enough for me and I'm in no shape to get surgery, so it would be great to not have to worry about it as much.
• United States
29 Jul 07
I'm only 22, and my boyfriend is only 24 (turns 25 in two weeks) so it would be a huge deal if he wanted that done. I want kids more than anything in life... i currently have none cuz i feel like i'm still too young. Ultimatly it'd be his decision, but if it came down to that, i'd break up with him. I can't compromise on that. However, if i already had a couple kids, and was older, it probably wouldnt be such a big deal to me. I'd sit down and have a long talk to him about it, why he wants it so bad, is he sure, etc, etc. Good luck!
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• United States
29 Jul 07
I'm fairly ambivalent about whether or not my fiance and I have children in the future. He's a bit younger than I am, so he doesn't really think he will ever want kids, though I suspect he may change his mind later on. If he wanted to get a vasectomy, though, I think I would be okay with that. If we really want kids later, we could always adopt.
@ekta88 (1)
• India
29 Jul 07
i think its not practical but think before you proceed.all d best