am i really growing up? What is that i really want?

July 30, 2007 10:06am CST
Till now i went to school forteen years already,two years later i will become a teacher .Sometimes when i think of this, i really donnot know whether i should happy. I will have a common way of life:make money,get married,have my children and face a lot just like these till die. But during my growing up,i don't know what's my really want. And what's the true meaning of life?
1 response
• India
30 Jul 07
actually we all people try to find answer of same question which you have asked dear .... some cannt understand the question and express it in other way and some understand it and ask it like you .... there are so many answer of this qustion .. whats meaning of life can say any one ?
• China
30 Jul 07
thanks for your answer sir,and what's your belief? hehe