anna chakvetadze, gorgeous: queen at stanford

@teflon09 (208)
July 30, 2007 10:28am CST
The beautiful anna chakvatadze of Russia beat sania mirza of india today..I am uploading an image of "anna".. lemme know, how many of u regard her as a dazzling beauty..btw, sania is reverred for her looks as well by a few Indians..
1 response
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
31 Jul 07
She is playing a lot better this year than last. She is attractive(but dazzling it overstating it), however I think Ana Ivanovic is better looking and is a better player.
@teflon09 (208)
• India
31 Jul 07
yup, u r right, i forgot ana ivanovic.. she is gorgeous as well..but i liked this girl's captivating looks as well..