Do you worry that other moms will judge you?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
July 30, 2007 5:22pm CST
I'm always surprised how many different opinions there are when it comes to parenting. Some moms love to micro-manage their kids lives, while others take a more laid-back approach. I think I'm somewhere in the middle. My little kid likes to do her own thing. And, she doesn't want too much interference. But, at the same time, she loves an appreciative audience. So, that means mommy is always close by to tell her how well she is doing. I try to keep a flexible attitude so that I can adapt to her needs.
Mostly, I'm not uncomfortable discussing my child with others, because I feel that all moms have wisdom to share. And, I don't mind learning new tips on parenting.
So, how about you? Do you feel uncomfortable discussing your children with other moms? Do you worry that they will judge you harshly for your parenting style? Or, do you refrain from discussing your kids with others because you don't consider it any of their business?
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13 responses
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Jul 07
To be honest beautyqueen, I couldn't care less what other mothers thought, sure its nice to know their opinion but I will still raise my son the way I know is best. I may take in a tip or two and even post discussions for some advice, but in the end, it's my way.
I do respect other mothers views and as you stated already we are all different and were raised differently so it is expected that there are going to be things other mothers don't like that I do and vice versa. As long as my son is happy, and is getting the best from me and his father, then that is all I worry about.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Jul 07
When I reread my response I sounded kinda harsh there at the beginnig, not my intention at all sorry!
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
1 Aug 07
You should be firm in your opinions on raising your child. That is your right as his mom. Years ago, when I was a new mom I was very unsure and wishy-washy and everytime I would watch the Super Nanny show i'd change my parenting tactics. But, my child would not change her tactics, so it ended up being the wrong approach.
Very quickly I learned to take my cues from what she needed and not what TV shows dictated.
As moms we adapt to what our kids need. Some need more flexibility while others require daily instructions on how to live their lives. These are adults-in-waiting that we are raising. As moms, we should never second guess ourselves. Thank you for your views.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
31 Jul 07
I'm not really too concerned about what other people think of my parenting style. It does bug me sometimes when people say stuff about the way I raise my child, but I don't let it bother me for too long. I know that I am doing what is best for my son, even if it's not something that someone else agrees with.
I still discuss parenting styles with other moms. Sometimes there's something to be learned from it. I've learned some useful stuff from other moms. And I think I've passed on some stuff that other moms find useful, too. If I don't agree with something, I just forget about it and continue to do it my own way, and I expect other people to do the same if they don't agree with me.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
2 Aug 07
You can't please everyone! Best to do what is best for your family and let everyone else worry about their own.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
I dont care at all what other people think, I raise my kids the best way that I can..If they dont like it its their problem...I have learnt though , that you can always listen to advice, it dosnt cost a thing, but it dosnt mean that you have to use it..But it may come in handy one day down the track.
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@SilPhil (267)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
In the beginning, I was worried about other peoples opinions, but I think that stemmed more from my insecurities than anything else. As a first time Mum, I didn't have all the answers, and so I was always worried I would do something wrong.
Over the past few months though, I've learnt you can't please everyone all the time. Everyone has different views on parenting, just as everyone has different views on life. No two people are exactly the same, and I actually think thats a good thing. When you are insecure it can bring you down, but you just have to have confidence in yourself, and know that you're doing the best that you can.
People are going to judge on everything under the sun, not just your parenting technique. As long as you and your partner are on the same page, thats all that really matters.
And remember - you knwo your child better than anyone else. What may work for my child, may not work for yours.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
2 Aug 07
You have to do what feels right for you and your child. And, then you will never be wrong! You have made some very good points. Thankyou for the reminder.
@8ctavarium (552)
• Australia
31 Jul 07
Yes, I know that my parents always just other people's children and so I tend to believe that other parents will do the same, especially when they aren't english speaking families, so you are always suspecting them of something when they speak their language and make eye contact on occasions to you even though you don't understand them.
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@Amstardam (1348)
• United States
31 Jul 07
It depends on who it is that I am talking to. I try not to talk parenting with my mother in law. She seems to think that since she has had 4 kids that her style of parenting is better than mine any day.
Like the other day we all went out out to a Mexican restaurant. She wanted to order my son beans and rice for a meal. He's my son so I ordered him the childrens quesadilla with rice and applesauce. I broke up his quesadilla for him to get some protein in, but she kept shoveling rice into his mouth before he could put the quesadilla in. I'd rather have my son eat something that is at least somewhat nutritious than have him have a bunch of starch thank you very much. But in order to keep the "happiness" I had to let it go. Ugh!!!!!
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
31 Jul 07
OK here's the kicker. I am not a mother, but I am about to become a step-mother of 10!!! What's really interesting is that my fiance is a great deal older than me and 9 of the kids are adults. The other 1 is 16. Believe me, it has been a challenge, as well as a lot of fun. As for peple who might judge me, I'll never be able to stop them. If they get on my case about it, I'm going to tel them to go chase their tails, and then I'm going to go and drink a big cup of coffee.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
31 Jul 07
i don't mind talking about my chilldren with other moms. i value all opinions, yet i am the one at the end of the day that have to deal with them. I am a very open parent. my boys will talk to me about every and anything. i give them room to breath just as long as i can smell the air. i want them to hve that freedom to be themselves, but know that no matter what you do, i will always know. i am not over protective, but i tell them all the time, you are never to old or too big to get your A$$ spanked. i am their mother and no matter how much we laugh and joke, i am never going to be your friend. they know that there is a line of respect that you don't cross and if you do, then we have a problem. do i care if other moms don't agree, nope. not at all. My oldest just graduated HS with honors and starts college soon. my middle son plays and two basketball times, a baseball team, and is the paper boy. my little one is just two, but she is smart as they come. so do i really care if someone doesn't like that fact that i am hard and soft, LOL HE!! NO
@naadia (828)
• India
31 Jul 07
my mom never judges my friend.actually i feel bad when other moms judge me...i want to be live in my own world..i dont like much mom always give me advise that i dont like...but she is the best mom i ever met!she always care about me than my brother!
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I do not worry about anyone else's judgemental attitude when it comes to my children...while I have learned a few things over the many years that I have been a Mother...I will always make the final decision...I love talking about my family; they are a great group...LOL
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@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
1 Aug 07
Hi there. No way, I dont worry about what other mothers think or how they judge me, after all, who are they too judge... I just think, as long as Im doing the best I can in all the loving and rightous ways of true motherhood, and being the best mother I can be, then I got no worries, least of all is, what others are thinking, anyway... Have a good one...
@sugarcrystalz (60)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I don't really worry about it. I've researched the decisions I make so I believe that I'm doing what is best for my kids, and there's no way that I can feel bad about that.
Sometimes if I'm talking to someone who is at the complete opposite side of the parenting spectrum I might feel a little bit strange, though.
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@SoccerMom07 (17)
• United States
31 Jul 07
I dont mind talking about it, because everyone is entitled to their own opnion. If they think I am a bad mom because of what I do or dont do, oh well...thats their opnion and I dont have to listen to it. The only judgment I am worried about is God's. No one else matter and no one else really has the right to judge me.
My kid has food on her table, clothes on her back and is a well behaved child. never gts in trouble in school and gets good grades. She is 7 going into third grade (she passed the state test when she was only 4 to enter to kindergarden early) and would give you the shirt off your if someone has anything bad to say about how I am raising my child, then oh well...I know my child is good and has a great HUGE heart...The only thing that matters is what I think.