why some people hate jews

United States
July 30, 2007 11:54pm CST
from time to time i ask that question and i don't get it the first i hear was when i was about 12 years old i saw a movie where clearly jesus is jew and he was decive by his own people however i understood that a lot of people contribute to his death such as the one that made him carry the cross, the other negative thing is people trashing jews and when i ask them well why you say jews are bad they reply they want to own every thing and they are wealthy i get very shock when i hear this kind of comments since i think that is so smart of them tell me your opinion and what do you think of the events that are happening now that put so many jews in danger and when do you think the hate for the jew is going to stop
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1 response
@NeoComp (1316)
• United States
31 Jul 07
Yeah I don't know why people hate jews either. They are fine by me. Well I think that I will go eat a burger now. But yeah Jews are cool. I actually their their Rabbi's are very wise and know alot about spirituality.