What's your "Claim to Fame"?
By angelicEmu
@angelicEmu (1311)
July 31, 2007 10:52am CST
Do you live near somewhere famous, have you been an "extra" in a movie or TV series? Perhaps you've bumped into a celebrity in the street, or maybe you live next door to the family of someone famous. I don't care how tenuous the link, most people have some claim to fame, so let's hear your stories!
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5 responses
@angelicEmu (1311)
3 Aug 07
Gosh, you little exhibitionist you! It sounds as though you're quite a celeb in your own right :-) Do you have any future appearances in the media planned? Well keep up the good work - environmental campaigning always deserves kudos in my book!!
@angelicEmu (1311)
4 Aug 07
LOL - oh no! Selling out your pagan roots to pander to the mainstream cult of "Potterism"!! You do disappoint me Galena - still publicity is publicity I suppose :-) Out of interest, if your pic was in the issue you missed, it is possible to get a back copy or even a copy of the photo they published, by getting in touch with the newspaper. You do generally have to pay for photos, but it's worth hanging on to, for your scrap-book!
You media-junkie you :-)

@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
4 Sep 07
One of my dad's cousins was married to Mickey Rooney! She was an actress, too. It was way back when, though, and I don't think she was ever THAT famous. She knew mobs and stuff, though! There's probably something else, too, but I can't think of anything at the moment.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
7 Sep 07
Wow! Have you ever met him/his side of the family at reunions? That's a pretty good claim to fame, but I must say - I hope his height wasn't a family trait :-)
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
9 Sep 07
I've never met him or his side of the family before. I don't think they were married for very long or even had kids. He's had many, many wives, too.
I thought of something else. Snoop Dog used to (still does?) have a house in my home town. A friend and I went there once to try to sell candy bars for her ballet camp. LOL Of course, no such luck, but we HAD to try! Mike Socia (catcher for the Dodgers) lived in the same area, too. Oh, and Justin Germano (pitcher for the Padres) is the brother of a girl I grew up with. Ummm... anything else? My sister went to school with Jessica Alba. But then, I guess that's my sister's brush with fame and not mine.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
12 Sep 07
Wow! Your hometown sounds like it's a second Hollywood :-) And the Jessica Alba connection does count, as I did say that the connection could be as tenuous as you like! It's a shame they're not making "Dark Angel" anymore - that was an excellent programme...
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
31 Jul 07
I live just outside the town where James Dean himself was raised.
Yup. Fairmount, Indiana.
Jim Davis, creator of Garfield is from here as well.
Pretty neat, eh?
5 minutes into town and I can go touch James Dean's stuff...and I have :D
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@angelicEmu (1311)
1 Aug 07
Superb!! Do you get many James Dean fans visiting town as part of a pilgrimage to that naughty rebel man? And does touching his stuff impart something of his spirit into the toucher, in your experience? Do you find yourself hankering for a harley and saying "what have ya got?!" to random people on the street? Just as long as you don't take to driving under the influence far too quickly, you should be OK :-) All the best!
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@rhinoboy (2129)
3 Aug 07
I work for a TV broadcaster in the north-east. So I've had brushes with a few famous peeps over the years.
Most of them happened on the same day, when I was working on a music show called Tube apocalypse (One last episode of the Music show "The Tube") That day I met Matt Lucas, Prince, Robbie Williams, Travis, Carl Cox, Paul McCartney, Skunk Anansie, Donna Air and a few others. Actually Paul McCartney held a door open for me because I was carrying a pizza!
I've been cameo'ed in a few regional programmes accidentally and been credited on some of the ones I worked on. I actually had a sneaky peek on Coronation Street last time i was at Granada but there was nobody there.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
4 Aug 07
Wow! Lots of big quality names there (and a few I would have neglected to mention if I were you LOL). Was Skunk Anansie as cross an angry femme as her music would suggest, or does she save the vitriol and general grumpiness for her stage shows? But as for the Granada Studios thing, well I visited there once, about 15 years ago, and I too saw and walked on the hallowed cobbles of Corrie St. (although I don't watch the show anymore, as life's too short, it's still an iconic place), so that in itself isn't _really_ that much of a claim to fame, as it's a part of the Granada Studios tour, and open to the public whenever they're not filming. But good on you for visiting there - did you see the courtroom, the news studio and the laser-show? The 3D laser show and the virtual reality cinema were both top-notch, as I recall. Well thanks for sharing, and kudos for the names you were able to drop too :-)
@yanstill (1490)
• China
13 Aug 07
sorry i am late here,two weeks later.
i think the city where i live have many famous places,and persons.it reminds me of old times,8 years of ani-japan wars,cival wars,and many.i am lucky enough not to have those terrible experiences,but history told me,why the place where i lived is famous,the museum here is a good place to visit.
famous person,like film stars?i didnt see any except on tv.lol,i guess no celebrity live next door,but maybe someone who i know now will be a celebrity years later,who knows.
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