Why do some people think that God wants us to suffer?
By Pose123
@Pose123 (21635)
10 responses
@killahclaire (3665)
31 Jul 07
Well I ain't no bible basher or nothing but I can only imagine though its so we can get a taster of what Jesus went through or to test our faith in God.
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@killahclaire (3665)
31 Jul 07
Pmpl Lone Ranger. No, no, no I am not a mummy too!
I hope Jesus loves me. I don't want to burn in hell.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
5 Aug 07
Why did some people believe the earth was flat?
Why did some people believe that drawing blood out of a person would save their lives?
Why do people believe so many different things?
Because man's way is always better than God's way - in their own eyes, that is. Man always has and always will want his own way and want to follow his own way. God does NOT want us to suffer. God went to great extremes to provide the means of an abundant life for us.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
5 Aug 07
Yes, I know that - but it doesn't make it right, does it?
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
31 Jul 07
I do not believe this to be true! I do not believe that the Almighty, Supreme One needs to prove anything to anyone!
According to the Bible, HE is a GOD who never starts a thing until it is finished: Meaning that HE had foreknowledge of exactly what you and I would be up to at any point in time! Such an Omnipotent, All-knowing GOD does not need to prove my or your devotion or anything! Believing in a god who wants you or I to first suffer is reducing the Almighty, Supreme One to human standard and believing in a sadistic god!
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
1 Aug 07
This is so true! It's just our luck that all things, including communication and information, break down over time.. So even Christianity, which is made up of human beings, and has been passed down through many human hands, has lost some of the glory of the original message.. and alas, I do believe we have picked up some baggage along the way.. Especially the mistranslation called "hell".. And I do believe His great plan of rescue will be more far reaching and successful than we have previously given him credit for..
@humbleme (1004)
• India
16 Sep 07
Hello Pose123,Thanks very much for your intersting post.My
answer is humanbeing suffer mainly for two reasons.
The first reason is due to his/her karma in this life, which determines a lot,for an example if someody lives an honest intelligent life with lot of commonsense applications will
definately suffer less than the person who lives a life of
dishonesty or lack of commonsense, so in this case God has
no part to play, but if you believe in recycle of rebirth process,then sometimes we suffer in this life that we dont deserve even after living an honest intelligent life,those
couldbe the results of pastlife bad karma's those are carried over from past life to this life.But again God
is not responsible,but we ourselves are responsible for the sufferings.Therefore I totally agree with you,God never wants us to suffer neither his love parameters increases towards the sufferer , but we are
ourselves responsible for our own sufferings.Thanks again.
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@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
7 Aug 07
God does not mean to make us suffer. He just make us learn how to deal with certain problems in our life, so that we will grow up and be more matured. After we have overcome certain problems and we look back, surely we will feel it was such a great accomplishment. From there, we are more grateful in what we have and more determined to work harder to achieve more success in the future. God loves us no matter what, it's only us that think God wants us to suffer.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
31 Jul 07
If you are in a pagan country and you will get your arms torn off or be tortured if you say I believe in one God, I am a Christian, if you suffer, that is all right, because you would rather die than denounce Christ and if you have a friend in this country, and the official that questions him and finds he is a Christian, but keeps it to himself, then God loves you and your friend both equally. HE does not love one more because he got his arm torn off.
Now if you said you were a Christian and yet went into a heathen temple and they required you honor their heathen idol by piercing long needles through your cheeks and walk on burning coals, then God would not be pleased. In fact, your suffering then would be useless and if you think that God will say that HE loves you more for the pain you endured, well, forget it.

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Oct 07
There is only one way to salvation, and that is through Jesus Christ. Not all paths lead to God. Every belief is different. According to your philosophy, if you are a Muslim and believe that by blowing yourself up and taking infidels with you, you will go to heaven, if you are a Buddhist and you go round with a bowl in your head and wearing saffron, and begging, you will go to heaven, if you are a pagan and worship trees, you will wind up in the same place and if you are an axe murderer who does not believe in God, you will all wind up in heaven. So why would God welcome someone who blows himself up and innocent people, someone who worships a man (Buddha) and someone who worships the creature rather than a Creator go to Heaven because these people did not worship HIM.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Aug 07
Why would God not be pleased if we went to what you call a "heathen" temple? Are there not many paths to God? Doesn't God love everyone? I believe we can have our own faith without making others wrong for their beliefs. It's just this 'I'm right and everyone else is wrong'attitude that has caused, and continues to cause so much trouble in the world. However everyone has a right to their opinion, and I thank you for commenting and adding to this discussion.Blessings.

@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
20 Oct 07
Christians are persecuted and if you endure persecution then you will probably reach the finish line. It is not that God wants anybody to suffer but it's part of being a Christian. But the suffering must be because of God and not because wrong committed. And be sure to be a Christian first before assuming that you are suffering because of God. If you are not a child of God in Christ, it would be useless even if you die for Christ (in your belief). Gold is passed through fire seven times to become pure. Christians go through difficulties to make them pure and perfect and worthy of the glory of God. The earth is the training ground for those people bound to heaven.
@rosie_123 (6113)
5 Aug 07
Well I guess it all goes back to the ghastly Puritaniical ideas of some kind of "dread God" who doesn't a;low dancing or joy, or pleasure at all. I admit I don't believe in God at all, - but if I did, it would be as the gentle God of Love who understood peoples' weaknesses and forgave Sinners, - not the Oliver Cromwell type.
@glo258 (33)
• Philippines
1 Aug 07
I believe God never wants us to suffer. He loves us so much therefore, it will never make HIM glad to do that. If we have a personal relationship with God, we can understand fully the meaning of suffering and why we are suffering. I recommend this website for more to better understand this topic. www.rbc.org. OR wwww.wayoflife.org Please try and find out more.
@chas621 (38)
• Philippines
1 Aug 07
God Loves us so much, for me we experienced suffering if we do something that is not good in the sight of God but praise be to God even we did something not good for God he still Keep on showing his Love for us and help us to overcome the suffering. God doesn't want us to suffer bec. he loves us and we are his sons and God wants us to enjoy the blessings of being his sons and daughters. I should say the word " Trials" , yes we are experiencing trials in order for us to go nearer to God and That he might show u his power that even in your trials u can say " thank You Lord" . if im experiencing trials in my life i always say " God is in the eye of the storm ". and sometimes God is testing us to know what is the condition of our hearts. If we are obedient to God even in the midst of the trials we can see in the end the mighty Hand of God. just remember GOd will never leaves us nor forsake us..
God wants us to enjoy life because we already have the blessing it's JESUS and we can only experience suffering we disobey God but even we disobey God just remember God is faithful