Staying married for the kids...
By puppie18love
@puppie18love (159)
United States
18 responses
@sree4030 (656)
• India
26 Oct 06
@puppie18love (159)
• United States
26 Oct 06
If handled correctly I think divorce can be benificial to the children if it helps relieve stress from fighting parents...Thanks so much for your opinion!
@kdcucuzza (128)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I think it's hard to stay unless you're in that situation. It hasn't happened to me but I think it would be harder on the kids to be in a stressed family (kids can sense if there are problems, even if you're acting like you're happy). Divorce or separation are confusing to kids but they can work.

@jacbking (50)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I stuck it out for six years with 3 children. Now I am divorced and he is awful. I dont have to walk around my house anymore worried that an argument is going to start and dont have to deal with him on a daily bases. Kids are more resilant than the adults are and they adjust. Things are better in our house now. Im getting on with my life. I got tired of being unhappy and my children suffering because no one was happy. Now the kids can spend quality time with each parent. I say dont stay just because of the kids your just teaching them by example of what a miserable marriage is. Teach them how to be happy so when they get older they would have learned that not everything works out like a fairy tale but you can move on and be happy.
@puppie18love (159)
• United States
26 Oct 06
Wow, that was very smart to make that decision. It sounds like it was best for everyone involved. I envy your ability to be strong enough to know what is right for yur children. Thanks for the comment!
@grump0ne (979)
• United States
26 Oct 06
No, I think if you stay together for the kids it would do more harm than good. they will grow up with alot of tension in the house and will come to learn that this is normal and may end up in the same situation. Kids learn from you. Just explain the situation to them and get some counseling if necessary. and be sure to keep both parents involved in their lives.
@ferretfrinzy (125)
• United States
26 Oct 06
i think it does a child more harm for parents to stay together and not b happy. They kids know and if there is a lot of fighing and yelling only learn that is teh way to solve problems. They need to see what a loving relationship is. If the parents are happy then kids will be happier as well.
@thisisme (263)
• United States
26 Oct 06
this is a hard one. My daughter is my life.. and i broke up with her fatherb/c we had lots of problems. now im married... and hes in a live in relationship... adn sometimes i think back and think it would be easier with her dad. im always reassuring hyself things are fine.. that she is confortable.. but i guess overall i you KNOW you and your kids father will NOT EVER work out.. then i have to agree its best you leave.
@puppie18love (159)
• United States
26 Oct 06
Thanks for your information...There is always a what if factor involved which makes it harder...
@prncesssly (1373)
• United States
26 Oct 06
No. If you're unhappy your children will know it, trust me. It's not good to stay in a marriage for the children. everyone should be happy.
@moneymoney (789)
• India
26 Oct 06
It depends upon the age of the kid, the level of discomfort among the parents, the opinion of the kid(very important) and the financial situation. Everything should be considered before doing anything. Itz not just a couple separating, itz a family now. I don't think you should separate, cause I know how it feels when parents fight and then separate. Again, I don't think you should separate. Stick to it. See if anything can be done. Try your level best. Beyond that, leave it to the kid to decide. Listen to what the kids got to say..........
@charmedone (593)
• United States
26 Oct 06
No I don't think you should, it's worse on the kids if you stay together. It's not good for kids to see there parents fight or not get along. Sometimes it's just better for everyone if the parents just split.
@puppie18love (159)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I agree with that too. If you are constantly fighting in front of the child would it not be better to end it?
@BiancasMommy (114)
• United States
26 Oct 06
No - that's stupid. If you think you would be happier seperated - then do it. It's more damaging I think for the kid if you stay together - than it is to just divorce. yea it's giong to be hard on the kid but they'll be ok.
@puppie18love (159)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I agree totally, it is more damaging to stay with someone you dont love then to just end it. But I hear so many times..."we are staying together for the kids"
@alainnmiog (660)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I have mixed feelings about it. In a way, it's great for the kids to see their parents together, and they don't have to go through the trauma of the divorce. At the same time, however, kids can pick up emotional cues from their parents. If you are unhappy, the kids are going to feel that. But if you are fighting a lot, and the kids see it, they are going to grow up thinking that fighting is ok, and they are going to be unhappy kids.
Every situation is different. Everyone grows up with a picture in their head of what a marriage is supposed to be. Some believe that if you aren't happy, get out. Some believe you need to at least try to work things out. Some believe that you shouldn't get divorced no matter what (unless there is physical abuse, or infidelity).
My marriage isn't the happiest. Part of me wants out, but I don't want the kids to get hurt. At the same time, I wonder what it's doing to them if they feel the unhappiness. We try to put up a happy front around the kids, but hubby's temper sometimes get the better of him and he gets very grumpy. He's never been physically abusive, so it's confusing.
@nolansimmons (1)
• United States
26 Oct 06
No I don't think you should. Kids are a lot smarter than most people think. They know if you are unhappy.
@puppie18love (159)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I agree, children know alot more then we give then credit for knowing. Thanks for your comment!
@Sheila_Abram (1908)
• United States
26 Oct 06
It depends are you still functioning as a family unit in love or aruging all the time? If you are always yelling and upset the kids notice and react to that then maybe you need to seperate for a while and go to counseling. God Bless
@gz1282 (571)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I dont think you should because children witness everything and even if you think they dont understand they do. You are doing more harm to them than good if you stay in an unhappy marrage. It would be better for you to be happy and for them to see that.
@damonlady (574)
• Romania
26 Oct 06
what age r thouse kids? i think u shouldn't stay in a marriage for nobody if u don't feel like staing there. U think it's for the kids sake but u r wrong, seeing u unhappy makes them feel bad also, and when they will grow up.. they will judge u for not beeing a strong woman and do what it's best for u.. u r losing yr best years of yr life... staying in a relation that it's not for u... but yet.. r u really sure it's nothing to be done.. or nothing possible between u 2?
@seancortneypixie (418)
• United States
26 Oct 06
no i dont think u should if u arent happily married then get divorced. people should never stay together for the children.