does it take FAITH to be an atheist?
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
15 responses
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
1 Aug 07
Definitely! There is no one who has no faith at all... everybody has faith to commit to one particular position. Lunatics are excluded, by the way.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
4 Aug 07
Just as a theist cannot prove God existence, atheist cannot prove God's non-existence.
Atheist must have 'faith' that universe has been existing since eternity past, quite opposite to what the theist believes. Atheist must also have 'faith' that the reasoning process of their mind is logical and the conclusion is trustworthy as much as theist have 'faith' in their reasoning process.
Atheist must also have faith that the books that they read are reportly correctly by the writers. Since we cannot verify all the informations we store in our minds, we just have faith that they are true. If we doubt them and so try to verify we would get entangled in infinite regress. That's a fundamental principle of epistemology.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
5 Aug 07
the atheist does not need to prove anything.. that is why there is no belief
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@marmalaide (470)
2 Aug 07
Of course it requires faith to be an atheist. Atheism is a religious belief like any other. Although they may have many compelling arguments to support their position, ultimately there is no scientific proof for the non-existence of God, just as there is no absolute scientific proof for his existence. Therefore their belief is founded upon faith. It can be very comforting to believe in such things as a benevolent God and an afterlife, especially in times of trouble, and rejecting these possibilities can sometimes take more strength than accepting them. Without a strong personal faith it would not be possible.
The only spiritual position which does not require faith is agnosticism. Agnostics refuse to commit themselves one way or the other, because of the lack of proof. If atheists did not have faith, they would be agnostics.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
6 Aug 07
hahahaha "ultimatly there is no proof for the non-existence of god"
when was the last time science tried to prove something does not exist?? LOL
you can, however, disprove contradictions..
that is why, atheists dont need faith to say that there is no god, because, there is no evidence.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
6 Aug 07
Yes.It seems that the atheists I have heard from here on MyLot have faith in the facts.It is all about what you believe.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
6 Aug 07
if you have faith in facts, then you need faith for your own existence too.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
1 Aug 07
cher913, how would it take more mental energy NOT to believe?
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@cybermom45 (196)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Yes, it would have to take alot of faith to believe the majority of ppl that believe we are going to heaven because of our faith in god and those that do not not believe, ie. the athiests will spend eternity in hell are wrong and be willing to risk going to hell for their faith we that have faith in God are wrong. I hope that didn't sound like rambling and you understood it.

@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
2 Aug 07
Hello fightingistheonlyway!:-)
It does take faith to be an explicit Atheist. I mean if someone's Atheism is based on belief in non-existence of a deity than it does take faith. If, however, it is disbelief in existence of GOD, then it doesn't take faith to be an Atheist but in that case the proper definition would be an agnostic Atheist. I am of the view that most of the Atheists are of second category, so it doesn't take faith. I had written an article on this issue, if you are interested, I can furnish you the link to that article but the conclusion is same as I have already mentioned.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
2 Aug 07
then, if what your saying is true... you need faith to conform your existence as well.. BUT, i think, therfore i exist... so i exist whether or not i have faith in it.. so, you dont need faith to be an atheist.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
5 Aug 07
no but you just contradicted yourself... if you need faith for something you dont need to prove (atheism) you also need faith confirm your existence, because there is no way that we know we can exist other than the statement "i think, therefore i exist?..
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
3 Aug 07
yes, one doesn't need faith to exist:-) All what it is about depends on definitions. An atheist who simply doesn't believe in existence of a deity do not need or has faith. To be an explicit Atheist however, One must have faith that there is no deity existing since he/she cn't prove it. Hence, the one who do not believe in a deity (lack of belief in existence of a deity)is more better defined as an agnostic Atheist. Same set of definitions and explanations go for Theists. I hope it's clear:-)

@safetymom (27)
• Philippines
8 Aug 07
No, I think faith is the last reason or resort for atheists.
Their lack of faith is one of the primary reasons that made them turn to believing the non existence of God. I think they view their decisions as an act of reason and rationality. is a great resource for hand hand crafted religious products and decorative religious items.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
8 Aug 07
lol..what is it with that website?
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@safetymom (27)
• Philippines
9 Aug 07 is a great site if you happen to want to purchase a religious product, ie, statues, manger and nativity sets, and the likes :)
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Mathematicians have figured that anything with less odds of occurring than one in one to the fiftieth degree (less odds of occurring than one chance in one with 50 zeroes after it) is impossible to have occurred. And they have reasoned that for the first (1300) amino acids to have joined (in a perfect line) to form the first "life" to be less that one chance in one with 113 zeroes after it.. It takes a lot of faith to believe life came through a series of highly improbable (if not impossible) random occurrences to occur.. And also to believe that in the beginning, there was nothing, and then it exploded and became everything..
- Also their faith goes against our senses of observation. We can see the seed of each "kind" is in itself (new species of "kind" come about through mixing breeds of the same "kind" and mixing traits already there, not evolved). And also we can see when we pluck a leaf from a tree, it doesn't turn green! That of course, is the second law of science, or the second most held law of science and natural law, called the Law of Entrophy.. which is, all matter is falling apart, not improving and forming ever more complex things, including life and complexities and diversity of life..
- Also they believe in all these mythical half creatures, which used to exist.. like a cross between the flying squirrel and the bird, as the flying squirrel was 'evolving' into the bird.. you know like a car so easily evolves into an airplane, or the whale was evolving into the land cow.. Especially as there are only a few particles or pieces they have which could remotely suggest a fossil of such a mythical creature, when all life supposedly has a long trail of them behind them.. And what did the squirrel/bird do all those centuries, to survive, when it was no longer efficient as a squirrel, but not yet efficient as a bird?? Or worse yet, what did the whale/land cow do?
- Yes. It's a belief. and takes a lot of faith. Some, of this persuasion are very, very devout. It's presently the state enforced faith, in most western countries as no other theory is allowed in education of the masses and the masses' children.. and even the many problems of it and questions concerning it are not allowed to be gone into.. and yet they want more power. And it seems to be like a lot of differences of the modern world.. there is no alternate opinion deemed possible.
@sunshinecup (7871)
1 Aug 07
Well yes, faith that they are correct or faith in themselves. Why would do you ask?
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
1 Aug 07
just wanted to see the intelligent arguments people make..
could you explain how would it take belief to not believe?
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@sunshinecup (7871)
2 Aug 07
Well that would be something for you to exsplain. I am a bit puzzled as to why you are asking me that question. Do you feel you do not have a beleif at all?
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
2 Aug 07
the thing is, faith, in accordance of zues lets say...
i dont need to believe that zues does not exist.
i dont believe that zues does not exist.
not believing is not belief.
if you say you need faith for everything, then you also need faith for your own existence as well.. but the thing is, i think, therefor i exist.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
3 Aug 07
it actually takes more brain power to believe in faith.
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@socorban (650)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Everything is based on "faith" in a way, every system of beliefs is "faith" based. The word "faith" is a belief in anything, system or merits. So to "believe" there is no God, is to have faith in that assumption to be true.
Faith is what it is. That is to believe, so to belive in anything God or not, is to have faith in that view.
It takes "faith" to belive in anything, man or not, God or not.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
1 Aug 07
it takes faith to believe... do atheists BELIEVE?
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@socorban (650)
• United States
2 Aug 07
Atheist "believe" there is no God, so yes they "believe" or have "faith" The word "faith" isn't necessarily entwined with a belief in a God of any sort.
When you asked if atheist have "faith" You didnt depict what aspect of the word you meant, so in light of that it would fall into all aspects, religiously based and not.
The word itself doesnt have to have anyting to do with God. Its all about how you use it and the circumstances.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
5 Aug 07
I'm not sure if faith and belief are the same thing.
I think the are similiar but slightly different.
I think you would need faith to believe something "does" exist. Not to believe that something "does not" exist.
It think it is an athiest's "belief" that God does not exist, but it is not their "faith".
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
6 Aug 07
you know, i guess that is true.. but i still disagree.
atheists dont even need belief to state that something that there is no proof for does not exist.
it is a already a fact that it does not exist. if you need faith to prove facts, that means that our own existence is in jeopardy of this faith/belief..
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@HsuYinFung (161)
• United States
9 Aug 07
I think you would enjoy the audio series going on now at
They are currently addressing atheism but I think you would actually enjoy their audio broadcasts. I think it would be right up your alley as far as having some intelligent speaking on the subject.
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@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
2 Aug 07
i believe it takes FAITH in everything we do. getting into the car, i have faith that i will get from point A to point B safely. and atheist needs faith to believe in non-existence in God else they become an agnostic.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
2 Aug 07
the way you put it, you need faith for existence..
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
10 Aug 07
In my opinion,atheist have no faith because they have nothing to have faith in to.