What kind of exercise do you do?

United States
August 2, 2007 12:19am CST
I'll admit it, I haven't worked out in over a month (maybe more). Even then it wasn't anything heavy, simple streangth training/cardio type exercises, 3 times a week for about 30 minutes. Last summer I had gotten the fat burning 2 dvd set of Tae-Bo from Billy Blanks and the 1st dvd in the Carmen Electra Cardio Striptease set (which is actually a pretty good work out, not trashy and fun). I'd stopped for a while because my asthma was acting all crazy. But now that I'm feeling better I wanted to get back into the swing of things and start working out again. I need something that won't make me feel bored with it yet is easy enough to start off with. What sorts of exercises do you do? Do you work out with a dvd, what kinds?
18 responses
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
2 Aug 07
Are you kidding me..I get dizzy just standing up for 5 minutes...I can't really do anything like cardio because I will fall over and pass out. I do take walks and not the power walks either.. The boys get me walking up some steep hills by the high school...I taught them how to call 911 just in case grama fell down the hill..LOL I guess the answer is no...I would like to but I get dizzy to fast....
• United States
2 Aug 07
You're killing me! Well some walking is better than none. I was wondering what happened to you, I had an update for you, lol.
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
2 Aug 07
Did you PM me? Let me know...I was talking to my daughter..sorry..I am here now..
• United States
2 Aug 07
no but I will in 2 seconds, lol, I was busy searching for m&m's that I remembered I had. LOL... says the girl who just posted about exercise.
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
4 Aug 07
I am roller blading with a friend right now a few times a week. I also like to walk. It is easy & can be done anywhere. I love Zumba which are latin DVD's. I need to dig mine back out. They are a lot of fun.
• Philippines
2 Aug 07
I really like to exercise with dvds and the kind but it is much more exciting having a lot of people around you doing the same thing. I was doing tae bo a month a go and I stopped. I know I could get dvds or I could even work out on my own but its still different with friends and other people. It is fun and therapeutic for me.
• United States
3 Aug 07
A lot of people prefer to work out in a group instead of alone. I'm the opposite, I'd rather do it alone then with people. I feel like I can concentrate much better if nobody is watching, lol.
@venshida (4836)
• United States
2 Aug 07
I walk on the treadmill plus sometimes I walk in my neighborhood. My daughter brought me Denise Austin videos so I sometimes work out with those. I also have a African, Salsa, and Caribbean tape can't remember the name of it but I work out with that one also which is my favorite since its a lot like dancing. The music is hot so I don't get bored.
• United States
3 Aug 07
There are a lot of exercises now that incorporate dance into them, I think it's great. It's a lot more fun and burns more calories. I want to take ballroom dance lessons for like tango and salsa but I want to get into a bit better shape first.
• United States
2 Aug 07
You know I have asthma too, since I was born. I know that's not what this discussion is about but I just wanted to point out that I use Advair. It's really good to prevent asthma attacks. It doesn't cure it right away like an inhalor does but it works very good in the long run. Anyway...lately I've been doing a lot of cardio becuase I want to lose 5 lbs. I've been riding my bicycle which is a lot of fun and a great workout. I also go on the treadmill. Have you ever tried Pilates? It's really good. You have to start at a beginner's level becuase it's hard but the benefits are really rewarding if you get into it.
• United States
3 Aug 07
I use Advair and I totally agree that it really works great. I lost my insurance though so I don't have the advair (except the occasional freebies from the dr.) but I started to drink apple juice throughout the day after hearing about it from a friend and reading some studies and my inhalor lasted me 9 weeks, when all my life I go through at least 2 a month. I had stopped exercising because of my asthma but now that I'm feeling better, I want to start up again. I'm so glad you brought that up. I tried light Pilates like 8 years ago and it was hard at first but it did work great. I can't remember why I'd stopped but I'd forgotten all about it. I will look it up some and see if I can start it back up. It's a great streagnth training while still being easy on the asthma, which w/out the Advair would be a huge plus. Thanks!
• Philippines
3 Aug 07
well i think it is best to start back from the basics. because i can also relate from the problem you're having right now. because once i have stopped doing any kind of physical activities for 4 weeks and just by that i noticed that i wasn't as powerful as i used to be, and so i thought about going back to the basic thing before doing any of my complicated hobbies. well after 1 week, i got back half of the strength that i lost, if i was able to lift a benchpress for 140 back then, and after that i managed to lift an ample amount of 11 once again^^. trust me, it helps going back to the basics^^
• United States
3 Aug 07
You're right, starting back at step one is the best thing to do to avoid injury and help your body get back on track. That is what I plan on doing, going back to step one and working my way up again and this time not quitting, lol.
• Malaysia
2 Aug 07
I haven't done any workouts with a dvd, but I hope to get one good dvd soon. There are a lot of cheap dvds with many selection here. For now, my workouts is just doing ordinary house chores. I have a lot of house chores to do, my house is quite big so every time I vacuum the whole floor I would sweat so heavily and it feels nice. I wash dishes, sweep the floor, vacuum the carpets, fold the clothes, cook, hang up clothes to dry, pick them up later, cleaning up the bathroom and toilet (I have separate rooms so that is extra work for me), and I sweep the lawn (which is the most tedious work for me and most energy consuming). If I want to mention all the exercise I do here, maybe it would be endless. Lol. So maybe that's why I don't exercise with a dvd. By the time I finish all the chores I would be so tired already. Have a nice day, friend!
• United States
2 Aug 07
Household chores burn more calories than most workouts do. 1 hour of vacuming I believe burned somewhere around 650-800 calories. I can understand being tired after all of that work. If I did all that everyday I'm sure I'd be in shape fast, lol.
• India
3 Aug 07
I prefer yogasana as my exersice which involves breahing exersice(pranayama) thats it ..
• United States
2 Aug 07
Actually, i'm a member of a woman's gym called Curves. i don't know if they have such a place in your area, but i really love it! All the machines are on hydrolics, so you get out of them what you put into them, but regardless you are getting resistance and a good workout. Not only do you get a good workout, but everyone ther eis great from the ladies who work there to the ladies who workout there. They all encourage you and nobody judges anyone else.
• United States
3 Aug 07
We have a Curves, a friend and I were going to join last year and then our jobs got hectic and we just didn't do it. Once I can afford to I'd love to join.
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
3 Aug 07
I don't go to the gym, I just do some sit-ups at home and I walk around outside daily. This kind of exercise suits me because I don't get tired easily doing this.
• United States
2 Aug 07
My son and I walk in the evening, plus we have an exercise ball and some small work out equipment that we use. Walking is the biggest thing, but we also take turns riding our exercise bike in the evening to. We don't have a scheduled routine at all, but we try to get the exercise to control our weight and it makes us both feel more energized.
• United States
3 Aug 07
How's that exercise ball working for you? Do you do it to a dvd or just on your own? I thought about getting one, I've heard it's great streagnth training.
• Canada
3 Aug 07
I don't have too much time to work out, or at least I have poor time management as all my gym teachers like to say, but I still try to walk as much as possible at an elevated pace. I also try taking the stairs more often. It is not always easy, and I wish I could plan my time better, but I do what I can and I try my best...
@Leon35 (35)
• Philippines
3 Aug 07
I ride my bicycle for about 3 hours once a week, I rope jump for 5 minutes, 5 times a week, work out with dumbells 3 times a week. Always do stretching before working out. I also have Billy Blanks Tae-Bo, but I just get Ideas I do impromptu I have prior background with martial arts.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
2 Aug 07
Well I have something that is called metabolic syndrome which makes it easy for me to gain weight but hard to lose it. So I have a ps2 (play station 2) and there is this game called ddr(Dance Dance Revolution)and it comes with a dance pad and so I try to do that for an hour at least twice a week and then I have a tread mill in my home which I try to do as often as possible. Hope you get back into the swing..
• United States
2 Aug 07
Thanks. I can understand weight being easy to gain but hard to loose, I took steroids all my life for my asthma and so they've made me gain weight but make it hard to loose. I've heard of that game, is it fun?
@sharkee (64)
• China
2 Aug 07
I don't workout at all, but that's only because my basal metabolism is quite fast (heredity). I do occasionally feel like doing some exercise and when that happens I either go jogging or I roller blade early in the morning. I stopped jogging when I heard it's not good for your connective tissues. I think walking is the best thing to do. It's also very easy! Just walk (fast) a bit everyday. What helps a lot to is to run when you have to get somewhere in your house lol like from your bedroom to the kitchen or to the bathroom. I hear that helps a bit too.
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Aug 07
I don't have free time to go to do exercises in a gym. However, I still have some exercises daily. Everyday I go to work on foot or by bike. So I am already doing my exercises on the way:)
• United States
2 Aug 07
I just run. I have a treadmill at home and I get on it start running while i'm listening to my ipod. I also have not worked out in a month which is sad because I love to run and workout but things have come up and i'm feeling kind of lazy.
• Philippines
2 Aug 07
Exercise is good to our health, every morning i do walking around our subdivision, then when I'm home i use dance revo, its really nice because in just three levels i my sweats are heavy already.... And you can really feel that the feeling is great....