What does ISLAM means???????
By humza_abrar
@humza_abrar (94)
August 2, 2007 3:53pm CST
"What does ISLAM means" This is a common question asked by people who are new to Islam.
LSLAM MEANS PEACE. Yes! Islam really means peace. It has also been spiritually proven by the people who have newly accepted Islam. They say that the religion which they have accepted before Islam did not satisfied their spiritual and mental feeling but by accepting Islam no confusion and misunderstandings occured instead there questions about Islam got revelant and logical answers and they got believe in one and only ALLAH.
Do you also have some questions related to Islam? Are you a muslim or are you interested in being one??? Write your reveiws.
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7 responses
@vivienna (582)
• Venezuela
3 Aug 07
Islam means "submission", and muslim consequently means "he who submits". Submits to whom? To God. That submission to God means peace, I will not doubt. Islam is a straightforward belief, easy to understand and easy to practice, that's why so many people in Africa and Asia went over to Islam.
But I doubt that Islam can fulfill the spiritual needs of persons who seek relationship with God. Allah is very much like the Old Testament God, He who is above. But Old Testament is only a shadow of the things that came, when God himself was born in human form and lived among us. When Muhammad stayed in Damascus, he learned very much from the followers of Judaism and Christianity, but those Christians (and many Jews, also) represented mostly the heretical currents and sectarian doctrines that grew so abundant in the East. This is reflected in what the Qur'an teaches about Jesus Christ.
I appreciate Islam as the sincere belief of millons and millons of persons that want to live a life according to God's will and consider that the comparatively few ones who use violence as means of expressing their belief, do not represent neither Islam nor the muslim community. Testimony of it gives a millenarian history of peaceful Islamic societies, where Muslims, Jews and Christians lived together, creating impressive cultures and models of tolerance.
But I will not abandon my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, God who came to be with us, nor the Holy Spirit, God who came to dwell within us, both of whom are the way to God, the Father above us.
@humza_abrar (94)
• Pakistan
3 Aug 07
Look! I really am fully in favour with your feelings but the truth can never be changed!! ALLAH does't had,have or will have any daughters, sons, wives, friends, or partners!! Hazrat ISA whom you call Jeasus was a Prophet of ALLAH as the Holly Prophet(peace be upon him)and all before him!! ALLAH gave differnt miracles to His Different apostals(Prophets) but it doesn't means that we start worshiping them???!!! What Hazrat ISA did were all the miracles givn to him by ALLAH!! just to attract people towards the true religion! Thats it! It didn't meant that we start worshiping Hazrat ISA!!
The Holly Prophet was also given many miracles which even included splitting the moon into two halves!!
Since the beginning of creation, ALLAH has sent guidence for mankind through His selected people known as prophets or messengers. Beleif in prophets forms the fourth ingredient of faith.
The islamic concept of the role and function of prophethod is differant from that of the other religions. In Islam, the word prophet(Nabi) denotes one who is very near to ALLAH through the total surrender of his entire being to Him and who receives revelations from Him which serves as a source of guidace for men. If the revelation is in the form of scripture, the prophrt is, in addition, a messenger(Rasool) as well.
ALLAH sent prophets to mankind from amongst themselves for their guidace and reformation because a man can best serve as an example nd a guide for his own race. The message could have been conveyed by the angels, but they belong to a different class of beings and cannot serve as models for men. ALLAH says:"..........If there were settled on earth, Angels walking about in peace and quite, we should certainly have sent them down from the heavens and angel for a messenger."
All the prophets who preceeded Hazrat Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him) were sent with the messege of warning and guidance to a particular people. None of their messeges was entended to be universal, until the last nessenger, Hazrat Muhammad(peace Be Upon Him) was entrusted with the final and complete guidance for the whole of humanity for all times to comes.
ALLAH sent a warner and guide to every nation and it mentions the names of many of them.At the beginning of the line was Hazrat Adam, who was also the first human being.ALLAH bestowed prophethood on him and gave him guiodance for himself and decendants. The human beings on earth were true beleivers in one ALLAH, who submitted to His guidance. But, gradually over a period of time, they became idolaters, until ALLAH raised a new messenger from amongst them to recall them to the truth. The Holy Quran mentions Hazrat Nuh, who bought a mesage of warning to his peoples. They refused to listen snd were destroyed by a flood. The next major prophet whos history is narrated in the Quran is Hazrat Ibrahim. Although he grew up among idolators, he surrended himself to ALLAH with such total submission that ALLAH made him an example for people of all times. From Hazrat Ibrahim came a long line of prophets through his two sons - Hazrat Ismail and Hazrat Ishaq. From Hazrat Ishaq a number of prophets came which included Hazrat Yaqoob, Hazrat Yusaf, Hazrat Musa(moses), Hazrat Daud, Hazrat Sulaiman, Hazrat Yahya and Hazrat Isa. Hazrat Ismail was the ancestor of the Arabs and Hazrat Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him)among his decendants.
The Holy Quran proclaims that Hazrat Muhammad(Peace Be UPon Him) is the last messenger of ALLAH, 'The seal of the prophets.' He was born in Makkah. Arabia. Nearly 600 years after Hazrat Isa. It was the time when the Arabs practiced idolatry and the society was in a state of extreme cruption and decay.
I think now your misunderstanding about God and Prophets
has hopefully came to an end. If you have more questions or doubts you feel free to contact me.
@sunnythakkar (293)
• India
2 Aug 07
if islam really means peace then why are all terrorists always muslims and followers of islam??

@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
11 Aug 07
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Aug 07
the terrorists arent all muslim. what about the terrorists in africa? they were christian. its the same as saying all black africans are criminals. or all germans hate jews. its stereotyping.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
3 Aug 07
Lets keep thing here factual. The word Islam does not mean peace. The word Islam means submission.
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@humza_abrar (94)
• Pakistan
3 Aug 07
man! if you really visit different sites or read different books about islam then you will definitly come to know what exactly islam means and let me tell you that i'm a muslim and therefore knows more!!! by the way thanks for your reply and do keep replying!!
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
2 Aug 07
i am Christian, but i am glad you love your religion. i think the people who kill in allah's name are in the minority and they give other true muslims a bad name. stereotyping is evil.
@humza_abrar (94)
• Pakistan
3 Aug 07
than you for giving such a sweet reply. but i also want some questions comimgn up from you!! ask questions from me and i will definitly answering them.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
3 Aug 07
no questions. i know a lot about islam. i have studied most of the major religions. my sister even lives in saudi arabia.
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@humza_abrar (94)
• Pakistan
3 Aug 07
if you know alot about islam then why didn't you accepted islam till yet?? Please tell!!

@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Islam means submission, not peace. If Islam is peaceful than why is it involved in most of the war, suffering and unrest in the world? In my opinion Islam is a cult that enslaves the minds and hearts of it's followers.
Why anyone would worship Muhammad who molested a child is beyond me.
@humza_abrar (94)
• Pakistan
15 Aug 07
my i know y did you say that! first tell me which religion are you from??