Is marriage for you and would you do it agian if the first time failed?

United States
August 2, 2007 4:43pm CST
Hi everyone I pose the questions is marriage for you? Plus I want to know if you have been married and gotten divorced would you risk getting married agian? I have been seperated from my husband for 7 yrs and am currently in a relationship and trying to put together the money for a divorce..My other half that I'm currently with wants to get married ..We have been together for about 6 yrs now...I'm kinda gun shy about it though. I want sometime to think about marriage. I'm afriad that if we get married thinkgs are going to change that I don't want to change. Our relationship works for me the way it is, I'm really terrified to change it. I've explained this and he keeps reassuring me that things will be fine and nothing will change..But I have a nagging feeling it will. So I'm asking you guys Is marriage for you and if you have had a failed marriage would you go and do it agian?
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15 responses
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
2 Aug 07
This is a somewhat unusual situation because usually it is the woman who is pushing for a marriage, not the man. I personally like being married and have been married about 40 years. If your question had come up say 20 years ago, then I would have said, sure, I would risk it again. Now I don't think so, because unless you are planning to have children together, I don't see any valid reason to have to marry, unless one person or the other hopes to achieve financial gain from the other. I have great respect for nagging feelings, too, and think that they should be respected. It is plain to see why a new partner would be eager for you to go ahead and divorce the other fellow, but am curious as to why he would want you to hurry up and remarry. Do you live in a community where just living together is frowned upon, or where it would negatively impact his opportunity to advance in his career? There must be some reason why he wants to marry you. If it is a good enough reason, then why not? But if it is a self-serving reason, that will be hard to explain. The answer to your question seems to me to be the same answer given to the question as to the best way to solve a crime...Follow the money.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
4 Aug 07
In this situation, then, I would want to take whatever action seemed best for the children, as they are approaching an age where they most need stability. Good luck to you whatever you decide to do.
• United States
3 Aug 07
unfortunately I just don't know we have been happy for approx 6 yrs with our situation we have two kids and to be honest it won't help finacially if we get married and his career is not one that marriage would have an effect on it and we have been in the same community that has many others that aren't married and are living together and have kids. It's sort of the norm where I live.. To be honest I don't know if the reason is self serving. And if I follow the money it would lead to me.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
2 Aug 07
I was married for six years and then divorced. I re-married a few years later. I admit it might not have been the best thing for me to do, but I had children and needed a stable home. I also believe God has a plan for us all and brought me and my current husband together for a reason. We were both forced to make changes that have benefited our lives and our family. However, I do think that after being in one marriage you have to analyze that first marriage and figure out what went wrong to ensure it isn't likely to happen again. My first husband was abusive. I know I would never EVER let a guy treat me like that again. My now-husband got really mad at me and in my face once and I warned him not to lay a finger on me. That was back when he was drinking a lot. And this is the mistake I have made twice - marrying drinkers. If this marriage were not to make it, I would have to make pretty darn sure I didn't make the same mistake again. Now that I am older, more mature, have experienced a lot more, I believe I know how I would go about finding the right mate the next time around (if there were a next time). But like I said, I believe God brought us together for a reason and this marriage will not end. And before you ask if I thought God brought me and my first husband together for a reason I will tell you "NO!". There were several attempts made by a higher power to prevent us from getting married and I just didn't listen. I was young and immature. I know better now.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
3 Aug 07
I was young and immature. The violence and drinking were there before we got married. They did escalate as the marriage wore on but I should never have married him. I kept thinking he would change. Things do change between couples after they get married. For one thing, the honeymoon stage doesn't last forever. But sometimes they change for the better. Think positively but think smart. Good luck!
• United States
2 Aug 07
See I understand where you are coming from. The marriage I was in was abusive also and to be honest when we first started out the realtionship was great, then he went into the army and he came out a changed man.. Things got worse and he started getting physically violent. I gues a big portion of my fear is that things will change or get worse once that ring is on my finger.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
2 Aug 07
I thought marriage wasn't for me for a long time, and I still think that marriage to anyone that wasn't willing to make their own vows and create a unique marriage isn't for me. The only way my partner talked me into marrying him was by telling me that our marriage would be its own thing, and therefore not affected by or related to anything marriage had been before or had been misused for. So while I won't say I wouldn't get married again if this one didn't work out, I will say that I would have to find someone else who had the same opinion about relationship as I do, and that believed in creating your own rules for your marriage instead of being part of the "institution of marriage", which after all has a pretty bloody track record.
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• United States
2 Aug 07
Thank you for your response.. I will be thining about what you said. Becuase I haven't even thought of what the vows might be like or what I would say.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
3 Aug 07
No, I really do not think I will be able to marry again. I got married at the age of 17, and stayed married for 21 yearsI thought we were in love, but I was really to young to know what love was all about.He was very insecure and moved me 1,000 miles away from my family, I missed them so very much. We finally had 2 children,we both had good jobs here in Arkasas, so now I am stuck here.I have been divrced for over 17 years, been in 2 long term relationships, the first was very abusive, he too was insecure and jealous,overbearing.I got out of this relationship 9 years ago. The partner I am now with is very nice, but I do not think I can ever really trust a man enough to say "I do " again.I see no need in getting married, my children are grown, I want no more.I do not even think I want to live with a man again.Everytime a man was pushing me into marrying him, it was for his benifit.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I too find dating and living together just fine for me. I do not thinke I could take that plunge again either, but I am 55 years old, and been through so many bad relationships too. A therapist may be able to help you, I wish you luck, but to me they are very expensive friends..I have been to them before and they really did not help me any more than my friends could.
• United States
4 Aug 07
yep therapists are very expenseive aquantainces since you never seen them out of the office..HE HE.. But sometimes it helps ... Not just for everyone though. I would at least like to try it to say to myself I went through every possible avenue ... If I'm nothing at least I'm thorough. Or rather my other half would say that is my OCD issues.
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• United States
3 Aug 07
I understand completely how you feel... I have been so broken in relationships that i find dating and living together just fine but don't know if I can take that very final step of marriage.. I have been thinking of seeing a therapist to get beyond this issue and have yet to find one that I want to go to..
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3 Aug 07
Marriage is honourable. The fact that the first one failed does not necessarily mean that the next one will fail too. Please you will be happier and more respected if you get married again just cast-away fear and the past.
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• United States
4 Aug 07
Marriage may be honorable but wether I marry or not should not measure the amount of respect that I receive. I have earned respect and am respected for my belief and values and how I treat people not by me being married or not. I do not know what customes or where you come from. But in the United States people are not frowned upon for not being married they are not less respected either. The respect I have gained is by the way I carry myself and how I respect others who deserve respect. As for I will be happier being married I would not know I would have to try it aagian. But I can say you may be right for some people a second marriage does not necessarily fail. Thank you for your response.
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@kc4144 (34)
• Mexico
3 Aug 07
I mean you just give yourself a second chance, and maybe if you follow your heart, you´ll find the love and hapiness you were looking for. : )
• United States
4 Aug 07
thank you I hope your right:-)
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• United States
3 Aug 07
Marriage is not for everyone. I am married, and it's good for me. I was divorced and remarried. But, at this age, if I outlived my husband of 30 years, marriage is something I would not consider, evern though I had a wonderful marriage. You must go with your own feelings, and not fears. Good luck sugar.
• United States
4 Aug 07
Thank you so much I really do have to look at my feelings and not so much my fears but I also have to find a way to solice my fears and help them dissapate. Thank you for your views.
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• Malaysia
3 Aug 07
It depends. If I have found a very good guy, and I believe he is not an imposter, I would definitely marry him. Having a relationship for six years already, I am sure you have spotted his weaknesses, know his true color inside and out. But if you think that he will change after the marriage, maybe you should give your thought a consideration. There must be a reason why you feel this guy will change. So believe in what your heart says. However if you are not sure, you can test him. Test him in the areas that you feel he will change, or show his true color. By doing this, you can settle your worry about him changing after marriage. For example you can test him on a real life situation, such as if you are sick, what would he do? Would he be willing to take a day off from work just to send you to the clinic. Or is he willing to prepare a bowl of hot soup for you to eat if you are not well? Think the areas that you want most to test him.
• United States
4 Aug 07
That is a great idea to test a dry run. I will have to do this I hope the outcome surprises me in a good way.
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@jothis (518)
• India
3 Aug 07
When we get failed in examinations, defenitely we will try next time to pass it out. But in the case of life we have to take more important to take a secaond step. Try to understand the person whom you are like to marry. Tell him and try to belive him what you are expecting from that person and keep update all the problems and view points so that he can also deside whether it is necessary ornot. Mind you the second one should be long lasting.
• United States
4 Aug 07
Yes the second marriage should be long lasting but not always is it.I would hope after my first mistakes i would realize what i want the second time aroung but sometimes we don't I just don't want to end up the same way I was before.
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@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
3 Aug 07
Well, I've never been married or divorced so my opinion is still very idealistic. Yes, it is for me. I don't require it of myself, but I'm certainly open to the possibility. I can't imagine being in love and not thinking about marrying that person. I always think about marriage whenever I'm in love.
• United States
4 Aug 07
how i would love to go back to your way of thinking it would be wonderful.. thank you for showing me the hope of the young..
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• Australia
3 Aug 07
I am still a full time student, still young and am not married yet. So at the moment, I don't see why not. But the perception that I can gather is that most people in a failed marriage, they don't want to ever get married again due to the fear that it will happen again. I think it is best to listen to your heart and do what you think is best for both yourself and your partner. After all, there are some cases of couples living happily without ever being married, and even having children along the way. Just as well, there are cases where people have lived happily lives even after being in a few different marriages. If you and your partner are really getting along well, and everything is going well, then being marriage shouldn't change much at all. It is not a sign to be more responsible or change your lifestyle. It should always and already by happening.
• United States
4 Aug 07
thank you for your view point it gives me something to think about.
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• Indonesia
6 Aug 07
Btw, do think marriage will change a relationship? Well, yes it will be come attached to each other. But actually what changes the relationship is not the marriage, but how you run it, how you strengthen it. You can also ruin a relationship without marriage if you dont know how to amnage it also. If you can manage your relationship in your marriage, I think you will be the happiest person to be. But if you cant do that, so it will be the same as first one. You have to learn from you failure marriage before, so it wont happen again in the future. If you feel not ready to do it, just give time until you are ready and sure. Coz I will do the same thing as well.
@chnworld (149)
• India
2 Aug 07
Marriage is always based upon mutual understanding..If the proper understanding is not there, then there comes the if you want to for another marriage after a break whats the issue..there is no harm in it but again you have to know the person very well before getting married
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• United States
2 Aug 07
I agree that marriage should be based on mutual understanding and that you should truly know the person before you got married. I have made that mistake before.
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• China
3 Aug 07
I haven't married because i am still a student,but i know that the one you want to marry should be your love.Don't be afraid to marry again as long as your love him or her.It is a way to be responsible of yourself. Be brave! Best wishes!
• United States
4 Aug 07
Love is part of marriage yes but it doesn't solve everything I did love my first husband but like i said it doesn't solve anything.
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@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
11 Feb 08
Right now I could not say if I will marry again. Because I am very much married for almost 6 years now. And I am happy and contented the way my married life is going. I will just cross the bridge when I get there.