I have a deep question, and please, NO HEATED DEBATES! Religious beliefs please
By Jennifer21
@Jennifer21 (2476)
United States
August 2, 2007 9:21pm CST
It is a question about religion.
I have been on mylot for along time now, and I have come to notice this, that alot or people start up debates over other's religions.
For instanse, I was called evil for my magickal practices within the Pagan religion.
I have noticed alot of Christians, or I seem to think they are Christians, because they talk of the bible (NOT all of them, just quite a few) whom seem to be so stuck in their belief system that they cannot have an open mind to others religions.
They seem to think their way is the only way, and everybody else whom believes differently is evil and is going straight to 'Hell.'
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but not hatefully, I'm truly interested.
I'm not even going to get into how Christmas actually originated.
But every Pagan I have come accross, along with myself, have very open minds, and do not disbelieve any religion.
Me personally, I believe in all religions.
I mean, if they truly believe in it, how can it be wrong?
But I choose to follow what suits me the best, and what I feel most confortable in, Paganism.
So my questions are:
Do you have an open mind to others religions, or if someone doesn't follow your path, do you think they are condemned to 'Hell?'
If so, why?
Also, are Pagans the only ones with open minds to others religions?
Or are there people from other religions whom do not disbelieve in any other religion different from their own?
Please answer my questions un-hatefully.
Thank you in advance.
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24 responses
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
3 Aug 07
First of all, just because someone reads or believes in the bible, that does not mean they are a Christian. Second of all, if they are TRUE Christians, they would know that our God is the only judge and for a human(sinner) to judge another human is a sin.
Do I think that someone is going to Hell for not believing the way I do? Well, not necessarily. Like I was saying above. Who am I to judge. That is God's job.
Pagans are not the only ones with open minds. I try to be open minded even with it is difficult.
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@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
3 Aug 07
My hubby is Wiccan and the Wiccans believe you are to do what you will as long as you harm none. The harm none Rede practically requires tolerance.
I'm a Pagan. I've always been a Pagan in my heart, I have Pagan ancestry and relatives. It's a family inheritance in the blood.
I feel sad over intolerant ones of any belief system...but I think they'd be that way no matter what religion they were in. Intolerant and prejudiced people are just that as individuals and I don't think it's the religion, necessarily, that is to blame. My mother-in-law is highly biased, but she's a gossippy old hen, too...and the church she attends isn't to blame for her being the way she is. She's nasty to all of her daughter-in-laws, not just me. LOL
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@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
3 Aug 07
It is a shame that so many people still judge people on what their personal beliefs of religion on instead of the individual.This is another form of racism that has been around since the dawn of mankind.It goes back to our fears of being different;if you do not understand something,than beat it until it understands you.Won't it be a tremendous surprise to all when they do get to the "next plateau" to discover they may have been wrong?My main thought would be to let people live the way they want to as long as it only affects them.I will continue to believe in what I believe in and that can change as my knowledge changes.
@rinaaus (1201)
• Australia
3 Aug 07
Do you have an open mind to others religions, or if someone doesn't follow your path, do you think they are condemned to 'Hell?'
If so, why?
YES I DO. I celebrate all religion's festival that i know. My husband is hindu, I'm buddhist, my sisters are Christian, my parents do not follow any religions. So we are quite open mind to chose our religions, and accept other religions.
@nuttmeg (440)
• United States
3 Aug 07
Heh, very true about many Chrisitian beliefs or superstitions stemming from old Pagan traditions, and not just Xmas. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about those who feel it necessary to judge your beliefs and call you evil for it. A good Christian might feel that the practice in itself is "evil" and may even trying to save you, but to call the one practicing it evil is just plain ignorance...not to mention "judging," which isn't supposed to be happening in the first place.
The Pagan religion is very open-minded in many ways by itself, from the prospect of working magick to practicing things that also stem from other religions and beliefs and so forth. I have never heard or read of anything from the religion putting down or judging another, while many other religions do just that. The Bible says many things are bad with different beliefs, as do other Books, so it's pretty well-stated that it's "not cool" as a whole and looked down upon.
Not sure if that helps, but I know I could on for hours about debating everything under the sun regarding the subject, so will shush for now doh.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Aug 07
Well, I'm a devout Catholic (yes attack me if you must people), and frankly, I don't see why so many people feel the need to judge other people by their religions. Somehow, I don't think telling people they are going to hell is going to make them like me more and join my religion. Call me crazy, but last time I checked it wasn't my job to determine who goes to hell, or exactly what warrants a trip to hell. For the record, I don't even believe in hell. I think it was made up as a way to scare children into behaving themselves.
Oh well. I don't want to go on too much, as it may end with me offending someone. I will say one more thing. Every group is judged by its worst specimen. Muslims are judged poorly due to terrorists, Mormons are judged poorly due to bigamists, Pagans are judged poorly due to the little goth kids, and as a Catholic nobody has to tell me what we get judged by. Every religion has good and bad people. Even if I believed in Hell I wouldn't assume that any particular religion was going there.
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
3 Aug 07
Wow hun..have you just been doing some life pondering have ya? lol..wellI was born methodist/christian..but even since i was young i always felt there was more to it..and just never went alog with the long readig and teaching of the book and whats expected of us..I do believe in God,Mother God,jesus..and i know they are theer for us..i kinda know why we are al here..and that to learn..but i also believ that there is NO ONE religion thats 100% right..I have many questions..and many more answers as i have been getting oilder..i wil not ever judge anyone ownreligion..as i hope the yrepect my beliefs..theer is way more to the world and the next than anyone of us..but we wont get those answers til we pass on..so until then..i say and do..live my life,raise my son,pray to my Gods at night and thank em for everything they did for us..and we pray fo rthose that just need a prayer..i dont know anythign about what pagans beleiev..and i will look it up someday..but they are j ust as nice,and free spirited as i am..and i have made many many new friends that are Pags..and i love them dearly..its not a religion that makes us..its who we are..and how we feel that does..did that make any sense at all? it sounded ok in my head lol..
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
7 Aug 07
I think I have an open mind regarding religions. I think that any system that recognized a higher power that interacts with them to make the world better is valid. I may not agree with what they believe and I have no problem with that. As long as their beliefs do no harm they deserve as much respect as any other.
Most of the pagans that I've know are kind people who love and care for the earth and it's children.
I believe their is one God and that being manifests to people in different ways. However we meet God it shapes or perspective of that being. But not everyone sees the same thing the same way. And that is good.
@LadyDulce (830)
• United States
17 Aug 07
Just a couple of things on that one. Hell was never intended for mankind; it was intended for Satan, formerly Lucifer, and the third of the heavenly host who followed him. Hell was already there when humans were created. And contrary to popular opinion, the devil and his angels won't be cast into the pit until the end of time. Satan was originally all that was good and beautiful. His first name, Lucifer, actually means Son of the Morning. He was one of God's trusted and favored, in charge of music I believe. Then he got arrogant and decided he wanted to be as great as God and managed to rustle up one third of the host in his favor. Then they were all banished and now roam down here until the time of their judgement. Biblical history is pretty fascinating; have you ever read the Torah?
Blessed Be
@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I grew up with out a religion. I converted over when I was a teen. I think every one has a right to their own belief. Who are we to judge them. We should all do what we feel is right and when we get where ever it is we go we will find out. Judge people by their acts.
@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I do not follow any religion. I have never been a religious person. I have attended church with my (very) Catholic grandmother twice and did not feel comfortable there. I did not understand the point of it (honestly, because it was not something I had experienced before) and I felt the preacher spoke about donations far too much. Actually, most of what he said regarded how they needed to spend more money on improvements for the church. It completely turned me off to attending church, although I realize that is not how they all are. I do not believe in God, to be honest. I know there are so many people who do and I just cannot even fathom the possibility of him/heaven/hell existing. Religion does not fit into my life at all. Most people respect that, but I have come across a few who refuse to believe that I will not change my mind and believe like them. It seems like a waste of time to try to convert others who clearly have no interest in it. That said, I am respectful of others' beliefs and have an open mind about them. I like learning about different religions.
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@cashfreek (66)
• India
3 Aug 07
wat i believe is-though i am money minded as my nick says- GOD is ONE.....we all are fools here we fighting over religions...i am hindu and i treat all religion as same,but 2day in this mean and cruel worls i came accross many ppls in orkut communities,forums and other places abusing gods,speaking against each other etc but i just pray to al mighty that plz forgive us.....its worst ya.....we should follow only humanity,tats our religion....live and let live...where is love in this world...huh...jennifer if some other religion fella spoke about ya,just dont reply.....god is seeing everyone....be sane and helping,u will be loves:)
@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
3 Aug 07
hey jennifer21!I've read some discussions regarding religion and some are positive but some are just negative.I believe there are many religions but there is only one God.
@mywholelot (29)
• Philippines
17 Aug 07
Hahahahahahaha Of course there's only one God, even the devil knows that.Now ,is there any difference between you and the devil? The question is what did you do with what you know? Did you try to learn some more about God? If you did, how? Surely the devil knows more about God than you do, that's why he's afraid and you're not. Knowing God just like what the majority of us does is not making any difference between us and the devil. Think about it.
@dannakatrina (110)
• Philippines
3 Aug 07
I am a devout Catholic and I also have an open mind. I have friends from others sects and it's fine with me.
Well, in Catholic view, magic/witchcraft/wizardry is really a no-no. Imagine even wanting to ban JK Rowling's Harry Potter in Catholic countries like here in the Philippines because it promotes the aforementioned things. The traditions and beliefs ofcourse is different and so the acceptance of those 'alien' things to them makes their eyebrows raise.
But for me, there's nothing wrong with those things as long as you know where to stop and when to respect other people who you think will be directly hit by the things you will do. We have a province here in the Philippines that promotes witchcraft and ancient settlers and their generations have passed on different kinds of magic but ofcourse not like the Avada Kedravra curse Voldemort uses. Some people here make potions of different sorts for different kinds of anything.
@mywholelot (29)
• Philippines
17 Aug 07
Please,devout catholics don't have open minds.If they have open minds they surely would have stop the practice of the traditions of men.That's why its called tradition because its based on nothing.These are products of folklores and are not doing the practitioners any good.On the contrary, its doing them more harm.What would you think or call a man who cuts down a tree, use it for firewood,cooks his food on that firewood and then carves an image out of the rest of it , then kneels down in front of that image and pray for something to happen? Think.think, think.
@onlinebiz (119)
• Singapore
3 Aug 07
Every religion has their own belief system nad we should respect them. In Singapore, we have 4 major religions, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity, we respect all of them, even as a Christian, I visit Chinese temples and offer joss sticks as sign of respect! I think all religions have their own place in the society, and they are not evil as long as they are unrelated to cults or Satan. Well, just a piece of my thought.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I am a Christian, and live for Jesus. His teachings are not to judge others. Before we remove the splinter from our brother's eyes, remove the log from our own. He also preaches of love, never judging. Because someone says that they are a Christian, doesn't mean they are walking in the Light. There is "religion" man made ways to worship God. And those people tend to believe that their way is the only way and are not open minded to other religions. Then there is "faith." A one on one with the Spirit of God. I am not God, so it is not up to me to pass a statement on this. There is so much controversy. I just love everyone the same, and accept them for who and what they are. God bless you dear. M&M
@vijigopi (991)
• United States
4 Aug 07
What you say is true. I had noticed that too, very much in this forum. I think it is because some religious books like Bible and Quran seem to insist that their's is the only true religion and people of other religions are sure to end up in Hell!! Those that believe their own religious book completely without thinking end up having an intolerant attitude. Personally, I think such persons wouldn't be believing that God(or whatever they call the Creator) is merciful or loving. They are frightened that if they don't worship Him, then God will make them suffer in Hell. What's the point of a merciful God or a loving God then, is what I don't understand. If there is a God like that, he wouldn't be a God in the first place.. He would just be a human with all perverted notions. God is supposed to be a perfect Being who has created everything in this Universe and there is nothing whatsoever that does not belong to Him. Thinking that people of one religion are dear to God and those of different religions are His enemies is clearly a thought arisen from an ignorant mind. Although there are Christians and Muslims who are quite tolerant, it is these intolerant fools that bring a bad name to the whole lot of them. Basically, I am a Hindu and one of Hindus most sacred texts - the Bhagavad Gita -expounds the equality of all paths to God(all religions that is to say) and makes it clear that whatever is the path that one chooses, God is revealed to him through that path.
Maybe it is this tolerance that attracts me towards Pagans. I have often wondered what I love in those Pagan discussions - the tolerance, the understanding that somebody can agree to disagree, many things, actually to be frank. And I must say that there are quite a few Christians too that I admire in this forum for their great thinking and tolerance.
@msjigga (864)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Hi Jennifer! Thanks for starting this discussion. I used to study Christianity. I was raised on Christian beliefs, but I always had questions and could never get answers. I agree alot of people claiming to be Christians spend entirely too much time judging others instead of working on improving themselves and their communities. I never believed in hell I always believed that heaven and hell are on earth. I can go on for days about my beliefs and disbeliefs but I am not going to. I cannot get mad at other peoples believes because that is what they believe and they are intitled to what they believe. Anyone could have writen any holy book that doesn't mean it is right it is just someones opinion. I wish that people would be more open minded to all religions and except people who have different beliefs. I am currently exploring Wicca.
@LadyDulce (830)
• United States
17 Aug 07
The reason so many Christians (and others for that matter) are very focused on the one way is b/c that's what the Bible teaches. Yeshua says "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one coes to the Father, except through Me." - John 14:6 (NKJV). I'm an interfaith Wiccan, but I was raised strictly Bapticostal, so I know where they're coming from. A lot of people cross the line from spreading the word to being pushy, which isn't what Yeshua intended. You don't have to take Communion or pray to the saints or cross yourself every time you enter a church as many would have you believe. You don't even have to go to church. Prayer can be as simple as meditation. I believe the closest place you can get to the Unnamed one is right smack dab in the middle of his creation; so I have nature-based rituals and ceremonies. Pagans have the right idea about a lot of things, which is why the original "followers of the Way" (they weren't called Christians for quite a while) borrowed so many concepts from them, including Christmas and Easter. People make things so much more complicated than they need to be.
Blessed Be
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
3 Aug 07
I was raised in the Anglican and United churches in a French Catholic Community. From an early age I began to see that there appeared to be many routes to God and no one church had all the answers. Thankfully I had a mother who taught me amazing lessons in accepting differences rather than judging them. My family of origin has genetic ties that include Scots, Welsh, British and Irish and my grandfather and Mother were very psychic. I grew up with a deep appreciation for the Oneness in all things and an abiding respect for creation. My mother pointed out that with all the creations we see...there is a Creator.
She also reminded me that even with the outer appearance of race, color, creed, gender...we all bleed the same color. She explained to me that as each person we see is a Spark of Divinity in action...and that within our human experience we are above all else spiritual beings. Thankfully with her loving acceptance of others I cannot believe that a Creator who gave us the right of free will would condemn any of the offsprings for choosing whatever path they decide to take.
Judgements are man-made perceptions...not those of an unconditionally loving Source that gave us the gift of life so we could grow, learn, change and express our unique essences in an eternal energetic life that cannot be destoyed. Energy is...energy does...energy is who and what we are. Who cares what religion we choose...as long as it allows us to become as unconditionally loving and accepting as Creator?
With enough love all our human rights issues could be resolved...if only we could love and respect each other as much as ourselves...it is the Great Law of most religions. Too bad those who are so caught up in the rightness of their bigoted convictions forget that one true tenament.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
4 Aug 07
Yes I have an open mind to religion. Religion is a leap of faith that you believe that something you can not see. I am a luthren and have read into the wiccan beliefs ..I have a strange belief system myself.. I also believe that it is not up for us to judge any person ... God didn't want us to judge because he himself will judge us on how our behavior here was. The funny thing is my belief is how do we know that the monk and priests who translated the texts didn't translate it for their benefit or at the time the benefit of the church. Who are we to say that only one religion is right? We do not have that power.. I believe that there is a higher power (god) who created everything because heck i just don;t buy into that evolution bull. But I believe that god comes to us in what were are most likely to accept and believe our selves... Have you ever wonder why their are so many religions? And why every culture has a religion? who are we to judge .. we are no one .. we shoulld not judge anything. We are here to prove we are good and kind souls and that we treat others as we want to be treated. We should not cast the first stone into the pool. I want to be judged by who I am and what i've become not by saying or casting judgement on others. How can anyone say anything about any religion that they themselves haven't studied to be begin with and they know nothing of how the religion works. As a wiccan you believe that if you put out good energy it comes back three fold and if you do wrong it comes back three fold. and to none ye harm. blessed be .. I hope that you see that there aren't alot of narrow minded people out there and that there are many that will respect your decision to chose what ever religion or belief set that you want. I wish you well..