why wives have to add their husband's surname??
By aissha
@aissha (2036)
August 3, 2007 1:29am CST
for legal purposes even i hv taken my husband's surname and i hv not much objection to it though while introducing i just say my first name not even add mrs to i as my daughter always by my side and sindoor always made ita unerstood that i'm married and so i'm okay with that,i wanna know why not husbands add their wives surname ,why this not a convention ,please this is just discussion and so name calling or anything ,and come up with ur opinion,thnx
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13 responses

@Lackingstyle (7509)
3 Aug 07
It is exciting the propect of a 'new name' it is like a new hairstyle, only more lasting of course, but can inspire a change of self.

@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
6 Aug 07
Actually these days, it's already legal in our country for a woman to use her own surname if she wanted to. So there's no fuss anymore about the reason why wives need to have their husband's surname.
But I believe the use of the husband's surname started long ago when the women really didn't have their place in society. They needed to be associated with their husbands because the men wore the pants. *LOL*
Sadly, it really meant that the husband had 'ownership' of the wife. But I don't think it meant that way, because people of before were really proud to be a wife of someone.
Honestly, when I get married, I'd want to use my husband's surname, regardless our status (even if I'd have a greater status than his). I don't know, maybe it's the conservative and traditional 'me' talking. :)
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
6 Aug 07
I think yeah you're right about it being habitual. I guess old habits die hard. But not all habits are bad.
I always recall my mother saying that the key to a good marriage is a wife who knows how to handle the family, know how to deal with things and above all a wife who knows how to submit. I know submission no longer exists in the dictionary of women today, but I think that's the main cause why people have broken marriages. Neither the man nor the woman listens anymore, and both think they're right. But mom always tells me that that is the secret. The woman have to submit because she is the only one strong enough to endure life (she's built for that) plus she needs to be both strong and gentle for her kids.
I know those statements could create much debate with womens group, but sometimes I agree that too much equality caused the marriages to break.
Just my cents.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
4 Aug 07
Because in the past, and in some cultures still today, the man is seen as the head of the household and the "ruler" of the marriage. It would be degrading for the "ruler" to take his wife's name, as she is the one who is supposed to submit to him, not he to her.
Of course, I think submission to your husband is crap anyway, but I took his name because it's tradition and because I respect him. I wanted us to become one family with the same name, and I would want our children to have his name, so why wouldn't I want to have his name, too?
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
4 Aug 07
It is in our culture too. I must admit I was sad to give up my name but at that time it was the custom. Now where I live in Canada in the Province of Ontario you have a choise to keep your name or take your husband's. My dauthter in law kept her own name. Their child has the father's name. I don't see a conflict.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
4 Aug 07
As I have learned, women are to take their husband's surnames as a sign of "submission." That women will serve their husband, be a good mother and a good wife. I believe this was also based beyond the story of "Adam and Eve," that it was Eve who tempted Adam to bite the forbidden fruit!;)
@viollet_ry (968)
• Indonesia
6 Aug 07
I think this is becoz all generation will follow their dads' line. Thats why it is like that. Maybe I can give you reason why I said that. There are race in my country which the generations follow the mothers line and for that all of them use wifes' surname.
@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
3 Aug 07
It happened that way actually by nature and next comes the laws.
Only one's called mother knows their infant belongs to which father. In the olden days there was no such thing as DNA test or something like that for distinguishing or determination.
So you just think, what is going to happen if a husband add his wife's surname to his name? The parental issue will come next..
@Lackingstyle (7509)
3 Aug 07
I wouldn’t of thought it would be ‘law’ in any country, you search enough and you’ll find men who have taken their wives name, or a couple who have collectively kept each others name. Though the ‘scorn’ of society sometimes is far harsher than ‘law’.
Just because it is the ’done’ thing doesn’t prevent anyone from doing something different.
‘Tradition’ dictates it, however whoever started the trend clearly wasn’t thinking correctly. I know you said children aren’t an issue, though in terms of the family name they are. There is only one variable in the conception of children and that is the father, genealogy is often talked about these days, and no line can be 100% because it is based on the male line (most of the time) as the name doesn’t change, adultery isn’t a modern day idea.
@aissha (2036)
• India
3 Aug 07
hi there this is the most thoughtful answer i have recieved ,first of all i have no idea a man keeping his wife's name ,i mean i hv never heard of such incident and for those men i have utmost respect,and in my views it is manly behaviour not a henpecked behaviour ,now coming to the point i hv no objection to have a family name like my father's name because i have got his genes ,but why i should keep my husband's name ,any logic except for tradition doesn't seem logical,in the mean while i'd like u to be my friend ,i hope u accept ,anyways thnx for response.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
3 Aug 07
I suppose in many countries this custom evolved by tradition. I live in Canada and when I got married I took my husband's surname and dropped my own surname. I would have liked to keep it but at that time "this was not done". Now the laws have changed. In the province of Quebec a wife is no longer allowed to change her name for official purposes, driver's licence, passport, health card, employment. All those have to stay in her maiden name. In social circumstances she can call herself Mrs. Myhusbandsname. The children usually get the husband's surname. In the province of Ontario a wife may or may not take the husband's name. When my son got married his wife chose to keep her own name and after the marriage ceremony the judge or priest says:May I present as husband and wife:
Susan Smith and John May.
Many people also combine the two names and call themselves
Mr.and Mrs. Smith-May.
The children usually take the fathers name, or the double name.
My personal opinion is that it should be a choice.
@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
3 Aug 07
In my country, women marry adding their husband's surname after theirs, but they add the word "de" before it. Maria Perez would become Maria Perez de Rodriguez when she married somebody with that surname. I object to the word "de" as it really means "of", as if the woman belonged to the man! As far as I am concerned if a woman belongs to anybody, it should be to her parents, but not her husband! For things official I must use the "de" surname, but people always call me Mrs and then use my maiden's surname, when the only one with that surname was my mother, not me!
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
6 Aug 07
It's because at some point history (and still in some places I suppose) women were viewed basically as property. So you take your husband's name to show that you belong to him. =p
Actually I've heard a lot of different reasons for why the woman takes the husband's name, but none of them really explained why it couldn't work the other way. I think honestly it does just come from the fact that for the most part the world has been male-dominated.
Is it necessary in your country to take your husband's name, or is it just considered traditional? Where I live there's no law that you have to change your name at all when you get married, and I didn't change mine, though my husband didn't change his either, and our son has my husband's last name.
@trk918 (254)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I knew a couple that combined both of their last names and both took that name. They worked well together as some would not. I also know people that don't take their husbands last name at all. It is an interesting question. I had never thought much about it.
@sudhajosyula50 (3808)
• India
3 Aug 07
It is basically our tradition.It is coming from our ancient person.In past the culture is different,that means men should work and women should stay at home.Like now women doesnot have that much knowledge what men has.They thought it is correct.So, they made the surname to change after marriage.Now a days women are also studying they are so much aware of what men has.But eventhough it is the case coming to the security point of view, a lady should be fully protected under a men i think.I dont know till what extent it is correct.Sometimes i also feel like u.
In this world,eventhough people are changed the culture of this kind is not changed
Let us hope the culture will also changed as u think.
@bagavath5 (15)
• India
3 Aug 07
itz our tradition n to be more precise itz our culture!!!
hope thrz nothin wrong in it! b4 marriage yo hav de name of yur dad as surname but after marriage it changes n thrz nothin wrong!Some do change their name but som dont! actually speakin itz thier own wish n none has rights to interfere!itz ma view!