Chinese show Buddists who is BOSS!
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
United States
August 3, 2007 8:04am CST
There are sects of Buddism which believe in reincarnation. However, those Buddists who live in territory controlled by the Chinese communists now going to have to apply for a permit in order to be reincarnated!
Don't believe it? Click this link.,25197,22183463-1702,00.html
This is what happens when you don't have freedom of religion and / or avowed atheists running the government.
Do you suppose they might next require believers in religious magic or religious superstition to register so as to be better regulated for the protection of society?
Could religious people then be declared emotionally unstable, mentally ill, and persons who should be incarcerated for treatment?
Where do you think the Chinese communists are going with this requirment that Buddists must register for reincarnation? Is it a good or a bad idea?
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3 responses
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
3 Aug 07
Well, only the Buddhist clergy (living Buddhas) have to register to be "reincarnated". Everyone else can reincarnate as they will. This appears to be an attempt to control the clergy.
"Do you suppose they might next require believers in religious magic or religious superstition to register so as to be better regulated for the protection of society?" I think they already do keep listings of the members of different religions. I know this is true of the Christians who attend "church services" there. I have a niece who was a missionary in China for almost 2 years and the government kept a listing of all "church memebers".
"Could religious people then be declared emotionally unstable, mentally ill, and persons who should be incarcerated for treatment?" Many of them ARE emotionally unstable and mentally ill and do end up incarcerated for treatment; even in the US. We had a case just a few days ago where a man was choking a small girl to perform a "religious exorcism". (I do not remember if she survived or not.) But, there is a point where religious people do become a danger to others BECAUSE of thier religious beliefs. Once they reach that point, they have to be locked up to protect others.
Back to the new law in China regarding the Buddhists - I really do not know all of the details, the article did not contain enough information. 1) They cannot prevent the reincarnation from taking place. 2) They can seize the "reincarnations" when they are declared and prevent them from having contact with outher Buddhists. 3) This law only appears to apply to Buddhists in Tibet. IF the "living Buddhas" were to leave Tibet and establish new monasteries on other countries China would no longer have any control over them anyway.
We have plenty of mountain tops here in North and South America - so let's invite them over here to the "New World".
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I'll go ahead and predict that the leader of the Tibetan Buddists will declare that any Buddist clergy who registers can not possibly be an authetic living Budha. It's what I'd do.
As to the other points you make regarding religion and the people who practice it, I certainly do not disagree.
It has been known as a fact for decades now that the percentage of people claiming to be religious is higher in prisons and mental institutions than in the general public.
Thank you for your insight on the article.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
3 Aug 07
hmm yes, communism is not good when the idea of "no religion is allowed" is passed through private sectors.
however, religion is not good in government and public sectors either, as we saw when the hindu guy was praying in the senate.
religion should be allowed in private sectors..
i personaly think that communist like to abolish the idea of god because they dont like the competition, on the other hand, republicans are supposidly with god..
you see how religion and god should not be in the government at all?
it should be in the private sector only.. .
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I think most rational, objective people agree that God and religion should not be a part of government. One only has to look at past results of when God or religion become a major part of government to know God and / or religion should not be a part of government.
Religion as currently practiced by ALL the major religions is based in superstition, unsupported faith, and magic. Such irrational beliefs and practices should have absolutely nothing to do with governing anyone except those too foolish to figure out what is good for themselves.
There are good reasons to be honest, ethical, and a good steward of your body without having to be told so by religious authority pretending to have direct knowledge from God as to what's good for you.
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@r00tkiller (51)
• Macedonia
3 Aug 07
lol hard to believe the communism is getting worse and worse im living from former communist country i hate communists! i love democratist !
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
3 Aug 07
Yes, the communists are a power maddened lot. They do not even realize it, either. I'm of the opinion that if the Chinese ever through off communism there will be no stopping them from becoming the dominate world super power some day. Since, communism is bound to fall some day, I regard China as the almost preordained future world super power.
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