Should we be sorry he is dead.

August 3, 2007 8:33am CST
A week or so ago car bomber actact an airport in the uk, Today one of the car bomber died in hospital as a result of his actions. On the news there was so religious nut who said he was miss guided and the nation should offer our prayers. Not that i beleive in the power of prayer but if i did is he really deserving of our prayers.
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2 responses
3 Aug 07
No, we should be thankful he failed his plan. He always intended to die, but he intended to take with him the lives of innocent people. Misguided is when you bother with the wrong crowd when you are 14 and start smoking, he was delusional and evil, and deserves no one's sympathy. In fact i think we should be relieved that there is one less terrorist to worry about , although sadly i'm sure there will be another "misguided" idiot to take his place.
3 Aug 07
totally agree with you. I get so angry when people go on the news to defend thier actions. Saying he was impressionable and misguided. what ever happened to the word crazy its there for a reason its to describe idots like this. If it was left to me he wouldnt of even go to hospital. He intended on killing himself and others so why should tax payers foot the bill of trying to save him, plus if he was save tax payers would foot the bill of keeping him in prison. Im not knocking the police man who put him out but I would of left him running around the carpark on fire.
4 Aug 07
As I am not religious I would not offer this man anything. He chose to do this and obviously he knew he would die. What pisses me off is why they have to do this with the intent of killing innocent people who may be against all what is going on in the world today. Maybe if he had driven his car into Number 10 when Tony Blair was at home I may have gone to the hospital he was at and shook his hand!! The whole thing is a farce and we, who had no say in this are the ones who are suffering. I have no sympathy for this man, the same as anyone who choses to follow a bunch of cowards and sacrifice their lifes while their leaders remain fit and well. As long as there is religion and powermonger humans, this will never cease. I am glad I am an athiest and think with my brain and not through being controlled. I rejoiced when the cold war was over, but the USA had to find another threat and the stupid UK government has to follow and lick their ar$e without us having a say. The world is a messed up place!!