what is the actual cause of terrorism is it islam
By redrose88
@redrose88 (92)
2 responses
@roadrat (274)
• United States
3 Aug 07
most terrorists that are on our radar are islamic fundamentalist extreamists who interpret certain passages of islams bible as comandments to be carried out in the literal sense. islam may be largely a religion of peace, love and understanding but these guys stain its reputation with the blood of innocent lives by the actins of a misguided few.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I remeber growing up and hearing about terrorism, but islam was not involved. It was Catholics, you heard right another Cathlic bomb blowing up a disco where prodistens were gathering. Has everyone forgoten Irland? The real couse of Terrorism is not Religion, but HATE and intollorence for anyone who doesn't beleive the way they do. I am sure it will be know time at all untill we start hearing about Democratic terroest blowing up Republican Head Qurters, talk about a group of haters.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
8 Aug 07
Liston my brother, i call you brother becouse we are all the creation of the Creator. You are I take it Muslam, I am Christian. This is not a battle of religion but one of Ideology and polotics. If you are being told that American presidential canidates are talking about bombing Mecca or Medina, you are not being told the truth. The American people would not stand for such talk. I listen to all the canadates my freind and let me tell you none have sugested this. Let me tell you as an American what we are hearing. First we have two political parties, The Republicans, and the Dem,ocrats. All the democrat canadates are for pulling are troups out of Iraq now even though with our absence and the new Iraqi government not yet fully in power would certainly lead to a full out cival war and many thousands in Iraq killed becouse our troups are not there to keep the peace. Whether our troups sould be there are not in the first place is another thing that the democrats talk about. many of them were against us going after Sadam Husain. The Republicans on the other hand say It was neccery to go into Iraq becous Sadam was making wepons of mass destruction and had use them not only against the Iraninans but also against his own people and might let al-Quida"s Osama Ben Ladain get a hold of these wepons to kill tens of millions of people. They also say our presence in Iraq is needed untill the Iraqi Government and millitary is able to defend itself against any of its enamies. As far as attaking other muslam countries? they are not talking about doing so, even though Iran is almost daily thertening the United States and its allies. The american people are worried about Amadenajad but our main concern is China,North Koria and al-Quida. We dont wish to attack anyone, and religion is never a factor, if a country says it is going to develope nuclear weapons to attack us, what do you think we should do? We are also concerned with Genacide like darfur. Do you think America should get involved to stop the genocide? We are not who you think we are. And we are definatly not who you are told we are. We do not opress but liberate. When we do have to go to war, once the country has been stablized we leave that country and let thm govern themself, look at Japan and Germany We are not the occupiers you are told we are.