Every body has it, so why is it embarrassing?
By sunshinecup
@sunshinecup (7871)
August 3, 2007 10:26am CST
LOL, BOY! Have I got a topic to discuss! This was inspired by my trip to the grocery this morning with my girls. The day started off as normal and never did I foresee any troubles ahead. The girls were dress and being very quite since it was so early, 7:30 am and I thought all would be well. HA, I couldn’t have been more wrong. We get into the store and wouldn’t you know it the first isle I go down, it began. This little old lady passed by my girls and me, sweet looking as could be and then...she let one rip! I am not joking it was loud and VERY obvious. I could have died. But no it gets worse. My youngest (8) is a very honest and open child, nothing stays in her head. Well of course the next thing I know the WHOLE store hears...”Mommy that lady FARTED!!!” Of course I am saying her name over and over with “hush”, “No”, “Stop”, but each time I said something, she just repeated it, as if I wasn’t hearing her or something. OMG!!! Finally I literally grab her and put my hand over her mouth. Well by this time her older sister (10) is practically falling out on the floor laughing so hard and everyone is staring at us. Ok, ok, I get a grip on the girls and I quietly tell my daughter that was not right and we will talk about it when we get home. Now I just want to get what I need and leave. So we are almost out of there, I am heading for the line and wouldn’t you know it, Grandma comes up behind us and DID IT AGAIN!!!! This time the store gets to hear “YOU ARE NASTY!!” and of course it’s my daughter yelling it at this old lady. Apparently when I said “That was not right” she thought I was talking about the lady. Once again...OMG!!!!! If ever I wished I was invisible, it was then. End of story we get out of there and the whole trip home and over top of my oldest laughing her tale off, I had to explain to my youngest not to ever do that again.
So now that I shared my lovely story with you, here are my questions and feel free to pick what ever you want to answer or just post your thoughts.
Why is a normal body function is so embarrassing?
Have you any gassy stories you would like to share?
What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you in a Store?
Do you find gas humorous? Meaning, is your first instinct to laugh, and why or why not?
Thanks to all in advance.
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25 responses
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
3 Aug 07
Kids just let it all out don't they? I know that it is just a natrual thing to happen with our bodies but it has just been driven in our heads that it is something you do without others being there. I as well have been conditioned that way. One day my hubby and I wen to the store and we were alone in an isle and he decided to let one go. One of those silent but deadly ones. Well, anyway he immediately walked away and left me in the isle. Then I smelled it just as another woman walked passed me. So, the lady totally thought it was me who did it.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
3 Aug 07
OMG!! My husband has so did that to me, but the Dork stood back and watched & laughed at me!
I so could have killed him. LOL
@candiec2005 (828)
• United States
3 Aug 07
This story made me laugh till I had tears! lol!
That was so funny.
I do find it interesting how something so normal can be considered so embarrasing. I guess becuase it's not appropriate to do it in public, kinda like cursing. It's not appropriate either but who doesn't do it, you know what I mean? Something like this hasn't happened to me (well, at least not in public). I remember when my boyfriend and I started dating he sometimes would give me dirty looks when he was holding it in. Lol! I didn't know that back then, but one day he admitted it to me and I was like "well then don't hold it in!" And ever since, he's been farting in front of me like it's going out of style. Lucky me.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
3 Aug 07
"he's been farting in front of me like it's going out of style. Lucky me."
LOL, you just HAD to go and tell him it was ok. :oD
Me, I have yet to tell Hubby it was OK, and he has yet to hold it. :o(
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
3 Aug 07
LMAO That was too funny LOL Well in my family bodily functions were funny and embarrassing in public but I think we view them this way because we from day one were taught that its either gross or funny to do or both, depending on the situation. My family to this day still finds bodily functions funny except when in public. I would say its pretty normal LOL
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@sunshinecup (7871)
4 Aug 07
Yeah it's just probably how we are conditioned. I usually find them funny when someone slips or they do it unexpected. But sometimes it can make me mad when they do it on purpose. Like my brother, you'd think he thought it was a form of communication.
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
4 Aug 07
LOL Men are soo much worse for those things. My 5yr old son thinks its be best thing in the world as well but at least he IS funny LOL
@anonymili (3138)
16 Aug 07
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL that story had me in hysterics, bless your kids for being so cute and funny and bless you for being so embarrassed. Kids so often say what us "grown ups" think but won't say aloud.
Farting is embarrassing when done in public as:
A) it's so obvious that someone has farted if it's a right noisy one, and
B) it's even more obvious if it's a silent but stinky one!
I'll tell you I much prefer to have someone do a noisy one near me and laugh about it than a silent but deadly one, i.e. the ones that stink to high heaven. UGH! They make you wanna throw up. Luckily I haven't had to experience many of those but one of the worst embarrassing ones for me was when I was at a friend's house and several of us were sitting around after dinner and I smelt the most awful smell and said out loud "Gosh what is that rotten smell?" No one said anything but everyone looked at each other quite embarrassed. Only when I went home did I find out that it was my husband and everyone looked embarrassed because they figured it was him and he just sat there with a cheeky grin on his face LOL!
I have to say that I find noisy gas humorous but silent gas makes me want to heave as it's the silent ones that are the most deadly - smell wise anyway! :)
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@sunshinecup (7871)
16 Aug 07
I have to admit I didn't see the humor of this until I started typing it up for here, then it was all I could do to see the screen from the tears as I was laughing so hard. I kept thinking, "This really did happen didn't it", LOL.
Thanks for your wonderful reply.
@bambi_doe (566)
• United States
4 Aug 07
LOL you made my day LOL that is something my grandson would say!! LOL My hubby once had an operation where he had to be put to sleep and it was an outpassant surgery and when he got done we had to go get some meds for him and while we were waiting you could here my hubby say I am going to blow LOL I was like what are you talking about. Then all of a sudden I heard this big bbbbbbrrrrrrrrooooooooooppppppppp coming from the depts of his stomach. He was sitting right next to me and you guessed it he looked at me with the huge grin on his face and was pointing at me with both hands and then to make it worse he clapped and said good one hunny. At the time I was furious with him but now I just laugh my buns off at it. My grandson always announces when he farts as if we could not hear him do it. He makes sure everyone knows he laid on out. Hugs and thanks for the laugh hugs
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@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
4 Aug 07
LOL thats hilarious. My grandma was always "real gassy" when she was older. I used to laugh so hard at her when I was a little kid because she would start across the room to go some where and every step she took she farted. Maybe that comes with old age? lol.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
4 Aug 07
LOL, OMG my grandma use to do that too. We kids would turn the TV down so we could hear her and then we would practically pee our britches laughing so hard. :oD
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
5 Aug 07
LMAO! That was a hilarious tale. One that you can use against her in the future LOL.
I don't know why it's embarrassing. I try to keep the fact that everybody does it in my head when things like that happen to me or around me. I view it more as rude or inappropriate and that maybe why I find it to be embarrassing. I feel there is a time and place for everything and if you can you should go to the bathroom or somewhere private to do these things.
My sister-in-law and niece LOVE farting. They do it all the time as loudly as they possibly can. And I hear my sister-in-law's husband is exactly the same way. I've only met him about three times. He's in the military and they've been gone for much of the last 3 or 4 years. But they're stationed back here now so once he gets here...oh boy. My niece though will fart ANYWHERE. Be it home, stores, and even restaurants! My mother-in-law has just about broke her of the restaurant farting though. She's staying with them right now so she could start school here before his orders started and the military moved them here. It amazes me though at just how much they DO fart. I guess it's because they eat a lot of different kinds of veggies.
I would say that it is my first instinct to laugh at a farting. Due to embarrassment I would presume. I often laugh when I'm embarrassed. And laughing can sometimes take a situation and make it a little more 'comfortable'.
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I sympathize. When my son was little, he saw a VERY large overweight lady in a store and blurted out "Look at that lady! She is SOOOO fat!"
Of course, everyone, including the fat lady, heard his comment. So, I just took him aside and said "Yes, she is and I am sure she already knows it. It is not polite to make personal comments about how large, small, or bald someone is."
Bodily functions being embarassing; I think it is the fact that the noise calls attention to the person doing it at a time when they would rather NOT have the attention.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
4 Aug 07
Yeah the youngest (again), she calls me fluffy instead of fat. She once pointed at a guy and said, "Mom, he is fluffy like you!". Kids are just truth machines.
@Lifeless (2635)
• India
17 Sep 07
Ha.. That was indeed a funny incident... There's nothing to be ashamed of.. Everybody does it... Its all becoz we don't eat properly sometimes, and our stomach needs extra pressure to digest all the food inside.. Like the chimney emits smoke while it is at work, same is the case with our body.. After all, our body is a kind of machine only... I think u need to tell this fact to ur girls before they make fun of somebody else at the store... But that was indeed a very funny incident...
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
3 Aug 07
My first instinct when I hear someone fart is to hope that nobody thought it was me. Kind of dumb, I know, but even sometimes I turn red when I hear it which makes me think they will think it's me even more! Lol. If I am in public and have to let one out, I do it silently every time. I have probably made noise like twice in my life in public. I don't know how.. I have a special technique, I guess. If I am in private though I don't care. My mom always talks about how she has never heard me fart and she wonders how I do it. She asked my boyfriend if I fart and he said he doesn't think so.. he never heard it. Lol.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
4 Aug 07
"My first instinct when I hear someone fart is to hope that nobody thought it was me."
Oh what I would give to have read that last night, cause last night I wasn't drinking coffee! Great point thanks for sharing that. LOL
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@fn187zbabe (174)
• United States
3 Aug 07
That is so funny!!! My youngest is 7 and he loves passing gas and thinks it's hilarious. He also burps extremely loud which to me is embarrasing and I hope this is only a phase he is going through. His dad has bought him a fart machine that makes all kinds of fart noises and for awhile he loved those woopie cushions. Maybe it's just the unexpected from people that makes it so embarrasing. Especially when your in a social setting.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
3 Aug 07
"He also burps extremely loud which to me is embarrasing"
Oh yeah my youngest does that as well. Once in school, she burped a HUGE one and then followed that up with "Mommy I burped as big as you!". Yep, I just love that child. LOL
@confessing7girl (340)
• Portugal
3 Aug 07
i know u might be embarrassed but thats what a love about kids they r so honest and open!!! well at least some of them!! so that means ur girl knows whats right and wrong!! i think some people just dont care if i ever had a fart attack i would close myself in the toilet room!! :D
i guess it was even more embarrassing to that old lady!!!
hehe kids r just great!!
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@sunshinecup (7871)
3 Aug 07
Yeah my youngest though sometimes she can be way too honest. I love it though, once I am home an safe, it's funny.
@thanks2jesus4ever (76)
• United States
4 Aug 07
First off- you needn't be embarrassed over childrens comments the world is aware of their innocense. Second, elderly people sometimes cannot control their "functions" and have no choice of when or where. Thirdly, NO I do not think it is funny and we have to remember TWO very important things. One- each family is taught a different foundation of morals and standards and; two, by making such a big deal of it with your children you brought more attention to the matter than if you would have simply said "she cannot help it, be nice" and let it go. I have a 10 and 22 yr old. My 10 yr old does not get the count ( 1, 2, 3) nor do I speak twice. When I say do it - it gets done or there are consequences- of which HE does not appreciate (ie NO Tv or playstation and so on). When they learn that you mean what you say- they are not as daring to comment when told STOP.
@sunshinecup (7871)
4 Aug 07
you needn't be embarrassed over childrens comments the world is aware of their innocense.
Yet it's human nature to do so anyway. It's one thing to say don't do it, it's another to do so when caught off guard.
Second, elderly people sometimes cannot control their "functions" and have no choice of when or where.
But the whole point here is WHY is it still funny? I KNOW some can't help it, I didn't suggest they couldn't.
Thirdly, NO I do not think it is funny
Glad you don't. I personally can't help but to think it's funny. It's a flaw, but I think some have worse flaws than that, so I don't worry about it.
As for the rest of your post, it seemed more about how to correct children. That's not what this discussion is about and I won't go there here. But thanks any way.
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@vijay1wdv (357)
• India
6 Sep 07
That was really funny. I think people who get annoyed if someone farts in public are those who do not fart. For people who fart, it would not be funny or annoying as they have personal experience. And i wonder how many do not fart at all. What will i do if someone next to me does it loudly? I will just ignore it (especially avoid their eyes) and initiate a topic.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
16 Aug 07
ha ha ha, i laughed reading this. Kids are so cool and they do not understand that u just dont say certain things..
I do not have any embarrassing stories to share - but I just had to reply and tell u that u made me laugh on a hard day =)
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
17 Aug 07
I used to tell my kids that everyone does it, it's no big deal. Most of the time if you acknowledge that they've said something they stop talking about it so much.
I'll never forget one night me and my sister went to dinner and a movie. Well, right after we sat down to the movie, this girl walked by us and I farted at the same time (silent but deadly one). And my sister leans over and says something like "can you believe that girl just farted like that?" and I just busted out laughing while I was trying to tell her that I did it!! We laughed most of the way through the movie over that one!!!
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
7 Sep 07
That's quite an experience! Kids can really be brutally honest at times ... LOL ... I don't know, for me I think it is funny if someone accidentally pass gas. I think I couldn't hold myself not to laugh or giggle ... as long as I wouldn't inhale some of the gas though ... LOL ... =)
@vijigopi (991)
• United States
3 Aug 07
Hehehe... I had a nice laugh myself over that!!
My grandfather was a farter(if I could call him that). He never used to care if there were others nearby him and it would always be quite noisy. We grandchildren used to laugh whenever he did it saying 'There... there... grandpa's noisy bike'. He used to laugh it off saying "you are not supposed to keep holding it up, you know... its unhealthy". Lol.
I have had my part of the problem though. Its like if I tried to hold it up, its might be silent, but the smell is nasty lol. So, the noisier it is, the better, because then it's only the noise, nothing else comin' along... you know what I mean.
Sometimes, I too have been thinking what you asked "Why is it something so normal is embarrasing?" I find it humorous if its other people doing it and embarrasing if its me.. sort of weird, huh?
@sunshinecup (7871)
4 Aug 07
Yes it's an odd thing. The strangest is Burps aren't nearly as insulting or funny as the gas is. Yet burps don't clear a room as gas can.
@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
8 Sep 07
You have started the funny discussion and i laughed loud while reading your thread and then it continues with every response on it, and i hope this response will even increase by days and will give me some more chance to laugh..... But this is a very normal thing for human being and we know everybody of us has this thing just the way we do it is different and the kids, they just don't know its normal or something, its just odd to them so they get surprised, but for the older person, its sometime uncontrolable and so they are kind of forced to do it
@ragini155 (56)
• India
4 Oct 07
well yes its very hilarious. your story is too funny. yes its time when u wish to get invisible. I think its the unexpected sound that makes it hilarious. and the sound is/are funny.... and atleast i cannot resist laughing. but i would smile if i supress my laugh.... kids you cannot just hold them back...
once a similar experience i had in train where an old lady kept on fartingt... but i was a kid then and i kept on looking at my mom and kept on that smile... later on found that there were many who wanted to laugh and were smiling loud/broad. the lady herself was smiling every time she farted...