Help Please

@mamakat0 (209)
United States
August 3, 2007 11:06pm CST
I have started my 3rd quarter at FMU. I am taking Programming Concepts and having a little trouble understanding what a Pseudocode is. Could someone please explain it to me? I have read the chapter but I am not understanding it. Thank you for your help.
2 responses
@joe101 (21)
• India
4 Aug 07
Hi, A pseudocode is something in between a program and an algorithm. It resembles the program more than the algorithm. It can use constructs in a programming language unlike an algorithm. But it can never be taken as the program. I suppose that helps.
@mamakat0 (209)
• United States
4 Aug 07
Okay, What is an algorithm? That is a new word on me. It will probably take me the whole quarter to figure all this out. Thank you.
@niranjans87 (1077)
• India
4 Aug 07
Well you know that computers have their own languages right...and well just like our languages they also have grammar called as syntax....the problem with these languages is that well they are a bit complicated at times and it is necessary that you have to use the exacyt same terms... now lets say as a programmer even before you write the program you want to know the you use there is no definite structure and syntax and you can write the program in almost english language so that everyone can understand...its just like an algorithm written in program form in a simple way.... consider for example....this is a program code... and this is pseudocode for the same thing if credit card number is valid execute transaction based on number and order else show a generic failure message end if ....hope this was of help to you...
@mamakat0 (209)
• United States
4 Aug 07
Anything right now will help me to understand it. The instructor said that I was on the right track but that was all he said. Well that did not tell me where I went wrong. So now I am lost on the next assignment. Thought I would try mylot and see if anyone could explain it to me so I can continue. Thank you.