I just need to vent about this: family drama!
By guss2000
@guss2000 (2232)
United States
August 4, 2007 7:17pm CST
My family has so much family drama in it, I swear we could be a daytime soap opera, or perhaps worse maybe even on the Jerry Springer show!
I am so sick of hearing about the problems. You run out of advice to give, and noone takes the advice so why even bother.
Here's the story--- I'll try to explain as best as possible but I'm so irritated this will probably come out so confusing.
In April of this year, my step mom and my dad split up-- she moved out of his house (which is in her name by the way) and she got herself an apartment. My dad, stayed at the house, with my sister and began trying to sell the house because he knew he couldn't afford it (and it was already late with the mortgage company anyway).
So, these people came to his house saying they would buy it-- and my dad let them semi-move in waiting for them to get the finances together to supposively by the house. This is in April....
So, now it's August... the house has been on the auction list once already. The people that my dad let 'move-in' are still there and have came up with excuse after excuse as to why they haven't got the money. The excuses are just crazy and I know they are lies (I'm pretty sure they are anyway) and my dad is still under the impression that they are going to pay. My step-mom (who's name is on the house) has been telling my dad, and I have been to that it seems like they are just lying and staying there for free and really aren't going to buy.
It has been what five months??? At first they were only staying there on the weekends, but now they have been there non-stop. It's a man, a woman, a few of their teenage kids and one of the teenage girls just had a baby so there's a newborn there too.
My dad tells me all of the time that there's trouble at the house-- cops there left and right because of the teenagers. He said every weekend like 30 kids are in the backyard partying.
I know that anyday now the house is going to be foreclosed on or auctioned again and my dad and my sister don't have a place to go. My dad is broke, flat broke and still doesn't have a job.
UGH! I'm so sick of all of this non-sense.
I can't help him financially because I'm a stay-at-home mom and we are barely making it as it is. My house is too small to have them move in here.
I just don't understand how he can be so irresponsbile AND keep on believing the lies that these people are telling him.
I just don't get it!
Thanks for letting me vent, and if you have any advice please post!
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5 responses
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
5 Aug 07
I feel so bad for you..Just remember this is his problem..He got himself into it, he will have to get himself out of it..On his own..Please don't (I am not trying to be rude to your dad) give him any money..He can't expect you to pay for his mistakes..He is an adult just as you are and he needs to start acting like one...I am surprised your step-mom hasn't told him to get out of the house since it is in her name..If it goes into foreclosure it will go against her..I would suggest for you to stay out of it. Tell him that you do not want to hear about his problems anymore...You have a family of your own and you don't need any stress in your life, especially from someone who needs to grow up...Just because he is your dad doesn't mean you have to give him a place to stay...I hope I helped. I am not trying to be rude...I will be thinking of you...you are in my prayers...take care...
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
6 Aug 07
You are very welcome. Make sure you stand your ground. I am just sorry that he can't be more responsible for the sake of your 9 year old sister. Hopefully he won't use your sister to get the money from you..Like he may say he needs it for her but is really getting it for himself..I am sorry to hear about your baby, but you do have enough on your plate, and he should know better than to ask this of you. I just hope your sister is doing alright with all the crap he is putting her through with all the people coming and going...take care....
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@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
5 Aug 07
Thanks for helping, it really does help.
Friday he called me and was asking me to buy him a truck battery because his exploded. I told him I didnt have any money or credit cards. I really dont have 'extra' money. I'm a stay at home mom and my kid is on a ventilator and we are struggling ourselves enough with the medical bills and just one income coming in. My husband works his butt off so that I can stay home and be with my son. I can't take in or afford his problems and my problems too. I told him I didnt have any credit cards (which I really dont). He called again today and left me a message asking again.
I feel bad, but I'm standing my grounds. You are right this is definitely his problem and he KNEW this was going to happen. He has my 9 year old sister too which is the saddest part. There is no reason why he can't work.
It's so frusturating because you can't tell him anything. By the way, he is only my STEPdad but he is the only dad I ever knew so I refer to him as my dad.
Thanks for making me feel better :)
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@student7 (1002)
• United States
5 Aug 07
Ok let your step mom get an eviction notice for the family. She can go to the local court house and have one issued. Next, have the house listed on ebay or have a realtor list the house.
Is your father disabled??? If he is, have him try to get on state disablity then have him try the social security administration. Maybe if you, your father and step mother can sit down and talk, maybe she will let him stay with her for awhile.
If your father is able to work, then he needs to get a job and start paying for the house. It sounds like your father is guilible. He will give anyone the benefit of the doubt.
Just go to your step mother and have her put in for an eviction on those people. I believe that she can have it signed for a thirty day eviction.
What it sounds like is that these moochers are trying to stay at the place for six months so they can have squater's rights and get the house at a fraction of the sale price. Eviction is needed to be carried out ASAP or else they could claim squater's rights.
@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
5 Aug 07
I'm not exactly sure what my step-mom has done so far, but I do know she has a lawyer. She keeps telling my father that these people are just liars and don't even have intentions of paying, but I guess she keeps giving in to him and giving him (and these people) the benefit of the doubt.
I would never let any of this happen if I was in his shoess.
I would have been selling the house the second I thought I wasn't going to be able to pay, especially knowing I have a child to take care of.
He is not disabled, just doesn't have a job, and really there is NO excuse for that.
I will tell my step-mom that she has a right to get an eviction notice, I'm not sure if she has thought of that yet.
This whole thing is a mess, and has gone on way too long.
@dreamjapan (409)
• Japan
5 Aug 07
Aren't these people "squatting", if they are staying without paying rent or with any visible intention of buying. Also if a lot of partying is going on there could be damage to the property which would affect the price. I think your Dad should give them a time limit to get their act together, say one week, then get a lawyer or even ask the police if these people are breaking the law.
I hope that everything gets worked out for you.
Take care.
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@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
5 Aug 07
I was trying to remember the term my step mom was using for them and you made me remember. She called them squatters. I keep asking my dad why he is tolerating this, and I get no real answer. I wish I could get it through to him. We have all tried. He needs to start trying to sell the house to someone else before it's too late and he is homeless with my sister.
I keep saying that these people will just find someone else's house to crash after the house is foreclosed on. It's not right at all.
@kristys_red_barn (71)
• United States
5 Aug 07
Wow, that is an awful situation. One of the best things he can do is get a lawyer, and hopefully he can find one for free, if you talk to an organization such as SRS, they should be able to help. Another problem here is that he doesn't own the house, so technically he can't sell it, so something needs to be done with that part of the equation as well. Good luck to you.
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@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
5 Aug 07
I will let him know about SRS. I dont think he is aware of them.
Oh by the way, I forgot to mention that my step mom has been in the picture with trying to sell the house-- and my dad is listed as co-borrower. So that part I guess is okay.
Thing is now these people have basically 'moved' in the house and have all these excuses as to why they can't get the money. As of today supposively the guy's dad has the money and they are 'waiting to go get it'.
Just wait-- you'll hear about me on Jerry Springer! LOL!!