Devotion Aug05 7
By cherry2
@cherry2 (43)
United States
August 4, 2007 10:41pm CST
Romans 12-2,Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be ye tranformed by the renewing of your mind.Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is.His good, pleasing and perfect will. I remember one of my bosses once told me that if there is any thing about me that needed change it was best done when one is young,'cause by the time you hit your 40's,it would be difficult to made changes about your self.I took that to mean you would have already be seasoned in. Humans beings are creatures of habit.Good or bad it is somtimes difficult to break a particular habit[s].The familiar saying that a leopard can't change his spots have become so acceptable in our culture that even as believers in Christ we have unconciously adopted that fallacy even those conciously it is not according to spiritual pricnciples.God commandment is this:Do not be conformed[tocomply,to be obedient,to act in accordance with]to the world or the world systems of things.One way is thought patterns.The kind of thoughts that we allow to enter our minds projects how we view ourselves,others,life,purpose,etc,by accepting the patterns of this world as our guidings post.Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.Simply put,change begins in the mind.Our brain muscules are passive for the simply reason that we [including myself]allow thoughts to hadzarly enter in without screening them.Yes,we have the power to screen our thoughts and reject junk.Think of your emailaddress.Only the messages that are relevant you keep the others are discarded.Why? because there is a system in place that allows you to do just that. Thoughts that are not relevant can be stopped in mid-thought and be rejected.Yes it can be done.It wouldn't be easy at first but perlong persistence will make the pactice second nature.Bringing your thoughts and everything pertaining to you on a higher level.THEN will you prove God's good will,his pleasing[acceptable]will and his perfect will for your life.After all he did say to prove Him.
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