how often do you look at the mirror in a day?
@michaeldadona (5684)
August 5, 2007 8:13am CST
thru my profound reading on various web sites', looking at the mirror to observe your own face for 10 minutes long, especially when you are in the state of depression, anger, sad, tension, upset....etc., will give you relief and release.
It happened that such way, because when you force yourself focusing your own face on that mirror for that long, you will dislike your face and try to put it right as normal and ending with smiling...and release!!!!
No wonder why when we were in that kind of situation, we put down our face and feeling uncomfortable to look at others.
So my discussion here is how OFTEN do you look at the mirror in a day? and I would like to thanks in advance for those responses that will be.
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13 responses
@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
18 Aug 07
Interesting topic,because mirror reflects every thing.All our mood can be reflected by it.I think it is very difficult to live wth out a mirror.With out it we cannot say how we looks like.I think defenition of beauty originate from this mirror only.I look on mirror at least two or three times daily.For womens it is inavoidable.
@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
18 Aug 07
yuo're rite!!! certainly, woman likes mirror to be sitting pretty for her beloved hubby....outch!!!
Thanks for your support and visiting my texts.
@indusnawani87 (109)
• India
9 Aug 07
i m ayoung clg guy of abt surely is my age 2 see mirror more and more....personality is among d things wat matters today so looking smart is my routine consideration.
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@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
9 Aug 07
wow!!!that's great you've good oneself personification.
Thanks for your responding to my discussion.
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@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
7 Aug 07
It depends on my mood actually. Some days I would look at the mirror every five minutes or so, especially when I have a new haircut or just bought a pair of new hair clips. Lol. On certain days, I would not look at the mirror at all even though I am combing my hair. But after reading your discussion, I've started to realize that it might be true. Yes, I agree that every time I look at the mirror I will try to look my best. When I am angry and look at the mirror the anger will subside almost immediately. Thanks for starting this discussion. It is such a valuable information for me. Have a nice day!
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@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
7 Aug 07 dear least to know your level of be sitting pretty and good for your hubby as well!!!!!. Unfortunately you're late in responding, I've marked somebody else for 'best response''re the one that should be.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I don't have to look in the mirror to smile because I am naturally a very happy person, but if there is a mirror, I will quickly look at it in passing every time. No, I would not pass a mirror by without looking into it, but that is different from going to find a mirror to spend time with.
Actually, my home is full of mirrors. If it weren't, then I would have to go find one at least 2 or 3 times every day just to make sure my hair is combed right and there is no dirt on my face.
@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
7 Aug 07
wow...what a great people you are...self resilient...that's great. Thanks.
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@agnescav (566)
• United States
19 Aug 07
I don't look in a mirror any more than three times a day. The only mirror I have in my house is the one in the bathroom. I guess I look in it when I wash my face.
There is one in the bathroom at work. If I do something dumb there, I look to see if i have a cut or anything.
I cannot imagine staring at myself for ten minutes at a time!
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@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
19 Aug 07 don't like to have mirrors? maybe you've had your private image consultant.
Better make it as your weird habit...see the difference.
OK my dear AGVESCAV, thanks for your visit to my poor texts.
The Little Me,
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
19 Aug 07
hmmm...well, I'm not sure how many times I look at myself in the mirror but I know I do quite a lot in a day! as i love looking at myself in the mirror. It's like my therpahy actually. Depending on my moods yeah but most of time because it's a habit. We have a mirror in our bathroom and everytime i'm in the bathroom I always look at myself in the mirror. I have a vanity table with a huge mirror and I love it. I always stop by everytime I see a mirror just to do a simple selfcheck! LOL!! If i'm in the office I always check my hair or how I look using my compact face powder which of course comes with a mirror. *smiles*
I love mirrors not because for vanity purposes but as what i've said a it's like therapy to me. Everytime I feel sad or blue, or times that I feel down the first person I first talk to is myself, my reflection, my mirror image..and I would talk to her and give her encouragement..sometimes when I'm sad i'll say "come on tchel, don't be sad..look at you, you look ugly" or sometimes I would just say "damn tchel you're pretty and sexy" even if its not true LOL! actually changes my mood and gives me a boost. I know its kinda weird but it who I am..I even like crying in front of a mirror and one thing....I hate brushing my teeth if i'm not in front of a mirror..if there's no mirror in the bathroom i'll go look for one, then i'll brush my teeth. LOL!!! weirdo me! Thanks for the info! take care
cheers! :D
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
20 Aug 07
HellO! HellO! HellO!
*smiles! thanks for the kind words regarding my reponse..shame I was late, but good thing I did a dramatic entrace huh? LOL!! next time I won't be late..send me the invites on time okay?
Ohh..I went out last night again..same place..but this time not drunk! LOL! it's's a no-no..thanks again. take care..
ciao! :D
@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
19 Aug 07
for every single words that you wrote was a perfect answer. Actually you are the one that I give that "super cane"(BR)...but you're late attending my vivid party here....tipsy while singing is allowed here...ha..ha..ha..ha..ha!! sorry, just kidding; no good joke will never smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Yes it is one of the therapeutic solution for self motivation. Where this kind of practice has been used by Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Professor John Nash,...and else; who practice their self motivation and how to be a good speaker, they practice their "body language" thru mirror as their guru.

@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
19 Aug 07
Yeah..Hi..Hi..Hi..and I will not forget to say HELLO to you too...miss you sooooo much...
You better read my texts for FAB315. Maybe today it is not imperative for you....but in someday to come for sure you will believe it;
On the mirror you will learn your BODY LANGUAGE a lot. Language can be divided into three(3) major parts;
1. proficiency of thesaurus language,
2. body language &
3. voice language.
Its all can be appraise just by using mirror, THE REFLECTION is your guru.
@franziska (410)
• Italy
18 Aug 07
I look myself at the mirror many times in a day. I've noted that it has an anxiolitic effect on me. Looking at my face makes me distract from my problems and concentrate on the defects of the skin or of the make-up.
@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
18 Aug 07
wow!!!that's great, a good lesson of "self-nature-nurture" the defective skin, no friend is a doctor, she said just ask your man to lace it with his lovely kiss...finish and heal!!!
ha..ha..ha....just kidding!!! no good jokes will never smile..
OK thank you very much for visiting to my discussion.
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@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
19 Aug 07
ha..ha..ha...maybe for this time you won't take serious on it. But when you heard about the miracle of that simple practice(on TV), maybe for the next three years later you will take it as priority.....just wait!!!!!!
@prily9 (568)
• Indonesia
21 Aug 07
I never want to look my face in the mirror when I feel angry or depressed I just hate my face. but I look my face in the mirror when I feel happy, while I put on some make up, try new clothes, try new hair cut & hairdye. I guess between 4-7 times.
@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
21 Aug 07
wow!!! that's great!!!better go for modelling qualifying test, why not? make some extra money?...hah..ha...
@zdh987562 (263)
• China
18 Aug 07
I didn't like to look at the mirror for i have many pox.
which i am very worried about .
@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
18 Aug 07
hah..hah..hah..good reason for good excuse, thanks for visiting me and my texts.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
I always seem to look better to myself around an hour before I go to bed (even if I go to bed at drastically different times each night), and so it's become a sort of ritual to ... 'admire', i suppose, my reflection for a few minutes and feel positive about myself.
I think it is very healthy, so long as you're not constantly checking how you look out of paranoia.
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@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
19 Aug 07
that's one of the right way, take it before go to bed just to ensure our sleep be peacefully as emotion all draws on our face...thanks a lot, Malyck, for your paying attention to my discussion.
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@Red_Baron (65)
• Saudi Arabia
19 Aug 07
only when we are going outside from home, and when we have to met some one special, im only look at mirror in morning when im going to office just to set my hair, looking mirror too much is not good for any one, because when u see too much in mirror, then you notice too much on your face descripiction...... its better to see mirror for short time.
@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
21 Aug 07
Ha..ha..ha.. thanks Red_Baron for your conradicts. Don't worry and be happy.