Have you been the "Other Woman"?

United States
August 5, 2007 8:48pm CST
I'm currently in that situation and don't feel the least bit bad about it. The circumstances aren't so blunt and its a rocky relationship. I know I'm not horrible so I find it amusing when the people close to you state otherwise.
5 responses
@chabella1 (131)
• United States
6 Aug 07
hello prehistoricyall i'm a married woman with two children and i know probably the right thing to say is that, is wrong but i don't know what his situation is with his wife, you see i know my husband for 10 years now and we been married for 6 years but in the bedroom there is nothing so if another woman comes up to me and say she is having an affair with my sweet baby probably i'll be a little upset but at the same time is not unespected so the thing is that if he is sleeping with you chances are that he would do the same with someone else just make sure that no one gets hurt in the process and protect yourself and have fun probably his not getting love at home good luck
• United States
6 Aug 07
The thing is he isn't married so I don't feel as bad about it because we're not fully sleeping with each other either. Its also not an all the time thing which makes the whole situation iffy.
• United States
6 Aug 07
well then you don't need to feel bad he is probably dating other 4 more or so who knows
• United States
8 Aug 07
You do know that what goes around comes around right? If you don't, you will soon enough. Because it never fails. Every action has a consequence, whether its good or bad. Sorry.
• United States
11 Aug 07
Nowhere in this post did I ask to be criticized especially when you don't know the situion. Besides, I cut him off.
@magnet (2087)
• United States
6 Aug 07
When I was single I've never been the other woman,I don't want to be the other woman, but I've been accused many times of being the other woman because I had a lot of male friends. It was nothing but friendship but the women use to feel so insecure.
@RONI55 (9)
• United States
25 Sep 07
People are so quick to judge 'The Other Woman' I did not get involved with a married man until he had left/was thrown out his wife. She refuses to believe that and has convinced herself that we were seeing each other for years. It's very sad that she has fooled herself into thinking this as it delays her healing process and hurts the children they have. We were just friends for many months and I suggested he go home many times to try to work things out - but he couldn't do it. Being his friend was a great way to start our relationship. I wish people were not so quick to judge. I think some want to believe bad things and enjoy making up gossip too. I try to rise above it but it's hard in a small town. I like his children also and hate they they have to hear these kind of lies to justify her lack of self-esteem
• Philippines
2 Oct 07
I have never been an other woman and never will be. I saw how our family was ruined when an other woman came to my father's life. It was an ugly experience for all us. the most affected was my mother. I don't want it to happen to my own family. I believe in the golden rule that never do unto others if you want others to do unto you. In other words, since I don't want my husband to have an other woman, I won't also become an other woman. This is just my personal opinion. . . It is your choice to be in that situation, I respect it. God bless.