Would you ever help a gay couple have a baby?
By cyberopjames
@cyberopjames (483)
United States
August 6, 2007 1:22am CST
I know that may gay couple out there are looking to have a baby. For reasons we all know, gay men can't. Not only due to the fact it is two guys but in most states, gay couples can not take in a child. Yes gay couple can foster a child but can not adopt a child. Alot of gay couple are willing and able to give a child a loving home. What do you think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt? For women, would you be willing to help a gay couple to have a child? My lover and I have been together 8 years, I would love a little Jimmy or Jamie running around. LOL!
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15 responses
@cikedo (3483)
• United States
19 Aug 07
It is very wrong that gay couples aren't allowed to adopt since there are many children out there in foster care that need a permanent home. With that said I personally wouldn't have a baby just to give to a gay couple since I never plan on having children at all.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Oh no! It is not hatred at all - it is true love! I indeed love people (gays and lesbians included), and just wish people would stop confusing themselves further and their sexuality!
Talking about sexuality! Few days ago while waiting for the bus, I was opportuned to witness a quarrel between two gays: The male-acting gay is standing stone-faced, while the female-acting is talking like a female - fingers, waist and body movement all immitating a natural female - and crying like a child! OMG, what a sorry sight! Please, my dear men, stop such silly behavior (especially in public)! Such does not befit a man!
If you are born without a womb, then you are a male! And if you are born with a womb, then you are a female! Brother, stop trying to be like a female! And sister, please, stop trying to act and look like a man with those baggy pants drawn down and wearing men's undergarments!

@trutallica (164)
• United States
16 Aug 07
Basically to mimic Wiccania, if I knew the couple well enough and knew without a doubt they'd be great parents.
Yes, I would.
@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Just like Wiccania your a sweet heart too. I would never ask anyone that I dont know to help Jay and I to have a baby. If I was ever asked to be a part of a gay female couple to have a child, I would want to get to know them first. Parent hood is not like having a pet, when you get tired of it you just give the child away. I would love to see a little James or Jammie running around. My mother would love to have another grandchild. Of course she would know that it would not be the old fashion way, hehehe.
@zaichn (319)
• Philippines
7 Aug 07
I don't really know what to do to help.. Maybe dealing with or finding people to help the gay couple would be the only thing I can do. In my opinion, gay couples should be allowed to adopt but they should consider what will be its effects when the baby/child comes of age and ask who his/her mother is.. etc.. its the couple's problem that they really have to deal with.
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@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
7 Aug 07
Thanks you for your post. Well, if a child comes in to a gay couple's home as a babys, the child would see both guys as mom and dad. You know that is the reason that I would like the female that helped us find happeness to stay in the child's life.
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@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
7 Aug 07
I would like to first thank you for your post. I really agree with your comment. It is really sad in this world that prejudice people still have not change ways. People still use the Bible to support being prejudice. Mind you I am not a Bible thumper, I just don't like when people use the good book for something that is was never written for. I am not saying that you are doing that. It is just a thought at the time I responded to your comment. -Reverend James, Florida, USA-
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@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
11 Sep 07
You are so sweet to make that offer for your cousin. With all the children in this world looking for a loving home, I just feel that it is unfair for gay couples to be singled out and named as bad parents. I mean just last week on the news a month shot her son then shot herself. Would that make her a good parent? My lover and I have been together will be 8 year this Sept 27th. I am vary happy with him and hope if God willing that we will be together for the rest of our lives. If Florida, gay couples can foster as many children as they want, but when it comes to adoption for get it. Jay was adopted. And these people say that a child growing up in a gay home will turn out to be gay, oh, wait my partents are straight and I am gay. -Reverend James, Florida, USA -
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
6 Aug 07
If I know the couple well enough and believe that they would be good parents, yes. If my brother and his partner ever decide that they want to have a baby, I would absolutely be willing. There are a couple of other people that I would be willing to help out in that manner.
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@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
6 Aug 07
Thank you for your post. I have someone that is willing to carry a baby for my lover and myself and ofcourse I would want her to be in the baby's life. I think that it would be the best for all involved.
@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I would. I have often thought about being a seroget but I would have to experience at least one pregnancy of my own first to know what to expect and also because giving up te baby would be very hard having none of my own and defiantly wanting one. I know how it feels to want children and for one reason or another not be able to have one and for that reason I would help to do whatever I could. I have gay family members and I have even talked to my husband about donating his sperm to them when they are ready. I think the fact that they are gay in no way should be why you make the descion instead you should focus on the kind of parents you think they will be and there are plenty of great families out there that just so happen to be gay. Being gay is not something that would stop you from being a good parent. I have even thought that just because they go though so much more to be able to have a child that they obliviously want it and will do a great job.
@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I only wish the best for you and hope you can know the joy of having a child for yourself soon. One day I will get that joy. It is people like the ones who have posted in this discussion that make my heart full of joy that they would give so much of themselfs to help others find happiness. I wish others have a heart as big. Thank you for your post.
-Reverend James, Florida, USA-
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
6 Aug 07
Gay people are born gay, so it is impossible to "teach" a child to be gay. All gay people of this generation have straight parents, yet the people are still gay so this theory makes no sense. Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but I wonder what Jesus would do. I think you might be surprised.
@calico79 (173)
• United States
6 Aug 07
No no no no. You misunderstood me. I did not say that we should hate gay people nor do i hate them or anyone for that matter. And i did not say that because the parents are gay then the children would also be gay. I just said that according to what the bible says, homosexuality is considered a sin. I believe in the bible with all my heart so if it says that it is wrong, then it is wrong. You asked for an opinion and it was given. Obviously you wanted to hear people's different opinions so please dont get upset when you hear what you dont want to hear.
@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
6 Aug 07
Ok, now let me see. In the bible it also states, Judge not, less you be judged. If is not up to a man or woman to judge what is right or wrong. In the bible it is a sin to eat shellfish (lobster, shrimp). But you don't see bible thumpers going after them. Oh, wait, it is a sin to eat a hoofed animals but people still eat them. I know many gay couple that do have children that are not gay. The state of Florida seem to think that it is ok for gay couples to foster a child but not adopt one. If anything it is straight people that have a problem with gays that are teaching children wrong. I hate not a sin? Please don't try to hide behind something that you know nothing about, ie the bible.
-Reverend James, Florida, USA-
Also a gay male.
Sorry to everyone else I was so harsh. My God teaches Love not hate.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
6 Aug 07
NO! And I think that no guy or lesbian couple should ever be allowed to raised a child - very bad initial influence!

@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
13 Aug 07
Below is a copy of both of my comments. and they still counter yours.
Netsbridge, that is a lie!! If you have found that all gays and lesbians you have talked to have been abused, then you have only talked with 2. 2 out of every 10 gay people were abused. Try again. You are wrong. Do a bit more research.
Oh, and it's not a different gender. Gay men are men and gay women are women. It's attraction.
Furthermore, 7 out of every 10 hetero people have been abused so that shoots your theory all to hell.
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@altair_dip (807)
• India
6 Aug 07
sure they should be allowed to adapt.. if the coupl was a friend of mine and i knew them well i would certainly consider bearing them a child.. but i also know it would be very difficult for me to give up the baby.. as i have a son who is 10 months and i cant think of beeing seperated from him even for a day..
@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
6 Aug 07
Thank you for your post, and congrats mommy. That is way I would want who ever would consider bearing a child for us would always be a part of the child's life. My lover was adopted into a loving jewish family (straight), I don't hold it against them. LOL! Kidding. I like to joke with him. He might read this post. But, love is love not matter where it comes from. I know with my brother's kids I am very protective. Just think how I would be with my own child.
@mystic_0318 (937)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Yes I would! I think all couples should have the right to decide if they want a baby or not gay or staight! Someday all the laws will change and gay couples wont have to worry if the can adopt or not...But to all out there wanting a baby GOOD LUCK! I wish you all the best.
@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Yes mystic the laws are still behind the heart and times. When it comes to the heart the law should have nothing to do with it. Jay and I are well to do and want for nothing when it comes to money and worldly things. If we hand a child, he or she would never want for anything and would have everything in the world. Like I have said in other posts, my brother youngest son comes down to stay the weekend with myself and Jay and he knows that we are together. But you see we do not show it in front of him only because it is the way we are. Cody even sometimes sleeps next to his uncle Jay when he gets afraid at night or will sleep between Jay and I in our King size bed. Some weekends he will even call his uncle Jay and ask him if he can come and spend the weekend with us. If some of these people that have problems with gay couples becoming parents would see the way we are with Cody they would see that some of what they hear is not true. - Reverend James, Florida, USA -
P.S. If I ever found out that someone hurt Cody or any of my brother's or sister's kids they would find how much I would hurt them. The law would not even have to become involved.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I don't think that I could ever surrender a child for adoption, but the stability & love of the couple would be far more important to me than their genders.
Are you looking into surrogacy? I did some research on it years ago, decided it wasn't for me- but there are private places to connect with surrogates and decide together if you & they are a good match.
@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
6 Aug 07
Thank you for your post. My lover and I have someone that would love to surrogacy for us. I see my brother with is kids and my sisters with her kids and it just make me want to be a daddy. I get to take my brothers kids home with me one weekend every month and my lover (Jason) is so good with them. The youngest (Cody) loves to help his uncle Jay clean. It is so cute. One morning we get out of bed and he had a paper towel in one hand and spray wax in the other hand cleaning the wood in the house. The love to come down here. I would love to have a child to call me dad.
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@mouse27 (1155)
• Canada
1 May 08
you are absolutly right gay people should have the same rights as straight people. and if it was in my power to help a gay couple have a baby i would but at this point due to medical reasons i can't even have another child of my own. keep praying tho and one day you just might find that child on your doorstep per say.
@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
2 May 08
Thanks for your comment. I am sorry for your medical and I hope that everything is ok. I hope one day that my lover and I will have a child to call our own but for now we have our animals. And the kids in our community love us. However we have very strong rules about when they come over, for example they must call parents from our home phone to let them know that they are over at our house. We follow the same rule that the parents would have so they know now bad words or stuff like that. I am a kid at heart.
@SuckerUpper (468)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I absolutely think it should be allowed. But as for helping, I would probably only help a gay couple that I am alredy friends with, and have known for a long time not just a random couple. And I only say that because having a baby scares me, so I wouldnt do something like that for just anyone, y'know??
@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
6 Aug 07
How are you tonight? I can understand that having a baby could scare someone. Not to try less'n your fear, but just thank how scared I would be. LOL! I have antiques to get broken. LOL! Kidding! Not about the antiques. I love children. You see a gay couple could cover the expence of a child but what a women gose thru they can only offer to be there for them.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
25 Aug 07
I fully believe gays should be allowed to adopt children. There are already so many children out there in need of a caring environment, it would be insane to deprive them of such an environment simply for the fact the couple wanting them happen to be gay.
Now, whether I would help them have a baby via bearing it for them, I don't know. I've considered the idea of being a surrogate mother for a friend whose fiancee may not be able to have children because of health problems, but I seriously don't know if I would have the emotional strength to go through with it - especially when I don't yet have a child of my own. I have no clue how strong an attachment I may get to the child, and the last thing I'd want is to put myself through the strain of giving up a child I carried for 9 months and gave birth to. I'd do it only if I knew for sure I wouldn't get too attached to the child.