What the heck are these discussions about? Do you have any idea?

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United States
August 6, 2007 12:11pm CST
I was looking through discussions with no responses and couldn't find very many to respond to. All I could find were words like Salman, Naruto, Mourindo, Pwrage, Buri-Al something and so many others. I figured out that some were performers of some kind or online games that I never heard of or am interested in. Not to mention the "join my site" discussions. Of course there are the few that ask "are you from...". It's no wonder that so many people complain that they get no responses to their discussions is it?I'm now on my way to my friends where I know I will get quality discussions and be able to add to my earnings!Do you have the same problem? Do you find that you don't know what a lot of the discussions are about or do you just respond to anything?
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30 responses
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
6 Aug 07
We can certainly agree on this, ctry. Sometimes I will also scroll through these discussions(and I use the term lightly), only to be perplexed by all the nonsense. I usually get at least a few responses to my discussions, so, you can imagine my chagrin when I once found one of my discussions relegated to this category, LOL. That was later rectified, however, by a fairly good response. I usually stick to my friends discussions also, because, as you stated, that is the place to get most of the quality discussions.
• United States
6 Aug 07
I like to look through the discussions with no responses to help the newer members get some responses. The problem is most of the time there are none for me to reply to. To me that's their loss as much as it is mine. I always have my friends to look through.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I will also agree that there are a lot of "discussions" like that. Sometimes it seems annoying as if it's just someone trying to make as many posts as possible. Oh er times I kind of feel bad because I wonder if this person just has limited English and is trying their best...like with the game ones, they know the name of it but not how to ask in English if anyone else likes it or whatever. The join my site ones are just temporary space wasters to me. I figure even if it does sound promising, why waste m time answering it since there's a good chance it will get deleted. I guess the "are you from..." discussions could be serious but there are better ways to word it. I haven't ever asked but am curios if anyone here lives remotely near me. If I just posed "Are yo from HERE?" Mos people would think No and skip over it since they couldn't really respond. But If I said "Tell me about where you live?", I be a lot of people would be willing to share. I may not find all of the members near me by doing that and more than likely I would get a lot of responses from far away but that's ok...."off" answers are better than no answers.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
6 Aug 07
Oh yeah lol...and the ones that will post a bunch of discussions about the same thing only asking a different question for each one. Like they want to discuss a certain book so their first discussion is "did you read...."then after that there will be discusions like "did you like the main character?" "what did you think of the plot?" "were you happy about the ending?"...Just put it all in ONE discussion for Pete's Sake!
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• United States
6 Aug 07
Oh, I love the members who will make 5 discussions on basically the same thing. Did you see the one who did a bunch only on movies? What was that about?
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• United States
8 Aug 07
I think those people must have a problem thinking of something to write about.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
6 Aug 07
LOL, yes when one ventures in to "no response" land it can be amazing at what you find. Yes I agree many disserve to be there that is for sure. However when I am bored and have the time to dig, I come across really good one's in there as well hidden deep in the pile, you know some that you really need to put some thought into and takes a bit of time to respond to. I think those are awesome.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I have done that a time or two myself. There are some that are hidden that are good and worth responding to.
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• United States
6 Aug 07
Surprisingly enough after really digging through the list I have found discussions from people on my friends list. It doesn't happen often but it does happen.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
6 Aug 07
Its getting out of hand the amount of ridiculous discussions (I wouldnt call them discussions) that are coming through, depending on my mood, I usually just report all these stupid idiotic ones..
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
8 Aug 07
Pure laziness, they obviously do not care, they wanted to start a discussion in the hope that they get paid..
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• United States
8 Aug 07
My "favorites are the discussions that ask a question and instead of writing anything about it just put ????. What the heck is that about.
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@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I usually look through the discussions with no responses, as I know what it feels like to receive none on something I started. After looking at alot of them, I just scratch my head and think, "It's no wonder they have no responses!" PEACE
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• United States
6 Aug 07
Questioning dog - Huh?????
I have the same thought when I see them! Like "what the heck?"....
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@Gumball (793)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I don't know what the others are but I'm pretty sure that Naruto is an anime cartoon series on Cartoon Network. The name sounds familiar. I've posted several new discussions lately but haven't had that many responses to them either. Doesn't seem to matter if they are serious or funny.
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• United States
6 Aug 07
I checked out Naruto on the internet and yes it is some sort of anime cartoon thing. I wonder how many members are interested in that other than the writers friends? Right now I think the reason responses are down is because it's summer and a lot of people are away or just outside and away from their computers.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
7 Aug 07
Maybe another reason responses are down is that people don't get paid for them . i had 5 yeaster morning before the up date and got nothing for them. They were good responses and a reasonabel length to. That has been happening a lot lately, and not just to me.
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• United States
8 Aug 07
Don't feel bad....I put a lot of images one day and didn't get anything for them!
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
6 Aug 07
After checking my home page, the next place I go to is discussions in my interests. I figure there would surely be something interesting to respond to there. But that's not always the case either. I can check every category and still find nothing to respond to. It's frustrating sometimes. Sure, there are those discussions of places or people or games or TV shows that you have never heard of because they are from a different country, but there are people on here who have never heard of the ones that people in the Western Hemisphere are so familiar with. There are people here from all over the world and I am guessing those who are familiar with things we are not, are probably thrilled to see something like that. But that does not explain the "no responses", does it? Unless of course the question is - "Naruto? Do you like?" It's pretty tough raising your earnings when there is nothing to respond to, and frustrating.
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• United States
6 Aug 07
That's my point. I think most of the members here try to make discussions that everyone can respond to. The more generic we make it the more responses we will get and the easier our earnings will go up.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
6 Aug 07
Yup, I often find myself wondering the same thing. (Though not about Naruto, that's an anime series I've liked for years, even before it came to the United States and we were watched pirated copies from Japan.) All that other stuff, though, yes. =p I have seen so many of those discussions that seem to be only really for people that live in certain areas, and it gets frustrating when you can't find anything to respond to. I was feeling that way this morning, I thought I would squeeze in a few minutes of mylotting before my doctor's appointment, and couldn't seem to find ANYTHING to respond to, even after scrolling through pages of stuff.
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• United States
6 Aug 07
Surprise face - I wonder why?
I especially wonder about the discussions that ask if you like a specific performer who is usually from some country other than the US. I think that's cutting down on the chances for many responses.
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@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
6 Aug 07
LOL could it be a generation gap?I have the same problem. I don't know what they are talking about! At my age (65) I don't keep track of games except for Pogo and what my grandson of 13 plays.
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• United States
8 Aug 07
Of course that's what it is!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
6 Aug 07
I often come across such kind of discussions which is related to some kind of games or movies which is not familiar to me. Probably that interest some people but I will just skip them and find some discussions that are of interest.
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• United States
6 Aug 07
I actually feel bad when I have to skip so many. It's not only keeping me from earning but it's not helping the writer either.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
6 Aug 07
Sometimes I don't know what they are talking about either..and sometimes there aren't very many to respond to. I am with you on this.
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• United States
6 Aug 07
Sometimes people will say that the person they are talking about is a singer but it's usually in their country and someone I have never heard of ....again..I think that's cutting down on their number of responses.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I'm not sure if I quite understand your discussion. Ha ha. I've never seen any discussions like that...with just one word? I did a search for some of these things like Naruto, Mourindo and Pwrage and all I came up with was your discussion. However, as you can see sometimes if I don't fully understand the discussion I still answer (cause I totally don't understand the first part of yours!). Normally the ones I can't understand are the ones with very broken English. I feel bad as I know English is not the first language of many mylot members but they are typically the ones I can't understand. I'm never sure how to respond to them so I don't. I only respond to discussions I have interest in or input for. Otherwise I leave them alone and sadly I leave a lot alone!
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@matte5 (1913)
• Sweden
6 Aug 07
Hello. I hawe had the smae thing in my mind when I am lookin in the no respond section or in the new discussion section I thought it was maybee that I am from Sweden and dont knowe about this strange discussion, and if I dont knowe I dont respond and ask what it is about so I stay most of the time on my frends list I can make around 15 responds a day there ( I hawe count them) lol. Hawe a nice day.
• United States
6 Aug 07
I'm sure most of the time it isn't because you are from Sweden. I think we're better off sticking with our friends discussions. We did pick them because we have some of the same interests after all.
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@arvensis (85)
• India
6 Aug 07
you are right there are such discussions.i have found difficulties to respond to many such discussion with jumbles etc,perhaps they are only for the people with fields related to them.i usually see into discussions my friends.. and discussions from my interests,i m more comfortable with this way:).
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• United States
6 Aug 07
I don't know about anyone else but I usually pick my friends by their interests. If they have a lot of the same ones I have then I know I won't have a problem finding discussions I can relate or respond to.
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• United States
7 Aug 07
Most of those discussions you have mentioned are those that usually violate the MyLot guidelines. I would just report them. I have been a forum admin at another paid-to site for 4 years, so I know what I am talking about. There is a rogue/lazy moderator that has been deleting good discussions that people have put a lot of effort to write up & post. Many of them did get a nice number of responses too. Either that it's a sabateur who somehow, became a moderator, or it's a lazy one who just deletes instead of reading & taking the time to actually make a judgement. In the meantime, many more of those discussions that blatantly violate the MyLot guidelines that are still in existence. Yeah - I reported them, but nothing has been done about them. In case if you're wondering how I know this, is from experience. As soon as I became one of the admins of the cashglow forums, the owner & head admin set up a special section that I named "Dumpster." When anyone deleted something, it did not really get deleted. It actually got moved there, & listed the person who deleted it. There was one hidden section that only admins knew about in which I left a bunch of posts stating what got restored - that was - moved back out of Dumpster & back in its place. After the owner & us 4 admins told the moderator to quit it & was ignored, I was the one who went & removed the moderator completely out of the member database, the owner went into the site database, & removed him (as well as kept his earnings) & then joined another admin in banning the guy from all of the chatrooms, & changing passwords & sending messages to the other moderators & admins informing them of the new passwords. All in all, many of those who ended up with good discussions deleted ended up quitting, & some of the others decided that they were not going to put all that work into coming up with new & good discussions just to have it deleted.
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@Eskimo (2315)
7 Aug 07
I've looked at some of these as well, and agree that a lot of them seem silly and there is nothing that anyone would be able to respond to. I don't just respond to anything, I try to only reply to quality discussions but 'Join My Site' discussions are not allowed on MyLot anyway if there is a link on it, these links should be sent by Private Message (which means only friends can get the links). I have no interest in online games and wouldn't bother responding to anything like that. Even some quality discussions can get very few responses sometimes.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
7 Aug 07
I can't just respond to any discussions, it has to be something I at least know and it has to be interesting. If I am going to respond to a discussion, I need to have something to say about it. With the words that you found, there is no way I would respond to them because I have never heard of them before.
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@kaplya (1578)
• India
7 Aug 07
following some experienced advices of fellow mylotters i too tried at first to resolve those discussions with no resonses but just like you i couldn't find many discussions on which i could have replied!! they were either about some topic or people i don't know about or really a lame discussion on which one wouldn't have much to say. these discussions are usually one or two liners and don't tell much about the person or the topic. so, most probably,they are bound to get deleted. i avoid such discussions because i don't like to respond something like"sorry i don't know", "what is this?"!:) i have turned on most of my friends' notifiers and i reply to them directly from there.that way i can have plenty of discussions to respond to and save my time in searching discussions for responding.:)
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
7 Aug 07
Some discussion topics receive poor response probably because they are not general topics like about everyday life experiences, pets, food, likes and dislikes, etc. Rather they are specific and only a limited number of people are either familiar with these or can respond. Take for example the words you found. They were probably referring to Salman Rushdie (the famous British writer), Jose Mourinho (the Chelsea Football Club Manager) and Burj Al Arab (the iconic 7-star hotel in Dubai), etc. You will agree not many people will want to respond to subjects relating to these. But on the other hand, if you are knowledgeable and among the very few to respond, you stand a great chance of being voted the best response. My guess is that most people just respond to the common topics, because that is easier to do. They probably feel more at ease doing so, and it is easier for them to earn as well.
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@dafnie (382)
• United States
7 Aug 07
When it comes to responding discussions I am very picky about it. That's basically because in order for me to make any quality money, I have to be able to respond with a nice answer. If the question or discussion topic is some, "dumb" and I don't know what to say, I usually just skip it and go look for another one. I usually get really good and nice discussions from my friends. A lot of them might have over 30 responses and it's a really good topic that is interesting and makes you think. A lot of the people on myLot have failed to realize that you get more money by writing more when you write a response, by having a nice long full paragraph when you're starting a discussion and by having a lot of responses in your discussion that are also filled with a lot of descriptive information. If you have one little sentence and five people respond with a couple words, don't expect much from myLot. I've had to experience that first-hand. I am personally also tired of the discussions that have a whole, "join my site" topic. If you're responding to a discussion, and you know that the site is relevant to the topic and can help the person who started the discussion, you can go ahead and invite them. But if you are attempting to start a new discussion, and all you have to say is "join my site"..... um, well, i don't think that's gonna work ya know! We've obviously have had a lot of people joining myLot and a great percentage of them are here just to post around and make money. But that's not the type of people myLot is aiming for. I think they want to have people online that will post great discussions with interesting topics that could get people to talk freely and also provide lots of information to others.