Interesting Article
By wooitsmolly
@wooitsmolly (3613)
United States
August 6, 2007 5:32pm CST
I stumbled across this article while searching for a picture for another one of my discussions.
It is about wives submitting to their husbands.
Please tell me what you think when you read this.
"Dear Friends,
It was a couple of years ago, as I was talking to my husband before he left for work, that I asked him the following question. It was a question that a friend had asked me the day before, and I felt like my husband would be able to give her the answer that she was really looking for.
"Dave," I said to him on that day, "What do you think a good woman can do to become a great wife to her husband?"
"That's an easy question to answer," he replied, quickly, and without giving it much thought, "She can find out what her husband likes and do it."
"That's it???" I questioned, not quite believing that being a good wife could be achieved so easily.
"Yes, Julie, that's it. That is all that any woman needs to do to become a great wife to her husband."
As my husband left that day, I knew that what he said was true. It was the same thing that God had been telling women for years. "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord," he tells us clearly in His Word. And then He even goes on to tell us why ~ "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body." Wives are supposed to do the things that please their husbands. It's that simple.
It's just not always that easy, is it? After all, if we are going to "find out what our husband likes and do it", we are not going to be able to follow the instructions and advice in those nicely written marriage manuals that we have at home. You know, the ones that are written by our favorite author and are filled with our favorite ideas for a good marriage. And if we are going to commit ourselves to doing things "his way" ~ cooking the meals he likes, dressing like he wants us too, running the home according to his schedule, allowing him to manage the money, and raising the kids the way he thinks is best . . . we are not going to be able to control our home, our children, our money, and our lives like we are so used to doing.
Real submission to our husbands is simple ladies, but it isn't going to be easy. If we are going to be good wives to our husbands, we are going to have to put away all those marriage manuals, turn a deaf ear to all the advice from our favorite friends and speakers, and die to our own desire to control and turn our hearts and minds towards our husbands, and spend time finding out what our husbands really like. We will need to spend our time studying them, listening to them, and allowing them to show us who they really are and how they want everything around them run.
As a woman that has been married to the same man for twenty-one years, I can tell you that truly submitting to your husband will not always be easy . . . but it will always be worth it. As you see the happiness that your submission brings to the heart of your husband, to the quality of your marriage, and to the spirit of your home, you will be glad that you put forth the effort.
May God bless you as you seek to be a good wife by making your husband happy as you choose to make him your marriage manual."
What are your thoughts on this?
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28 responses
@ibuemma (2953)
• United States
6 Aug 07
hi, molly. wow that's long. part of it might be true, but it forget the other part that said "Husband, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her -- he who loves his wife loves himself."
So, i guess it supposed to be both way. I have married only for about 8 years. it's true that I gotta listen to what my hubby said, but it works the other way around too. he's not the only one that need to be happy. And wife need to be happy too, so he can submit to her husband. That's only my opinion, marriage won't bring happiness if only the husband that happy.
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@mummymo (23706)
7 Aug 07
Mindblowing - I think I will start being a surrendered wife right now ... then again I don't think I will! Women spent years fighting to be treated as equals instead of as at the bottom of the heap and I am not going to say they were wrong to do so! Each to their own but since when were men actually those best placed to decide what was best for those all around them - well outside of their own minds? lol I try to make my other half happy but we cannot just decide to be subservient (well I can't) to men and ignore our own needs all the time! xxx
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
7 Aug 07
To be honest, I don't believe in any of this. Most especially the submission part. Sorry, I can not contribute postively to this discussion.
@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
7 Aug 07
My thoughts on this is I am glad I do not believe in a God that says things like this. This sounds very much like a book from the 50s that I really love. It is one of those manuals for wives. "Always leave some time to get dressed and getting the curlers out of your hair before he gets home. No man likes to see a sloppy wife when he gets home from work." To me it is one of the comedy books ever written. Just as I do not live like any other comedy preaches I am not going to live by this one either.
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
7 Aug 07
I think the idea may have a bit of merit, but before you'd want to be a 'good wife' you need a good husband, one that won't take, take, take and never reciprocate, leaving you feeling drained and resentful.
I personally don't think I'm going to dress a certain way to impress any man I marry. He fell in love with me when I dressed the way I liked, correct? So why change it and suddenly become all Molly Maid just because he thinks 50's housewives were kinda hot and he really wants to come home to his very own Lucy?
I do think, though, that a lot of marriages fail today because there's a huge power struggle with couples. Women are now taught that they can do anything, be anyone and that NO MAN can tell them what to do, and I personally think that men are becoming emasculated and losing their identities as men. Everyone is so confused about gender roles today.
I think that if women stopped fighting the men that they love, and just tried to fullfill some of their wishes instead of becoming resentful everytime their husband expects dinner to be ready when they get home and just considered it doing something nice for the man they love, maybe we wouldn't have so many divorces citing 'irreconcilable differences'.
I actually have a friend right now who has 2 young kids and expects her husband to come home and make dinner after work and help her clean up the whole house on weekends. I think that's pretty unfair. He works every weekday and then gets home and makes dinner and cleans up the mess she could have been straightening all week while the kids were sleeping and watching Baby Einstein?
I remember my mom being in the same position when I couldn't have been more than 6, and I remember her straightening things up and starting dinner when my little brother was down for a nap. When I was old enough to help I would sweep the floor or get stuff from the fridge for her.
Honestly, I feel for men today. They don't have it easy.
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
7 Aug 07
Oops.. forgot something.
A thought comes to mind about growing up. A lot of times my mom would dictate what kind of music could be played, what kind of clothes could be worn, what things to make for meals when it was your turn to cook, and you always knew that if you did it, not only was it not going to kill or harm you in any way, but it kept the peace. You didn't get yelled at or grounded for disobeying. If you rebelled there was usually hell to pay. Tearful arguments, cold shoulders, threats or punishments, which was all very unpleasant.
In this case, your husband isn't TELLING you to do anything -- you're doing your own research and doing things for him that you know make him happy. Same effect as obeying your mom, though -- keeps the peace.
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@agregory13 (62)
• United States
7 Aug 07
Hi, All religion aside and all bible quotes aside as well, I think that in order to make a husband happy you need to be yourself and try to be understanding to his needs, be the someone he feel in love with to begin with. You don't have to ditch your own happiness and become his slave. You need to stand up for your self and your thoughts and let him know that this is 2007 and If he wants to be happy then I suggest he start making you happy too. "It's a two way street." "It takes two to tango." and "Marriage is suppose to be 50/50." All of those sayings are true and if you let him walk on you once, he'll walk all over you forever. You need to make him happy by comprimising on what he likes and what you like, so you both can be happy and treat EACHOTHER with respect!!!
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@Stiletto (4579)
7 Aug 07
Well I guess if the woman that wrote it is happy living that way then good for her. I hope she doesn't have any daughters though as I'm not sure it's the healthiest example of an adult relationship! It's all a bit "Stepford Wives" isn't it? It certainly wouldn't suit me but to be honest the type of man that wants a submissive woman wouldn't interest me anyway.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
7 Aug 07
It's quite simple. It's called Love. If we're going to get Biblical, Christ said something like, "the greatest leader among you is the greatest servant." We serve those we Love, we strive to please those we Love.
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@healwell (1268)
• Ahmedabad, India
7 Aug 07
The tone is little sarcastic and it conveys that this kind of submission will destroy the womanhood!
Are you surprized reading this? This letter is like 'the famous Antony's speech on and about Julious Siezer's assassination done by few friends and his best friend Brutas was also participated and Julious saw him amd asked, 'Brutus you too?'
Remember what Am I indicating? The famous sentence, 'Brutas is honarable man, what he has done is for democracy..." And at last such sentence just turned as Brutas was not honarable man! The utterence was same yet it was conveyed like that! And Brutas had to run away!
So this is what I got it!
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
7 Aug 07
Well Molly ,what you saying is in the Bible,but it also said for men to love their wives like Christ loved the church and gave his life for it.I went to a seminar at church one time about this very same thing.The seminar was called "women of the word".If men were to honor their wives like Christ had instructed them too,then i do think that the women would be a lot more sumissive to their husbands, but husbands don't always do as the Bible instructs them.If i summitted to my husband i would never leave the house,never have a friend,and be a miserable human being.I do try to please my husband as far as fixing things he likes to eat and visiting with his family and being kind to him,but i have noticed that if i give him enough rope ,he would rule my world until i would be a total vegtable and rot sitting around in my recliner watching TV.I spent 30 years of my life summitting to my ex husband and he ruled me and i was his slave,and he also drank and ran around on me,so after all those years i left his sorry booty.I have a husband that is kind and sweet to me now,that isn't even much of a christain like my first husband.We get along fine,never agrue and fuss,we agree on things.I go shopping,have friends and do things i like to do,we do for each other.I suppose you could summit to some men and do well,but some men are control freaks like my first one...Thats my thoughts on this.
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@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
7 Aug 07
OMG Now i ams o confused i can hardly give an opinion i have seen enough of 'submission' around and all those 'submitters' have turned into a sorry excuse for a human being. Twosome is awesome. No one submits to the other we just love respect and live life to the fullest ...i wonder why should a wife or a husband submit to eachother isn't loving and caring for eachother enough?
@vijigopi (991)
• United States
7 Aug 07
You know, this is exactly what we girls were advised to do when we got married. As an Indian, I don't find this article a big surprise to me. In a lot of our epics, we find such women(who are called Pativratas - meaning a most devoted wife who considers her husband as God). In our tradition, we have stories of such devoted women, who could control even nature because of their devotion to their husbands(they could make it rain, or stop sun rise etc.). But in most of the cases, their husbands were truly great men, selfless and sacrificing and although they didn't worship their wives as God, they gave them equal importance and respect. There are some whose husbands were bad men, but those men were somewhat protected by their women's devotion and could not be destroyed unless the woman herself permitted it. In our tradition, we give the utmost importance to spirituality. And the eradication of one's ego is the main barrier to attain God. Hence humility, obedience and submissiveness is very important in day-to-day life to attain the supreme state. While it was submissiveness to the Guru(spiritual preceptor) for the men, it was to their respective husbands for women. Our scriptures actually say that 'Even God will be eagerly awaiting, ready to carry out any wishes of the dutiful and chaste wife'.
However, I doubt if any of this can be actually done in the present era, with women fighting for more equal rights. Whatever it is, I would like to say that fighting is never the way for a peaceful life. I say this because I was foolish enough to fight during the initial days of my marriage, but it only made matters worse. Later, I came to realise it, and have applied a more peaceful method to argue with my husband. I find this much more applaudable and whenever I do things to his taste, he automatically comes down to respect our feelings too. After all, what is life if you cannot adjust and accomodate?
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@senthil2k (1500)
• India
7 Aug 07
I feel, when the wife becomes completely submissive to her husband, then that will make the husband feel happy about her and will automatically make him to show more love towards her.
Its not about the giving up all the desires of the wife to the husband, but to take the happiness of the husband as the wives happiness. It will get automatically reversed from the husband too.
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@gibsonpatricia56 (85)
• United States
7 Aug 07
I only read part of your message. All my life I have been giving into what other people want. Did what pleased them. Then one day I noticed that when I needed someone (especially when I was sick) to help me. They had excuses. I became cold and calculating. The one thing I learned was to never put other people ahead of yourself except your children. you can compromise with people, if that doesnt work, the hell with it. I noticed a lot of people like to control others. you can be submissive only if there is something in it for you. To give into what others want is to lose your identity and to lose sight of yourself. Never be so hard up for a relationship to work where you do all the giving, trust me the other person sees this and will play you(use you). Once they find your weakness (which can be anything) they will use it against you. Dont lose track of your self. Trust me you need you. Once you start this submissive behavior everybody begin to treat you like this. Break the habit and dont feel guilty. Stay in control. Its good to be needed. Use your common sense. Stick to your plans or start making plans for yourself.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Aug 07
never read a marriage manul. Never watched the talk shows about it never read that part in the bible I went my own way to make my home the way I wanted it and my hubby told me thats all he wanted is what I did and we had 42 1/2 good years together before he passed away
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@sunshinecup (7871)
7 Aug 07
I kind of see her point, yes we do need to strive to keep our husbands happy, nothing wrong with that at all. Yes, it's good to know what is his likes and dislikes are. However I think if it's going to work, it has to be a two way street, not just one way. I would never have picked my husband in the first place if he didn't try to make me happy and I am sure the same for him. So while this isn't quite "wrong" her advice isn't quite right either in my opinion.
BTW he may be the head of our house, I am the neck and let me see a head work without a neck. :oD
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
7 Aug 07
I didn't read the entire thread, I will admit.
But what about what husbands need to do to be good husbands to their wives? Why do wives have to be submissive? Why do some religious wedding ceremonies make the women say they will obey their husband, but the husband doens't have to obey the wife? (that word was OMITTED from my wedding completely)
I thought marriage was supposed to be the joining of two people in an equal relationship. YES YES, you split chores, but you share finances equally, you share love equally, so why is the wife always portrayed as being submissive and servile?
I don't agree with this, and my marriage would crumble if my husband expected me to meet his every need, while he didn't do the same for me. I am no man's servant. I guess this is also why I am not a fan of institutionalized religion - because it spouts BS like this.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
7 Aug 07
I beg to differ. A marriage can be for a long time, and the reason need not be real submission of either party, especially the wife. In my opinion, to believe and agree that a marriage can sustain simply by submission is plain ignorance. Will one be really happy? On the surface, the husband and wife might be a perfect model in the eyes of many because they are married for years, but deep internally, is the wife happy having to submit to maintain the marriage. Where are her rights, her priorities, her goals? Same if the husband were to submit to their wives. True marriage is a result of mutual understanding, respect and love for one another.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
7 Aug 07
I read this article with keen interest. I agree with what is said here from the article. But still I think that we need to make some adjustment to it. That is men also need to know what their wives demand. Thanks for sharing this article.
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