School Uniforms: Good Idea or Too Controlling?
By amaleigh73
@amaleigh73 (499)
United States
August 7, 2007 8:23am CST
I have mixed feelings on this topic. Other than the private schools in the are - there are only two public schools that have their students wearing uniforms. What is your opinion?
13 responses
@YoungInLove (1254)
• Canada
10 Aug 07
I just recently transferred to a catholic school from a public school and sarted wearing uniforms last year. There are many pros and cons of the whole ordeal. Everyone dresses the same so their wont be any competition or anyone feeling inadeuquate but also, it can be a pain in the butt:P my school uniforms tend to get ripped/shrink alot unfrotuatnely, and wearing the same thing everyday gets old quick . But at my school, they have dress down days, where for 2$ we can wear our own clothes to school for the day. We only get a few of those days a year, but its a good compromise and we raise alot of money.
@Powder86 (23)
11 Aug 07
I live in England and everyone wears uniforms here. I've attended public, private, and grammar schools, and all were fairly strict about uniforms. The best thing is that you don't have to worry about what you're going to wear in the mornings. It's also good practice for entering the world of work. Regardless of where you work, it's likely that you'll have some sort of uniform or dress code. Uniforms are not about stifling creativity, they are about enforcing discipline, and teaching young people to listen to authority figures; something they'll have to learn before they can enter adulthood.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
9 Aug 07
I have always had the impression that Americans have an aversion to uniforms; especially to school uniforms. Here in Australia, school uniforms have always been the norm. While they were not compulsory in primary schools when I was in school, the majority wore them. They are now compulsory in all schools, from pre-school through high school.
I much prefer the use of school uniforms, because I believe they are a great leveller.
There will always be noticeable differences, even if all wear the same, but the difference is minimised. Some girls will have clean and neatly pressed uniforms, and look immaculate, while others will have not-so-clean and unkempt uniforms, but the difference is not as obvious as it would be if there was a free choice of clothes.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
9 Aug 07
I don’t like the idea of school uniforms for public schools- I mean sure that would mean kids wouldn’t get picked on for the clothes they wore- But I think expression is huge in kids- Kids need to be able to express themselves- and they can do this by the clothes they choose to wear- I also think it shows individuality. I wouldn’t send my daughter to a school that had a mandatory uniform.
@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
7 Aug 07
I think it is a good idea. Without wearing uniforms, parents have to spend extra time to think and help their children to prepare sort of smarts outfits. There will be difficult to say what are the standard or suitable outfits for the school. Some children may get bully due to their unfashionable and poor outfits. Besides, it doesn’t reflect a good and serious image for the school without school uniforms.
I don’t think the word ‘controlling’ is suitable for the description of wearing the school uniform. A school does need its discipline and obedient for their students.
@cajunmomma (624)
• United States
7 Aug 07
I think they are a good idea, because parent's don't have to spend all kinds of money on clothes that kids might not even be able to wear anyways. Plus, it keeps other kids who can't afford the "popular" clothes, from being picked on and beat up. I had to wear them when I was a senior in high school and at first I hated it, but then later on I realized that it saved me alot of time, because I didn't have to get up earlier to figure out what I was going to wear.
@sunshinecup (7871)
7 Aug 07
I like them for the reason yes they can get a bit exspensive, but in the long run I do save on clothes cause I don't have to buy half as many clothes. They last longer as well and they help detour the picking on one another since they all look alike. It also helps stop with the gang related signs coming into the schools, such as colored shirts or bandanas in gang colors. HOWEVER, I don't like the fact along with uniforms schools are also going over board by dictating how kids wear their hair, such as boy have to have short hair off the color and girls can't color their hair either. To me that is going to too far with it. I say I agree with the clothes, but that is it and they should not be allowed to go any further than that.
@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
7 Aug 07
I think they are a good idea , maby it would stop some of the violence that is going on because kids dont fit in if the dont have the right clothes on, I wonder tho about the parents who cannot afford to purchase them as they are expensive, maby the schools should supply them.
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
7 Aug 07
Hi there. I think school uniforms look quiet smart, when worn tidy and everyones looking the same... It also cuts out everyday washing of general clothing and everday wears...
@jlara_gtr34 (3491)
• Philippines
7 Aug 07
hi there! ;0
ever since i was in grade school, i have been placed in a private school where uniforms are really strictly required and imposed. :) and so far, i have no problem with us wearing uniforms because i think it is some kind of a form of equality among students. i mean, if we were all required to wear uniforms, there would be less discrimination with rich and poor because we would all be wearing the same outfits, in comparison if we were given the chance to wear our own type of clothing, then the rich ones would really "show-off" their stuffs, while the less fortunate ones would feel a bit inferior because they have not so many nice outfits. right?
well, that is just my opinion. thank you and good day! :)
@vinzen (1020)
• India
7 Aug 07
Hi, well it all depends in which area or place you are staying, as most schools in India at least, have school uniforms, private or public, and i think its better that way, at least you have a code of conduct and discipline in the way of dressing of the students. No , i dont think that its too controlling because this makes all the students fel like one, there are no class differentiations then, all are treated equally , or else we see the richer students flaunting their clothes, while the poorer lots feel embarassed infront of them. Why should there be so much of discrimination even if its in the students minds, after all they have gone there for studying only. Yes incase if the school is till kindergarten or playschool, there of course there should be no school uniform and the kids should just be let loose and free to move and be around in anything thats comforable for them to wear.
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
7 Aug 07
this is a hard desicion,but i do think if everybody wore uniforms,it would be so much easier on the parent and the child.on the parent because it would save them a heck of alot of money on new school clothes,which now adays are so expensive,and it would benifit the child because they wouldnt have to worry about getting picked on because of what they are wearing because everyone is wearing the adays children are sometimes so cruel to other children,and make fun of them because how they are dressed and dont give that child a chance of seeing who he or she really is,i feel that is so wrong to judge on how some one is dressed,so i think the uniforms would be my personal chose.great topic,nice wording