Should you stop working when you have kids?

@cielo05 (596)
October 26, 2006 4:47am CST
Is it better to be a stay-at-home mom or a career woman?
4 responses
• United States
26 Oct 06
It all depends on the person. I have two children. I stopped working when my son was born. Then when he turned two I went back to work. Now I have a 10 month baby girl and i'll probably do the same thing.
@cielo05 (596)
• Philippines
26 Oct 06
Thanks for the response.
@terriann (4450)
• United States
26 Oct 06
you don't have to stop working, it would be your choice, whatever you would rather do. I know these day and times it takes both parents to work to make it.Cost of living is more than what it use to be back in the old days.
@cielo05 (596)
• Philippines
26 Oct 06
Thanks for the response.
@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I don't think there is one right or wrong answer to this. I continued to work my full time very demanding job until my son was three. Then I realized that I was missing important times with my son that I'd never be able to get back and I quit that job. I still work, multiple part time jobs in fact. Sometimes I feel like I'm busier now than when I worked full time. But it's busy more on my own terms, which I love. But just because that was the right choice for me doesn't mean it is for everyone. You have to find your own path.
@cielo05 (596)
• Philippines
26 Oct 06
Thanks for sharing your views.
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
26 Oct 06
It all depends on your financial situation and the goals of the woman. The president of the company I used to work for was always telling me that women should never work outside the home. His wife had always stayed home with the kids. There were times I wanted to slap him, but I prudently didn't as I wanted to keep my job. I always thought that if he would pay my husband, who worked at the same place, more, I could afford to stay home, too.
@cielo05 (596)
• Philippines
26 Oct 06
Thanks for the response.