Okay now that you alll know I am taking my husband on a surprise vacation.....

@shambuca (2524)
United States
August 8, 2007 9:11am CST
how and when should I tell him. We are leaving at 8 am on a friday.. should I tell him the night before and say - well guess you better get packed since our flight leaves at 8 am tomorrow? (kind of casual like) Or wake up really early in the morning on friday (cause he leaves for work at 6 am) and wake him up saying Hurry up get ready we're leaving on vacation? (he may not like that) I could make up a card and give it to him when he gets home form work on thursday- in the card it would say happy anniversary, I love you and to celebrate our love I am taking you to FL on vacation? Please let me know what you think and give me your suggestions....help me to do this right.....Funny - I feel like I am preparing to propose....LOL
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7 responses
@rosie_123 (6113)
8 Aug 07
Awww - it's all so romantic! I'm excited for you:-)) If it was me, I would want at least a bit of notice to pack etc, so I would tell him the night before. Why not prepare a romantic anniversary dinner - all his favourite food - put on his favourite music, and put a card on the table with the words you suggested inside it! Gppd luck:-))
@shambuca (2524)
• United States
8 Aug 07
Okay - now thats what I'm looking for -- I knew I could count on you for help!!!! Thanks Rosie - I like your thinking!!!!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
8 Aug 07
Glad to be of help:-)) I know when I celebrated my birthday earlier this year, we were on holiday, and my Eduardo arranged for the Hotel Management to fill our room with fresh flowers while we were out, because he knows how much I love fresh flowers........ but maybe your husband wouldn't so much appreciate the floral touch!!
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@shambuca (2524)
• United States
9 Aug 07
You are right he is lucky to have you- any two people who are able to find each other in this crazy world are lucky to have one another!!!
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
10 Aug 07
Oh how sweet- I’m thinking you should not wait until Friday morning- Gosh that would be a heck of a surprise- I’d tell him Thursday night- when he got home- or give him a card- I’m guessing you already checked to be sure he can have the time off work right? Oh what a surprise it will be- How much fun is this!
@shambuca (2524)
• United States
10 Aug 07
I hope it stays a secret- I had to tell my mother in law yesterday- and she doesn't think before she speaks so I am a little concerned about it slipping...but I had no choice I had to tell her (she keeps asking us to go to VT and insisting) soooooo guess I wil have to play it by ear. But yes this is fun- wish all of you could be here to see his face when I tell him.
@classy56 (2880)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I wouldnt wait i would tell him now.He may have others plans or something an he may need time to get things done before leaveing on his surpise trip.He may want to go out an buy a new swim trunks,since you are takeing him to Fl, Have fun an enjoy.lol watch out for sharks!
@shambuca (2524)
• United States
8 Aug 07
LOL- thanks but I really don't think he needs to make any last minute preparation and he just bought new shorts last week....this is something I have alwsys wanted to do - surprise him with a last minute trip....as much as I would love to tell him now I am gonna do my best to wait it out.
@mimatexas (1818)
• United States
8 Aug 07
The card thing sounds good. But I would think you should give him ample time to let his boss know that he is leaving on vacation, don't you think?
@shambuca (2524)
• United States
9 Aug 07
I have already contacted his boss about it- everything is taken care of-- Spoke to his boss and got him time off, I have house and dog sisters for the boys, plane and reservations with meals included, all I need now is a ride to and from the airport...I could leave tomorrow... I WISH!
@mummymo (23706)
8 Aug 07
What about work - can you make arrangements for him to have time off without him knowing? If you can I think the card on the Thursday night is a wonderful idea! Are you packing a bag for him so all he has to do is be there - that sounds really fun! xxx
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@shambuca (2524)
• United States
9 Aug 07
I already spoke with his boss- I have his number in my cell phone in case of emergency--- I think I'll let my husband pack his own bag - I will probably tell him at dinner- then we can both pack together. I too am leaning towards the card idea....I can't wait to see his face.
@xiuluoelly (1224)
• China
25 Aug 07
In fact, I think that as long as two people are together, even if nothing is done at home spent an entire day is a very happy thing. If you really want a holiday, I still prefer to go to the beach or forest park, to experience the wild life is not bad.
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@lols189 (4742)
25 Aug 07
i think you should tell your husband the night before in the casual way. this way it will fill him with excitement and for him to be prepared
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