What are you feelings on interracial marriage?
By ctrymuziklvr
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
United States
August 8, 2007 2:28pm CST
Just to make it clearer I'm not talking about religions but races. What are your thoughts when you see a caucasian woman with an african american man or a caucasian man with an asian woman or any other interracial couple?My parents brought me up not to be racist, prejudice or see any difference in people of other races. At 60 years old I basically haven't changed much. I admit there are a few things that bother me but for the sake of peace here in my discussion I'm not getting into it.
My 38 year old daughter just married an african american man she has been dating for at least 3 years. They have been madly in love....her words..lol....for at least 2. Both of them have been married before and have kids from their marriages. At this point neither of them want any more which makes me happy because I wouldn't want to see my grandchild have to experience what children from mixed marriages usually do.
I have no problem with the marriage. My feeling is as long as my daughter is happy and healthy then I'm happy for her. My oldest daughter and 31 year old son have different feelings about it and their getting me very upset. I brought them up the same way I was brought up. Not to see a difference in color or religion and everyone is the same no matter what.
What are your thoughts and feelings about interracial couples and marriage?
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45 responses
@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I believe that interracial marriage is beautiful. It's beautiful to see people from different religions get together and learn from each other. people should be more diverse and try to take the time to learn about other cultures and suck it all in. i've always done that and i'm not prejudice. I'm an 18 year old hispanic girl and i love to talk to anyone if you black, white, yellow, blue i really don't care i just love to meet people and learn about their background and just about everything else they could tell me. i don't have a problem with interracial marriage at all.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
8 Aug 07
You're so right. There is so much we can learn from other cultures and actually being part of it makes it so much easier.
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@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
8 Aug 07
yeah it is. i love learning about other cultures and having the opportunity to get to walk in their shoes and find out what their culture is all about. i find it really exciting.
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@ruseneca (212)
• Bulgaria
9 Aug 07
Ayumitakashi,you'are absolutely right.I also accept Interracial marriages.We live in one place,in one planet,so that the love must be between everyone.There is no point whether people are black or white.When they have feelings,they can be free to share them without any racial borders.
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@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I don't see a problem with it. I married an Anglo and I am a Puerto Rican which means that the culture is different. However, my ex-mother-in-law had a real problem with it as she wanted her son to marry another Anglo. She never let me forget that I was "different". She was very concerned with status and did not like the idea of having a Puerto Rican in the family. She was cursed twice as my brother-in-law married a Cuban.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
9 Aug 07
Doesn't it seem that most mothers want their kids to marry the same race or religion? I think it's especially that way with Jewish mothers. I've seen it many times with friends I have.
@scarywhitegirl (2766)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I like the expression: "Love is color blind." I think that if two people are in love, the color of their skin shouldn't matter in the slightest. Skin color is only an outward appearance. What really matters is what is inside.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I like that saying too but I do get a chuckle out of your nickname! lol....
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I have no issues with it at all. My last 5 relationships have been interracial relationships. I wanted to ask about your statement on the "what most children of interracial relatonships experince" I have two children who are mixed children and I would love to know what it is you think they have to experince. I am also a child from an interracial relationship. My mother is Black and my father is Puerto Rican. The biggest issue mixed children have to go through is dealing with people who assume that by them being mixed they are going to have an issue or problem. See how that works?
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I see nothing wrong with interracial marrige. To each their own, is how I feel about it.You can not help who you fall in love with. I see no diferance, because of the color of ones skin.I am a white woman that is 55 years old I have been dating black men for 17 years.This is my preference.Both of my daughters have children by black men, so my grandchildren are bi-racial.They are the most beautiful children you have ever seen. They are very inteligent.And they fit in well with both the black and the white society.The way I see it is that they have the best of both worlds.I have no problems with it, my children have no problems and nither do my grandchildren.Life is what we make of it.If we are indeed happy with the choices we make, we will overcome any and all things.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I've known many children from mixed marriages and they are always so beautiful and very intelligent. God bless you and yours. You're so right...life IS what we make it.
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@zabawaus (1730)
• United States
8 Aug 07
Here is a subject I am so much concerned. I was married 1 year ago with an American man and i am Turkish. We've been dating 3 years and he made me surprise and proposed marriage. I was so happy at the moment but after a while started to think about every detail like the cultural differences or language ( he can not speak Turkish), and religion . I thought them not as a problem but i was just wondering if these differences would be a problem in our future. But now i am seeing that these were really sand pieces in a huge beach since we can keep love live. I love him so much and know that he loves me too. And when we have kids they will have both sides cultures and languages and about the religion we will wait them untill they decide what to pick. Meanwhile they will have 2 religion. :) I wish you and your children a very happy long life with their families .
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@Penguinsangel (3498)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I have no problems or issues when it comes to interracial marriages. To me love is love and it knows no color. Inside we are all made up the same, so why should anyone have an issue with what is on the outside is my thoughts and two cents.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
8 Aug 07
Me oh I am so against it...NOT.
I will tell you what hubby told the family when our, then 9-year-old had her first crush and it was on a black boy, "As long as my daughter finds happiness in life and some one to love her as much as I do, I don't care what shape or color they come in." I think he said it better than I could have.
I say it's none of my business who one falls in love with, that can be interracial, gay, older, younger as long as it's legal, I say leave them alone.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
9 Aug 07
Exactly what I told my daughter. I just printed out her "wedding pictures"....lol...they were married in Vegas and in jeans which she thinks was so wonderful! I put the pictures in frames and have them in my living room. I took a couple of pictures of them and sent them to her so she would see that I did it and that made her so happy. I am happy that she is so happy with her new husband.
@Eskimo (2315)
9 Aug 07
In principle it doesn't bother me at all, however this kind of marriage can suffer from a lot of extra problems that marriage to the same race doesn't have. For a start there could be differences in culture which (through ignorance ) could cause some strife. There is also the problem with family, neighbours and work people which is often more through ignorance and prejudice.
I try to judge people by what's inside them, not what is outside - some of the plainest people I know have a lot more charisma than beautiful people, remember beauty and colour is only skin deep.
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
10 Aug 07
Since they have been living together for a few years and she has been dating african american men for years I have no doubt that she has knowledge of the culture. As for anything else my daughter is "thick skinned" and can deal with just about anything that's thrown at her.
@jazgottt (1180)
• Poland
8 Aug 07
When I see an interracial couple, I think:
"Opposites attract mutually - that's great"
And that's all:) The same thing comes to my mind when I see a couple, where a girl is very short and her boyfriend is very tall.
I can't understand why people see something wrong in interracial marriage or relationship.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I think it's going to take a long time before people will feel differently about two people from different races being together. I don't think I will live to see it but the generations that are coming up now will certainly change so many things for the better.
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
10 Aug 07
*LOL* I was going to say that I hope they do have kids! :) I think children born to parents of 2 different races are BEAUTIFUL! One of my good friends in high school was Latino on her mom's side and black on her dad's, and she had the most gorgeous toffee colored skin and deep dark eyes, not to mention a heavenly hourglass figure. I also dated and fell madly in love with an Italian/Japanese guy in high school who I still think is wonderful looking, not to mention spiritual and very family oriented.
I think they're great. Another close friend of mine in high school dated a black girl seriously for over a year, and they even talked marriage, but they did get a lot of flack for being the only bi-racial couple in the school.
It's too bad, because I think the blend of different cultures, and in a lot of cases, different backgrounds leads to some pretty varied kids, and the last thing the world needs is more dime-a-dozen-conform-or-else Barbies.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
8 Aug 07
This really is a provocative issue, ctry. I have no prejudices against interracial couples. Whoever wants to be together is fine with me. All members of my family don't feel this way, but it's not because they were brought up this way either. Having grown up in the south, I was surprised when I returned home in 1991 and saw so many mixed couples. This made me believe that people were more accepting of it. How wrong I was. Racism is still alive and thriving all over the US. I remember going to see the movie "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" when it came out. I was still living in the south then. It made a huge impression on me. I think that everyone should see this movie and maybe they will understand that love has no color. I wish your daughter and her husband every happiness.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
9 Aug 07
I think everyone should be proud of their heritage no matter what people may say.
@FaidaATL (44)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I say to each its own. I have a friends and relatives that have married outside of their race. Most are black women and white men. They have been together from 10 to 20 years and more. These couples are very committed to their families and they respect each other in their marriage. I guess they say that if people have a problem with their union that is the other people's problem. Their children are very well-behaved and very stable. They do not get in trouble and the community accepts them. And they all belong to middle class, integrated communities.
@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
8 Aug 07
I am not a racist and never will be. Being born in Philippines i got accustomed to mixed marriages. Philippines has a very rich and mix culture of different races. I'm a Filipino but my family descent is of interracial marriages (spanish, chinese and filipino). And i find no problems in our family when it comes to getting along. We even find it amusing how we in our family have different physical features. hehehehe
Now, I'm married to a half scottish, half english man, who was married to a spanish. So my stepchildren are spanish-british mixture. Although sometimes there are some issues, but only minor ones. We are happy being an interracial family actually, although my baby is still very young, we get along very fine and my stepchildren loves her.And i have some friends who are in an interracial marriages as well and their families are getting along just fine, their kids are smart and adorable and are happy.
I don't believe that one's race should be the basis to determine who one should love and not. Who you are and who you love is the most important thing regardless of what your race is. As long as a family is happy together, nothing else matters. Love is the main ingredient in a relationship/family and not the skin colour.
The society may not fully accept and embrace the idea of an interracial marriage, but i don't think it should stop someone from loving another person outside his/her race.
God Bless to you and your family. Take care.
cheers! :D
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@kohuether (85)
• United States
9 Aug 07
I like it - I think it's fine. I am of Greek descent and the Ancient Greek ancestry still runs strong in our blood - I had a blond haired great aunt with blue eyes. Alexander the Great and his soldiers changed all that. I look in the mirror sometimes and I can still see a little of the East in my eyes, which are almond shaped and have eyelashes that are stick straight and go downward. These differences are what make us all unique, interesting, and beautiful.
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@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
9 Aug 07
I don't see anything wrong with interracial relationships. They are more common now than they were 20 years ago. Love is love, it knows no color. What is a person supposed to do if they meet their soulmate and they are a different race than they? Worry about what someone else thinks? Lose the love of their life because someone else doesn't approve? I think not!
My niece's first boyfriend, in the 1980's, was black. My sister told her not to let her father find this out. Being a concerned father, he wanted to meet the young man that was courting her around. They met and all was cool. I asked my sister if it wasn't her that was upset about this relationship and not her husband. She said she was not prejudiced and just didn't want to upset her husband. I guess she didn't know her husband too well, because he really liked this young man as a person, didn't dislike him a a black man.
My sister's ignorance about people has always baffled me. I haven't given up on her yet, but she does try my nerves!
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@blackkatdreamer (1461)
• Canada
9 Aug 07
Honestly I am in full support of interracial marriages and think mixed race babies are adorable! I don't see peoples problems and I don't understand why its a big deal and why people see race or religion and not love...
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
9 Aug 07
I am Canadian of European decent have 4 grown boys, 2 of whom have married Asian Women. I have a Beautiful Half-Japanese Canadian grandaughter who is 17 years old and very Quick to Learn. Also My Asian Daughter-in-law is expecting her first child later this fall.
We are a Very happy family! Need I say More?
@littlemissh (235)
9 Aug 07
I don't see any difference between mixed race and same race marriage. In fact maybe they are even better as it shows predjudice and racism can be overcomed and have no place in todays world. I wish them the best of luck and i don't mean to offend you in any way at all but if your other children can't accept it it really is a bad relection on them as A) they should support their sister whatever and B)surely its the person inside that matters. Either way i hope your daughter has a long and happy marriage and i'm sure her brother and sister will eventually come around.