Do you have a "tramp stamp" (tattoo on your lower back)?

@miamilady (4910)
United States
August 9, 2007 6:27pm CST
I hope nobody is offended by the expression. I think it's kinda cute. I don't have one, but I've seen a bunch. My sister in law has one. It's a sun. Do you have a tattoo on your lower back? If you do, what is it? Have you heard the expression? Are you bothered by it?
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17 responses
@Galena (9110)
9 Aug 07
I have a tattoo on my lower back. it is not a tramp stamp though. I hate the suggestion that it is somehow tacky or unladylike, or done just for a fashion. I have a bat tattooed across my lower back, and it's very beautiful and unique.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
10 Aug 07
I meant no offense. It's a term I've heard a few times and thought it was kinda funny. I can undertand how you would be offended though. What is funny to one person can be offensive to another. Take care
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@Galena (9110)
10 Aug 07
I think for the less original ones it can be appropriate. just not all of the tattoos in that location are done for fashion. it's an excellent location, as the skin on that part of the body doesn't age so badly as other areas, so the tat doesn't sag for longer, and it's easier to cover or uncover at will.
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@tsgirl01 (900)
• United States
9 Aug 07
Hi miamilady, well I don't have any tattoos but I know several people who have them on the lower back. It seems to be a trend. I don't find the term offensive but I must admit, I have never heard it quite put that way before. Take care...
• United States
10 Aug 07
no i don't want one. I don't want any tattoo cuz I don't want to permanently mark up my body, I dont really get the appeal although if other people want one go for it. I especially don't like tramp stamps though cuz theyre SO trendy and overdone, every $lutty girl has one too. It just seems like the most unoriginal tattoo ever and I feel like if you're going to get a tattoo at least get something worth putting on your body for the rest of your life! Not just something that everyone in the crowd is getting to be like everyone else! My best friend has one that she got years ago and regrets it now and hates it cuz so many trampy girls got them since she got hers and she feels like she looks trashy now. Every once in awhile you see a good one, but usually, its just a dumb, totally unoriginal, boring, design.
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@Galena (9110)
10 Aug 07
I designed my own. no one else has it, although my mum might get the same design done. she's the only person I would let use it. I would never just pick a design off the parlour wall.
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
10 Aug 07
No I do not have a tattoo on my lower back, but I do have one infront, right over my brest. It´s a black widdow spider. Now, why is that, well I am fobiac of spiders and I thougt If I put a spider right where I can watch it everey day mabee I can take away the smal once we do have here in Sweden. I also have an tattoo on my right arm, its a heart with a sparrow right trhou it. I did them in adult age so I will not regret that I have them.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
10 Aug 07
I would think that a black widow on your chest would scare the men away. lol Maybe it would intrigue them,though. Anyway, did it help with your phobia?
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
10 Aug 07
Well I do no longer have any problems with the small once. But I do not thing there is an easy way to get over an fobia. But I like my spider..*smile*
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10 Aug 07
I have never actually heard that expression before but I guess some people may be offended by it. I actually have 7 tattoos myself and do plan on a few more. I want on on my lower back as I already have one closer to the middle. It is of a celtic knot with four spiders and I got it because to me it was symbolic and tied in nicely with the 2 on my shoulders. TBH I tend to get quite positive reactions to my tattoos when people find out about them - I was very careful where they were so you couldn't see them all the time - and after the initial shock that I have them people are usually quite nice.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
10 Aug 07
What does TBH stand for? I'm familiar with the celtic knot, but what do the spiders signify?
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
10 Aug 07
I haven't ever heard that expression but I know of at least one girl that it would fit perfectly. I have seen a lot of women with tattoos in that spot, today's shorter shirts and low-waisted pants tend to show them off. As someone who used to work with the elderly, I greatly fear what a tattoo will become when the flesh gets saggy, the skin is loose and basically begins to succumb to gravity. Add to that my intense fear of doing something permanent and then regretting it and I don't think I am a likely candidate for tattooing. I do think that the temporary tattoos, especially the very arty, air-brushed ones can look very attractive and be a fun accessory that you wear right on your skin. It's all a matter of personal choice, like hair color, makeup and nail polish. Do what makes you feel good about you!
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@Galena (9110)
10 Aug 07
that's one of the reasons some people choose to have a tattoo on the lower back. it's not so subject to gravity as other body parts.
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@kage2k3 (1443)
• India
10 Aug 07
Well i don't have any tattoo on my lower back but i think it will look cool if i have one on my lower back. I m not offended or bothered by it.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
10 Aug 07
That's the first I've learned of that expression. I Love it! I'll have to remember that. thanks.
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
10 Aug 07
My wife has a larger tattoo across her lower back. It's a tribal style with a very bright green shamrock in the middle depicting her Irish heritage. We've heard that phrase a million times and she is never offended by it.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
10 Aug 07
I have a tattoo but not there, I really didnt want it there and Im glad that I didnt now...It is such a common place and everyone has got them there...
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
10 Aug 07
Like you, I don't have one but I know ppl who do. I've never heard them called that. I have one tattoo that is on my is an egyptian eye with the world where the pupil should be. It has my family name above it. It stands for peace and compassion for the world. All though I like it and all I wish now I wouldn't have gotten it. If there was a way to remove it without having surgery I would. Oh well, live and learn. AT PEACE WITHIN
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• United States
10 Aug 07
I have tattoos elsewhere but not on my lower back. That is a super sensitive area for me and I don't think I could take it. I can't even stand someone patting me on my lower back if they're giving me a hug. As for the term "tramp stamp" I have a problem with labeling people in negative way. I understand that some are going to stereotype others but I don't have to like it. It's very demeaning. There's enough of that going around without adding a new label to our vocabulary to make women feel bad about themselves.
@liyan97 (2127)
• Northern Mariana Islands
10 Aug 07
Hello there miamilady! Yes, I do have a tattoo on my lower back and no, it is not a "tramp stamp". It is a tribal vine going across my lower back with the name of my three kids below it. I choose to get this tattoo because I am proud of my children and I want everyone that comes across me to know that. I choose to place it on my lower back because I can have the choice of hiding it, when the situation calls for it. I have another tattoo on my upper right shoulder with my last name on it. Of course when I go to my kids school meeting or what not, I use a t-shirt and cover it up but when I am out with my friends or family I can just use a spagetti strap adn show it off. LIke I said, I can easily cover up when I need to. Honesty, I have never heard it being called a "tramp stamp" that what they call it in your area? I feel that tattoo's are a form of expression and to each it own!I am not at all offended by it because i am confident and proud of my tattoo choice.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
10 Aug 07
I hear the expression from time to time. I don't have a problem with tattoos. I don't have any myself, but I have friends and family that do. Some of them are really nice. Thanks for your response.
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@gradyslady (4054)
• United States
18 Sep 07
No my best friends do. One has her name and the other has a pretty design. The tramp stamp kind of annoys me because these are good girls here, they're not tramps or anything. I know lots of "tramps" that have their tattoos in other places.
• United States
12 Aug 07
I've never heard it called tramp stamp before! That's kinda cool! No, I don't have one, but my friend does, and my niece does. My niece's says Caleb, her son's name. I think they're cute, but I don't have one-yet!
@mummymo (23706)
14 Aug 07
I have never heard that expression before and I quite like it! Idon't have one on my back but I do have a celtic love cross on my boob! xxx
• United States
10 Aug 07
I have no holes nor pictures on me. I have not heard the expression before and I'm not sure wether I would care for it if I had the tattoo. It seems unpleasantly evocative of an improper idea.