How to get your kids to sleep
@goddessglamourpuss (261)
August 10, 2007 1:34pm CST
I am getting to the end of my tether regarding getting my kids to sleep. The youngest(3) wakes up around 4.30 - 5am and starts prowling around and waking up my daughters (6+5)
They generally get up around the same time for the toilet but will go back to bed until my son starts playing then it is a general free for all. I sent them to bed at 5.30pm tonight and they are STILL playing around upstairs. They will still get up early in the morning and the 5 yr old has bags under her eyes I could put a weeks shopping in.
The youngest will probably have a nap tomorrow and I may be able to get the middle one to sleep for an hour but the eldest will not sleep under any circumstances so will an absolute nightmare.
I have tried keeping them up later but they still get up at the same time. I have tried bribing them to stay in bed to no avail. I have also tried punishing them and that doesn't work.
I am so fed up with being woken up early in the morning and running up and down the stairs to yell at them to go to sleep as if I ignore them they just get louder.
Other than drugging them (which I would never do however desperate) what else do you suggest?
4 responses
@cathylmg (283)
• Singapore
11 Aug 07
I remember when my kids were still young, I brought them to the playground everyday. They used up all their energy there and sleep soundly by 10 or 11pm. I continued to do this until they established a good sleeping pattern. Even then I continued to bring them to the playgrounds, either indoor or outdoors at least twice to thrice a week.
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@goddessglamourpuss (261)
11 Aug 07
Thanks for your reply. The nearest park to me is a good 20 min walk and wears out the youngest - and me - but the eldest seems to think that she should have other things to do in the afternoon after a morning running around the park and mooches around all afternoon. The youngest will either nap and then not want to sleep later or fall asleep early but wake up later and mess about.
@marshall_blake2000 (304)
• United States
10 Aug 07
I have a hard time getting my kids to go to sleep also, but then I realized some thing. Like myself some time they have trouble going to sleep to. They are some times just to high strong after there busy day to sleep just like I am.
So what I started doing is setting them down about a hour befor bed time and watching some thing on t v with them. I found it gives they a chance to relacs a little.
I am not saying it going to work with all kids, But it sure helped with the problems I had getting my kids to sleep at night.
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@goddessglamourpuss (261)
11 Aug 07
Thanks for that. I have tried have a dedicated 'calm down' hour before bedtime but half the time they just end up messing about and getting sent to bed early where they just continue to mess about upstairs.
@kittensmommy (386)
• United States
10 Aug 07
I hear you loud and clear .Before my daughter started school , she would get up at 6am and go to sleep at 1 in the morning , no naps , no breaks.Than came along my son and certainly did not help matters , waking up in the middle of the night for feedings.I was loosing my mind and had to put an end to it.Now they are 5 1/2 year old girl and 2 year old boy.We all wake up at 7am , breakfast , goodbuys for dad leaving to work , tidy up bedrooms and play up there for a couple of hours,lunch by 1.30 or 2 pm and then quite time for an hour , where they are allowed to listen to soft music and lullabys only , no lights , no toys , certainly no talking,we might read a story book together or so , but it's quite .than we get up tidy up and go to the park or just outside in the front yard , play run get them wet , let them do whatever for 2 to 3 hours , wear them out , we come inside , everybody takes a shower than they watch a couple of tv shows or a movie till I cook dinner , we eat at 7.30 or so , they hang with their dad for an hour and then it's bed time ,they fall asleep really on their own because they are really tired .
Don't rely on punishing , or fighting or shouting , because they know it will stop at some point ,Don't lose your mind.
Breath in and out , you'll find the solution in front of you .
Good luck
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@goddessglamourpuss (261)
10 Aug 07
Thanks, it is nice to know it is not just me as they have been pretty much like this since eldest was 18mths and nobody else seemed to have a problem like mine.
I like the structure you have to your day and I have tried to take them out and let them run round but they just seem to have oodles of energy and I am the one worn out keeping up lol.
I think they have given up now but I will certainly give your quiet time a go.
Thanks for your response :)
@vinzen (1020)
• India
13 Aug 07
Hi, well i can understand your troubled state,and would suggest that firstly, please no threats and no punishments as they are kids and dont know half the time whats right and wrong. Its just that we parents get tired down with each one having their own sleep and other timings. I would suggest that you plan out things in such a way, that all the timings of everything for the kids, is the same. I have undergone what yo are facing now, and i switched and made a proper time table, so that we all get up and sleep at the same times. No, its not difficult at all, set the time that suits all of you first. If your school going kids are getting up at 6, make sure your youngest one also does so, if they are sleeping in the afternoon, make sure hes sleeping witht hem too, dont make him sleep separately at other times, if he does, force him to get up and sleep at the same times. It may take 2-3 days for adjustments but when he is adjusted you will see all your problems are solved. I used to make my kids sleep at the same times, as us and get up the same time also, so that i have always had my afernoon and night peaceful sleep. At night also, dont make them sleep toos oon, let them read etc and sleep around 8ish so that they sleep soundly till 5-6 in the morning instead of getting up for going to the toliet and resleeping again, as most kids find it tough to resleep as their immediate sleep is over by then. Hope this helps you. :)
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