Asking for monetary help..

United States
August 10, 2007 7:36pm CST
I would like to get some opinions on what you all think about asking for monetary help from others. I'm not talking about going out and panhandling or begging on the street corner. Just getting your story out and asking if people would like to help with $1 or $2, then it would be greatly appreciated? I ask because I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I find it horrible, but on the other hand...I see how it could help. I have thought about starting a website asking for help for my family. We have ran into some major financial problems lately and it's not from being irresponsible! It's just a run of bad luck. One car died, my daughter's hospital bills from being born and needing critical care have come in, my husband has had to have TWO bypass surgeries in the last month, my student loans are due, etc. All of this in the past 3 months and it's killed us! I am to the point of not even paying credit cards in order for us to pay rent and eat! So...what are your opinions??? Is it shameful?
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10 responses
@paul8675 (750)
• Australia
11 Aug 07
Just as Ecclesiastes 3 says, there is a time for all things. Sometimes there is a time for humility and a need to drop personal pride and ask family for help in finances, just as we would ask for help in health and other matters. Family is there to support each other, so why not drop pride and use it.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Aug 07
not my family. LOL My family isn't the closest. I just asked my dad to help me put a window unit AC in and he refused so can you imagine asking for money. :)
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
11 Aug 07
Have you checked in to government help? YOu've paid the taxes that pay for thoose programs so you're just as entitled (if not more) than the other people on them.... Hubby and I were deep in the hole at one point, just from the excess the insurance wouldn't pay when I had my twins, nothing too serious, and all our other bills and managed to work our way out. I believe the formula we used was off of cheapskate monthly or something like that, they're now known as debt proof living.... Good luck. I know it sucks when money's tight.
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• United States
11 Aug 07
thank you. I will try to find cheapskate monthly and see if there is something we can do. Government help won't really work, I don't think. My husband makes too much money for most programs so that's out. Isn't it funny that we don't make enough to live, but make too much for help. :)
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
11 Aug 07
I don't think it is shameful, because there is nothing wrong with asking for help, and it wouldn't be people's choice whether or not to give you money. That said, I don't know that it would work. People are becoming more jaded and there are many scams out there. I would still talk to your church, even though you have not been a member for long. Our church when I was a child helped my mother, even though it was only with babysitting, after we had been members for all of two weeks.
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@AmbiePam (96282)
• United States
11 Aug 07
I don't think there is any shame in it. I don't know how you'd get a lot of people to see it. A lady a couple weeks ago posted 10 times, the site she had set up for people to donate money for her and her family because she said they were about to be thrown out of their house for not being able to pay the rent. And each time her discussion was deleted. So I imagine it would be hard to get the word out.
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• United States
11 Aug 07
yeah...i don't want to bother any of you here...i am just trying to get opinions. like i said, i feel bad in a way and think it's horrible to ask, but then's just hard. I don't want to go bankrupt, but may have to look into it. :) thanks
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@AmbiePam (96282)
• United States
11 Aug 07
Hey, your problems are real, and you have every right to be worried. I am on disability and am having tremendous problems with them. I'm currently not getting the full benefits due to an SSI error that hasn't been fixed in four months. I know if I need it though, my church would step in and help. Do you have a local church you attend regularly? Maybe if you talked to the pastor and explained, they could help you.
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• United States
11 Aug 07
I do have a church, but just started attending a few months ago so I am not really a memeber and not well established. Thanks for the support and the idea, though. :)
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
11 Aug 07
I don't think you'd get a very good response. I think you'd have more luck getting a bigger loan from a family member, friend, or a bank. It might also depend on who you approach. People who don't know you very well will probably be less likely to help you out. Your closer friends, if they know you well and know you weren't being irrisponsible would be more likely to help you. Good luck.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
11 Aug 07
All of us have financial problems that's why we're here in myLot and other earning sites. The thing is, the problem with this type of asking money is that there are those who abusive this type of help, that's why people no longer buy into the thought anymore. I have over 30 emails everyday saying that their kid has got some sort of sickness. It's sad that people like this make the venue for helping a lot doubtful. I suggest you ask for local community help or the church or the government. And ask (swallow your pride) ask help from relatives and friends because they see your situation and somehow could understand.
@gloria777 (1674)
• India
11 Aug 07
Its not good to ask for monetary help in public forums or from strange people. You can seek help from your relatives, friends or even some NGOs. LOL..
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
11 Aug 07
Around here there are often jars set up for people to make donations in the case of hospital bills at businesses. Restaurants and convenience stores often have them. Benefit auctions or singings are held too. There is nothing shameful about it when you are in true need. I like to help people when I can. It's kind of sharing our blessings.
• China
11 Aug 07
I think it is normal to ask moneytary help from others. I usually ask for moneytary help from my friends and my friends also ask for moenytary help from me. I would like to help other when they need money even if I am short of money. Sometimes, I feel shamed if I can't provide with moneytary help to my friends when they really need moneytary help.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Aug 07
No it is not shameful but with all the scams going on , I don't see you having much luck on the internet. I know that I would not respond. What I have seen some families do is have friend or coworker...someone that really is aware of the familiy's situation, write up a short story explaining the family's bad luck story. They post the story to several coffee cans and ask local businesses to display them. We have had a few familys in my area that circumstances put them in a grave financial situation. We did the coffee can thing and you would not believe the wonderful response. A local band also has done several benefit concerts for such family's pulling in a great amount of money. I'm thinking it would be best to keep it local because even if people don't really know you ...they will give because thats what communities do...they pull together. Also your story is not likely to be questioned as it would be on the internet. Most businesses will not sponsor donation cans unless the cause is legit. Hope things get better for you and your family!! Ps...local churches are wonderful for helping out even if you are not a member! there is plenty of help to be had, you just have to ask the right people and search the right places. not feel shame. I have had to ask for help before...something not easy for me to do. A wise man told me to put away my pride for the sake of my family. he said my pride was selfish and depriving my children. So true. We all need a helping hand from time to time.
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