Anybody use search engine ZotSpot?

August 11, 2007 2:03am CST
Do you use it? Do they pay monthly? how do they pay you? and how much money have you got paid every month? What do you think of this search engine compared to
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3 responses
@dimaks (786)
• Japan
9 Sep 07
i just tried using zotspot and as of now, i did not earn anything for a payment yet. i think i signed last month, not so sure though. the search results are not that good to me but then the catch is good. it "pays", unlike other engines out there. but yes, i still got to earn those payment :)
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@jazgottt (1180)
• Poland
9 Sep 07
I also don't remeber, if I was paid first time after 1 or 2 months after joining zotspot. At the beginning I wasn't as active as I'm now. I wasn't sure, if I would be paid. Now, when I know, that zotspot pays, I am looking for some referrals:)
@ayris77 (1301)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 07
I dont know about that Zotspot!So,i dont have any idea about that new search engine.Where i can get it?
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@zenmachado (1617)
• United States
11 Aug 07
Its a great search engine, yet the pay is super dee duper bad.. not one cent have I gotten. So its the same as Yahoo.. you find yer stuff, but ya dont get paid.
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