Pain, Pain, Pain, Pain, Pain

@ElicBxn (63798)
United States
August 11, 2007 10:32pm CST
As some of my friends know - and suffer from themselves, I have fibromyalgia. Well, today we did some more major housework that needed doing. We had my roomie's nephew here to do a lot of the really hard stuff, but that didn't change the fact that I still had to do a lot of work myself. I sprayed the back yard for fleas - my poor hand was about to break. I had to do it in 4 sessions because I just couldn't do it all at once. We had to treat the cats for fleas - well, most of them anyway. We had to put them outside while we bug bombed the house. That was fun - NOT! We have 2 seperate cat safe zones. Most of them went into the "playpen" and the rest went into the "spa room." We were handing cats to the roomie so she could - encourage - them to go out the cat flap. Once we had them out there she blocked the entrance so they couldn't get back in. The ones that went to the spa room were mostly carried the 8 feet in carriers. One of those was my poor "scardy Scamp." He got in there & made all kinds of pitiful Siamese sounds! When we came back we had to open the house up and leave again. Before we left again we installed some new weather striping around the back door where it had come off. When we came back again we swept up the bugs & any food that was on the floor & he did some mopping even. He had a list of 16 things to do, including such things as change light blubs that I could've done if I could find my step stool, he can climb on chairs - I can't do that any more. We had started at 8, tho we had to stop at 1:20 for 3 hours when we set off the bombs except for the half hour we came in to start the house airing out. So, by quarter of 4 we were back & cleaning up to let the cats back in. By 7:30 the kid & I collapsed & napped for a couple of hours. I'm still hurting & I can't take any "rescue" meds because I'm starting a new round of test meds on Monday. So, what did you do today?
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8 responses
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
12 Aug 07
Sorry to hear you are in pain today. My, you did a lot today. As far as my day we picked up the rental truck at 9 Am and loaded the stuff for the dump in. While my husband and father took that it the dump the kids and I went to my Grandmothers and helped pack up stuff there. When the guys arrived with the truck we loaded up and took the stuff to its new homes. One more full day in the house and we should have it empty and ready for sale, that just leaves the papers to sort out and the will to take care of. When we got home I set up the furniture that I got and made the kids dinners and got them of to bed. Time for some down time and then of to bed for me as the baby gets up around mid-night and is up for the night.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
12 Aug 07
Sounds like its time to get that baby on a day schedule hun. I had insomnia as a child - I remember my dad poking his head in & asking if I'd like a midnight snack with him - humm - wonder where I got it from.
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
12 Aug 07
Ya, that would be great if he was on a night schedule. The reason he is up all night is he has colic and is in pain from mid-night to around 4 or 5 when it settles down and he can sleep again. I feel so bad for him, he cries so hard and is in so much pain. Well, all I can do is comfort him and remind myself that this will end soon enough and we will move onto the next issue.
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@jrcrow79 (34)
• United States
28 Feb 08
ok weed out ANYTHING with plant life in it..there is a reference material part on the website tat if you forget or dont know what an ingredient may call he dr's office or email, or ask me ;-). The it time to see dr. Amand is a few months but if you tell the secretary you are new and in sever pain he will take you quickly. Keep me posted! Eric
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
28 Feb 08
Thanks Eric. I have bookmarked the site!
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
12 Aug 07
I got tired just READING all of that! LOL I hope you get to feeling better hon, and I hope the new meds work for you. I spent my day in pain as well. I've been pretty much out of commission since Thursday morning when I woke up with my lower back and hip joints hurting so bad that I couldn't walk. I have rheumatoid arthritis in my hips, and I've been dealing with it for over 20 years. But I haven't had this much pain in four years. I was about at the point that I wanted to go to the hospital to get a shot for the pain. But I toughed it out since my doctor gave me good meds for the pain. So today, we had an early birthday party for my daughter, and I spent most of the afternoon chasing after teenagers. Maybe that is what helped, but my back has loosened up a bit. Or maybe it's the double dose of pain killers. LOL Either way, hopefully I'll get a good night's sleep for a change. Take care hon.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
12 Aug 07
Ouchers, I thought for a short time I was getting rheumatoid arthritis in my hip, but that must've just been a bad test. When I went for the fibro workup it was negative. There really isn't any history of it in my family. I hear ya about the pain tho - I've had to take some powerful pain killers in the past for things - still have some liquid hydro-codone in the fridge - from my last root canal. Still good, just can't use it right now.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Aug 07
Sorry I'm late in responding to this. Since I haven't been getting e-mail notifications for the past few days I don't know who is starting discussions or not..All I can say is that, gee, sounds like you've been having so much fun lately...uh, NOT At least though you did get a little help with the heavy duty stuff from your roomie's nephrew. And yikes, the flea infestation must have been really bad to have to go through all that--My don't we lead exciting lives? LOL My highlight of the day wasn't nearly so exciting but I buckled down and did all the major dusting today...I hate dusting and I'm allergic to dust..
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
15 Aug 07
I'm allergic to dust too, but the same treatment I had for cats got the dust problems too. I try to do more, but the pain & muscle weakness kind of keep me from doing a lot of what I ought to do.
• United States
14 Aug 07
I am going through something with my health problems that I do not have much energy. Saturday I went out the old house we use to live in and helped go through some stuff that was my sister in-laws. I also took photos of the old place. I was sort of depressed because we do not have money this month to pay the house payment until the end of the month and the fines we will have to pay. I am depressed because of the phone calls we keep getting. I know that the depression does not help my illness.
@jrcrow79 (34)
• United States
27 Feb 08
lemme have moodiness, achiness in the lower back, chronic fatigue, dizzy sometimes, forgetfulness, anxiety. How do I know I have it for the past 10 now almost 29. There is a Dr. names Paul Amand who works in MArina Del rey and he sees patient all around the world..seriously! america..they see him 2x a year. See as he explained FM is this: certain people have a genetic condition which makes their kidneys overproduce calcium leading it to be like "cement on a rope" and the calcium in time gets bigger leading to RA (the Dr. has 2-4yr old patients..interesting eh?) Anyways check out Guaifeneson 600mg is the lifelong cure for life, BUT there is a protocol you MUST follow: NO touching/drinking of ANY plant life..including walking on the grass barefoot!..once the oils rubb off into your bloodstream..24 hour cancellation of the Guaifeneson happens..imagine everytime u touch/drink/anything with plant life 24 hours over a periood of weeks/months the symptoms can come back ASAP. Eric--please chek out the website or email if u have any more questions.
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
28 Feb 08
I'm actually pretty lucky with the fibro. I have a very mild case, tho it of course gets worse when I don't get enough sleep - like the last few days.... I know my extreame allergy to corn does seem to make me feel worse, even when I think I'm doing a good job avoiding the stuff.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
12 Aug 07
I also have fibromyalgia and was grateful that the weather changed taking away the humidity and my headaches. But my husband is away and I have to keep the house relatively clean. He usually does the vacuuming and floor washing. The other day I watered my plants, decided a lot of them needed soil added to them. That made messes in various places so I ended out vacuuming 3/4 of the house. I dropped in pain when I was done and am still trying to recover. It's always something.
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@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
13 Aug 07
yes i have fibromyalgia as well you had quite a day today i hope your new round of meds will help you the humidity was making my pain very severe especially in my legs the weather affects me along with stress too much work at once tiredness i got some grocery shopping done and helped and cleaned up after sunday dinner today i am exhausted thought i would sit here with my feet on hassock on mylot best to you