Do you think it's better to drink fortified orange juice or regular variety?

United States
August 12, 2007 4:55pm CST
Yesterday I was doing a survey for fortified orange juice and they asked me that very question. Fortified orange juice usually contains Omega 3 and other anti-oxidents and such that is supposedly good for your health. And, I guess I could justify buying fortified orange juice if I didn't take a daily multi-vitamin. But, it's just way too expensive. And, at the rate we drink orange juice we'd have to buy one or two cartons daily. However, with that being said, if our budget allowed, I'm sure I'd purchase it anyway. What do you think about fortified orange juice? Do you think it's healthier than regular orange juice? Do you mind paying extra money for the fortified orange juice than regular variety?
2 responses
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
13 Aug 07
Hi there. We never buy our orange juice, as we have orange trees among alot of other fruit trees growing in our back yard... Out of season we just simply go with out... I wouldnt know the difference with fortified and regular for us is straight off the trees lol...
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• United States
13 Aug 07
Oh, I wish we could have orange trees in our backyard. Here if you have an orange tree in your yard, the US dept of Agriculture pays you a little visit. I don't think it's illegal to grow oranges in one's yard where we live, but you have to be regulated. They automatically assume that the person with the orange tree is going to sell the oranges.
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@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
13 Aug 07
Hi there. Wow, unbelievable to know that one cant grow a simple orange tree in there own back yards, I think thats such stink law, dont you lol... Well thanks for Best response...
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
12 Aug 07
i think its just better to drink regualr variety because 1 cup of milk is equal to 1 cup of fortified if i want i can have a glass of milk,and then have a glass of regular oj.the way i go thru it in my house im just better off that way.the only real difference is the price tag on it i think.the taste is no different.
• United States
12 Aug 07
Milk is good for you. Very nutritious.