Am I going to Hell?
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
August 12, 2007 9:49pm CST
I just received the good news, in another discussion, that since I don't believe in Jesus I am going to hell. I live in Thailand and the percentage of Christians here is so small that it is not measurable. Are all sixty million of us going to hell because we are not Christians?
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18 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
13 Aug 07
If everyone who isn't a Christian is going to Hell, then I guess we're going to have quite a party there! Seeing as I know many people who aren't Christian here in the United States, which is generally considered to be a "Christian country". And then when you start thinking about countries like yours... why there must be billions of us headed for Hell!
Of course since I personally don't believe in Hell, it holds no fear for me. Even if such a place did exist, I would rather be there than follow a God who would condemn people to such a place.
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@LAWise520 (275)
• United States
14 Aug 07
hell if the US is a christian nation. (sorry for the slight pun). On public property, it is illegal to erect anything of christian origin.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Aug 07
Thanks, vijigopi. =)
LAWise520, I'm aware that the United States isn't actually a "Christian nation". However, there are many individuals both in and out of the US that seem to think it either is or should be. It's frustrating for someone who is non-Christian and lives in the United States, that while we technically have freedom of religion, it is typically automatically assumed that you are Christian here, while in fact there are Americans with many different religious beliefs. Which, by the way, is why you can't erect religious monuments on public property, unless you plan to try to erect one for every single religion that exists here... and that wouldn't leave much room for anything ELSE on public property.
@warmweatherwoman (2233)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
13 Aug 07
hahahahaha- I have to laugh because those condeming you to hell- will most certainly be there to open the door for you if and when you get there in my opinion. I do believe in Jesus- what I DON'T or WON'T believe in is organized religion! I am a spiritual person and do not condem how anyone else praises thier "higher power"- so why should I be condemmed for feeling the way I do. People get so caught up in there own little world that they seem to forget just how big the world is- and how most of the world is not raised to believe they are sinners and are going to hell. My advice to you when someone tells you your going there- make them angrier by saying- "okay- see ya there"........peace and blessing among all!
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
13 Aug 07
You don't believe in organized religion? Good for you. We need to convince more people. It is not an easy job. Too many people are being fooled and they do not like having their illusions squashed.
BTW: I don't believe in organized religion, either. Organized religion has its roots in the mind of an exceptionally intelligent but deceitful ancient man who did not want a real job. There exists today a multitude of those carrying on the tradition.
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@brothertuck (1257)
• United States
14 Aug 07
I've always prefered disorganized religion over organized.
In the United States there are so many different denominations of Christian religion, from Catholic and Baptist, to a lot of the new age store front churches. Each feels they are the right path and many believe that if you don't believe as they do, exactly, then you are going to hell. I remember one person who told a friend, a believer, son of a minister, who lived a good life and followed the bible, that he was going to hell just because my friend didn't believe as he did. That same person told me I wasn't going to heaven, I told him, I don't want to go to his heaven, and I meant and mean it still.
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@warmweatherwoman (2233)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
13 Aug 07
Yes....I shyd away from organized religion the first chance I got to learn the truth and have never gone back to it. You are soo right when you say that too many people are willingly fooled and not willing to see the light after. The fight over religion is a long standing one that I choose not to involve myself in. If people would rather live in the "matrix", so to speak. And believe the wool that has been pulled over thier eyes, there so be it- who am I to change someone elses views, right. :)
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
13 Aug 07
There certainly are Christians who believe all non believers in Christ go to hell. This belief reflects badly on those Christians. I say this because it is very similar to the threats contained in a chain letter.
Here in the states it use to be popular to send a letter out to several people containing some kind of nonsense (often concerning money) with a warning that the letter must be sent on or something terrible will happen to the receipent. It seems to me that Christians with their threats of "Hell" are behaving similar to the chain letter charlatans.
So, no I do not think non Christians are going to "Hell", but that Christians who profess this are rightly going to earn the contempt and disrespect of others in society.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
13 Aug 07
Have to agree with flower. From what I have read hell is the grave or being without God and not being on the right spiritual path.
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@LAWise520 (275)
• United States
14 Aug 07
The Christian notion of hell as "fire" came more from Jonathan Edwards than the Bible. I've found more that hell is simply an absence of God. From the way Jesus reacted on the cross, it seems to me that such a thing isn't much fun.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
13 Aug 07
Wow...I am always amazed when I hear things like this. For whatever my opnion is worth I do not believe that the Creator I know and love will condemn those he created to Hell because they exercise their right of free will to be Christians...or not. If the One who spun beings from His/Her great Being did not want us to learn, to agree, to disagree we would never have been given the right to choose our soul path and learn from the choices we make.
My question to those who rant that a portion of God's 'children' are going to hell for not following their this..."Why would anyone want to worship a God that is so judgmental...and..unloving?" It is, if you stop and think about, rather illogical. God creates us the right to choose...and then say..."Bad, very bad!" All because you exercise that God-given right. HUH? Say again? Who on earth in their right mind says...worship this this way only...or you will be condemned to hell? Nice message eh? Really draws you into the light...or does it?
Anyone who studies Christianity...and I was raised with that doctrine...knows the basic tenaments that Jesus taught was...first and foremost to not judge. Equally important is to love, honor and respect each other. His great commandment and the one that is bigger than all others is to; "Treat each other as we'd like to be treated...the Golden Rule." As an emissary of love, light and forgiveness those who teach anything different are not honoring Jesus's message. Who on earth wants to be treated like a sinner because they are not walking the same path as the one who 'dictates?'
To me love is the common thread in any religion. If the person touting ideologies does not deliver a theological perspective of love, compassion, forgiveness, respect, understanding, assisting those in need, way-showing with love, honor, respect...then it is not a message based on Source-centered awareness.
So my my view HOW we live our lives is far more important than whatever religious doctrine we follow. In my view we were given the right of free will so we could choose...and learn to accept the responsibilities for the consequences of those choices. As we learn to love with greater acceptance and accountability we usually become more enlightened.
If we could all 'get over ourselves' and become less judgmental...and yes more loving all our human rights concerns could eventually be resolved. Sadly, that won't happen as long as extreme fundamentalists convalute a message of love to one of bigotry and arrogance to make themselves right and others wrong. Judgements and accptance of differences bring unity. To me that is the basis of the God I know and If we strive to emulate teachings of love...then everything else will follow...eventually.
To me there is a Still Small Voice within all of us...and that is the place where true wisdom and spiritual Knowing resides. Our challenge is to find a way to access that inner dynamic and trust what we are given. In quietness and confidence there is strength. From there who we are and what we are meant to do will be revealled. The clarity and guidenace we seek is there...and from that place we can walk in true self-worth that allows us to withstand the rejection of our ideas by others.
Good luck with this perplexing challenge. It is one most of us have faced at one point or another along the discovery trails called life.
Wishing you light filled blessings as you discover your truth and live it.
@omnithought (199)
• United States
13 Aug 07
There would have to be a hell to go to in order for you to go there. Sawatdee khrap!
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@omnithought (199)
• United States
13 Aug 07
That was meant for original poster, sorry.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
13 Aug 07
hello Perspectives, I agree with everything you said! except I think even the 'pushiest' christians (most of them) mean well.. for they are taught that unless someone believes in and follows Jesus before they die, they will perish (or worse!). I think this is what motivates most of them, but they can come across as somewhat obnoxious for their persistence. And in some cases a growing bitterness..
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
13 Aug 07
..why believe the worst? ...they are taught that unless someone believes in and follows Jesus (before they die) they will perish (or worse!).. so yes, they do try to convince many people.. (It's not actually pure evil that always motivates them!:)
- [There is likely some better, some worse, in the group of people called christians.. just like is true in other groups of people..]
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@LAWise520 (275)
• United States
14 Aug 07
lol! cheapterri! you are so right! Whenever it comes to converting others (not something I'm keen on doing on a regular basis) hell is often used as a massive scare tactic. You know, the typical bible thumping, mega phone screaming, corner standing preachers-" repent now or you will spend eternity in the firey abyss of hell!!!!" Oh jeese, I want to deck them! (and I'm a christian, I can't imagine what nonchristians want to do). if I tell someone about the gospel, I don't even talk about hell. It's not what will happen if you don't do something, it's what you get if you believe something.
I don't think anyone can be converting by screaming at them. Someone actually has to believe in Christ to be converted. Everything else someone says should just be ignored.
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@marmalaide (470)
13 Aug 07
Well, there is good and bad in all things, and some people choose only to see the evil malevolent side of God rather than his good side. These are the people who say you are going to hell. They think everyone should think exactly the same as they do, and anyone who does not buy into their ideas (some of which are completely insane btw) is evil and will be punished for all eternity.
The people who say you are going to hell have committed a great sin by taking it upon themselves to judge and condemn you, when that is God's job alone. Only God knows everything about you, so only God can decide what will happen when you die. If you have been a good person then he will probably be good to you. If however you are one of those who has worshipped his evil side, then you must expect it to be his evil side that judges you. In short the more you run around telling other people they are going to end up in hell, the more likely you are to end up there yourself! Decent tolerent people like yourself should be OK, it is the bigots who should be worried.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
15 Aug 07
Well, if all non-christians are going to hell and all of the christians that break the rules are going to hell..I'll bet heaven is going to be a lonely and empty place.
I know of very few christians, even the bible thumping ones, that I would consider to be good christians.
I would not lose any sleep.
@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
13 Aug 07
Well this is where I tend to go out on a limb as some Christians might think. I happen to think that Jesus is full of grace mercy compassion and so much love. My husband teases me because I want everyone to go to heaven. I dont see how you could be judged if you lived in such a remote place that you had never ever heard of the bible or Jesus. I think that just maybe there will be a second chance so to speak for those types of people. Do I know this for fact? No! Is it in the bible? NO! But I have faith in my Lord that he loves everyone and he wants everyone to be with him
@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
15 Aug 07
I do hope they hear it. It just goes back to me wanting everyone in heaven. Cant help it....its just how I am!
@AndriaToh (1268)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Some believe that God judges by the amount of info one receives about the gospel. But, since you are debating the point, you should already know about it.
And I don't see why you should be so bothered if you don't believe it exists.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
13 Aug 07
In said that I and the sixty million people here were not Christian, I did not say that we do not believe in heaven, hell, or God. Your are making a major jump to the wrong conclusion. We are well informed on the subject of religion but have chosen a different path than Christians have.
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@AndriaToh (1268)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
No, you did not. I apologize for jumping to conclusions. May I know what you believe in then?
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
4 Sep 07
I do not believe that Christianity is the only way to Heaven.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
4 Sep 07
I haven't given it much thought. I am too busy living the life I have to obsess on what comes next.

@ozwombat (56)
• Australia
14 Aug 07
Good Grief Chiang_Mai_boy
Dont worry about people who are so small minded and narrow in their thinking, true spirituality regardless your faith is how you treat your fellow humankind and nature all around you.
Hell is people who make such statements and try to convince you unless you follow their faith is where you will end up all I can say to such people is I am happy in my own spiritual beliefs without needing to ram it down others throats thank you :)
Sadly most book religions follow the line their faith is the only faith yet when you look at almost all relegions the principles of been kind loving and nurturing to all is the underlying principle involved.
When this line of hell gets trotted out is usually done as a way of fear to make people frightened and coerce to their way believing you seem a very likeable person to me so stop allowing narrow minded bigots to bring you down if anyone needs salvation it is them and they must be sadly lacking in their own faith to be spending so much time convincing you their right
take care and just smile at them
have a great day

@LAWise520 (275)
• United States
14 Aug 07
The problem with this belief is that our ideas of "sins" are not the same as God's. For God, murder is equal to hating someone. (read matthew 5)
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@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
13 Aug 07
Ask the Christians this: since the majority of the world's peoples believe in reincarnation, how can they be certain that you haven't been to Hell and come back already in a previous incarnation?
I feel that if you've been to Hell and back you've already done your time. I know I have!! LOLOL
@LAWise520 (275)
• United States
14 Aug 07
According to the Bible, yes, it sounds that way. Personally, as harsh as that sounds, if it scares you...then look into it. You can visit my myspace and leave me a message if you want ( If it doesn't bother you (which I think might not be the case after all), then don't worry about it anyway.
Some Christians take so much time out of their day to bash nonchristians that it makes me want to scream. What's the point in making everyone around you ticked off because they don't believe what you believe? It just ruins days and "saves" no one. I go by the belief that if you feel like you want to know more, you can ask me. I don't think christians should ever go up to another human and start telling them that they will go to hell for what they are doing, not doing, believing or not believing. That's just lame.
Live your live according to you, not what everyone else tells you.
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
13 Aug 07
That's weird I was just thinking about that last night! I was raised in a strict Christian home but I don't believe in it. I think that if Jesus does exist and he is as wonderful and humble as people make him out to be, I think it's incredibly unfair that everyone who is not Christian (which is millions of people) has to burn in hell. There are so many different religions in the world. It's naive that Christians believe they are the only ones who can go to heaven. Christians tend to do bad things but they don't get punished for it because they're Christians, but there are so many good people who are not Christians who will supposedly go to hell because they've not been saved or baptized. Christians think they're better than everyone else but several of them are nothing but huge hypocrites. So don't worry!
@sixstringhavoc (7)
• United States
13 Aug 07
Religion should not be something that deems others as going to heaven or hell but something that you hold inside yourself. Isn't it enough that someone believes in God themselves? They shouldn't be pushing their religion onto others. I personally have no religion but I believe the purpose of religion is an inner strength of self, not a means to judge others.