Want WORLD PEACE? ( Why I love the internet ! )
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
United States
August 13, 2007 1:17pm CST
It is a fact that the majority of people everywhere want peace. Since all the most powerful nations on earth hold elections why don't we have world peace? Why is the will of the people ignored?
Election fraud which allows corruption in government is the answer.
The key to finally achieving world peace is to eliminate corruption in government. The key to eliminating corruption in government is to eliminate election fraud.
Now, through the power of the internet, the good work of Bev Harris, author of " Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering In The 21st Century " is being publicized and disseminated before the powers that be can even begin to squash it.
Yes, there have been serious valid honest exposes of election fraud in the USA before. You maybe never heard of some of these allegations because there was no internet before. Information concerning election fraud has in the past been surpressed. Now, things have changed. There is a chance to do something and send some election thieves to jail where they belong.
You can begin your education concerning election fraud in the USA here:
Be sure to visit here:
What do you think? Is there an election fraud problem in the USA or do you think these people are making this up?
Do you think less election fraud could lead to world peace?
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3 responses
@MelodyRhapsodical (1248)
• United States
13 Aug 07
Peace on earth doesn't have much to do with politics, in my opinion...even if the wars stop, we will always have corruption. We'll always have people who need to steal to put food on the table, we'll always those who'll kill to get their way, we'll always have those who will trample on the good will of others to get ahead. That has nothing to do with politics, it has to do with human nature and necessity. Peace on earth, the entire earth, peace within every person doesn't come from the government, it comes from God (I believe) and I think only when He establishes His kingdom will there truly be peace in the world.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
13 Aug 07
Hmmm... given how I worded my post, you are right and I am wrong.
Let me try again. I believe mankind could achieve world peace amoung our respective governments, most of the time. People really do not want large scale war. War such as in Iraq, Afganistan, Vietnam, Korea, WWII, WWI, is all about politics and economic corruption. Without election fraud, this kind of war could almost be eliminated.
Peace on earth such as in the elimination of all murder, crime and violence will never happen and really does have nothing to do with politics as you say. This kind of total peace on earth could only come from God, I agree.
Still, if the will of the people was honestly expressed by elections then more effective measures for dealing with murder, crime, and violence would be instituted. I say this because election fraud puts into office criminals. Not surprisingly, criminals do not institute the most effective measures for combating crime.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
18 Aug 07
Well I have been trying to think of what to write on this subject and the other one on voting scandal for a couple days I explored the links you provided and the first one was very informative. I wonder why the guy isnt in jail for looking at some of the things he found even though it was on a open webstie that shouldnt have been.
I think without a doubt there is alot of corruption in our government. I used to think voting for one side or the other was picking between the lesser of two evils but I think as it stands today they are both being bought and sold by the same buyers.
Although I can think of lots of things going on that upset me I have to wonder if any reform wouldnt be just another chance for the powers to be to grab even more power than they already have and hasten the demise of our freedoms.
I dont think anything will stop things from changing in the way the powers that be wants them to change other than slowing down their time table if they actually feel the poeple might become a threat to the way things are being done.
Things in america have changed for the better in alot of ways but in alot of ways things have changed for the worse. Cost of living is up jobs that pay enough to support a family is down, Like I said before its like we are working longer (or in most cases both parents are) to hold onto the same life we had.
Honostly the more technological advanced we become I think the more we are going to be manipulated to the point where we wont even think in a way that might contradict what certain groups would have in this country. In our case I think its a matter of he who owns the gold makes the rules but to make the changes they are being done slowly so that another 50 years from now it will just be a daily thing and we are used to it without question.
I have come to the conclusion that most people dont really want freedom they just want to be left alone. So long as they feel they are being left alone than they could care less about freedom. Short sightedness is a common problem in any society.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
18 Aug 07
Here we are talking about the problem on the internet. No doubt many people will read our words. More and more people will become aware of what is going on. Eventually, long after we are gone, the problem will get better because of people just like us discussing the situation.
Who knows, maybe historians will identify evanhunter and redyellowblack dog as the orginators of that one serious discussion where things started to turn around. Well... maybe not!
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
18 Aug 07
Nice vision or was that a joke? LOL. I think the more toys we have to distract us the less it will matter to future generations about things like politics. I hope and pray I am wrong but the only time people ever really take a deep interest is if there is a charismatic person leading the political reform that is needed or it directly envolves them. Its hard to make that happen today with mainstream media being run by the same group of people. Without a doubt the internet is a more differed opinion than the tv media but even a large number of websites are controlled by the very same people. My opinion is anytime you get one person writing history and news you are only going to get there side of it.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
13 Aug 07
While there is a lot of election fraud in the US and a lot of other countries; eliminating the fraud would not establish world peace.
As long as one country wanted to expand or protect itself from a perceived threat; there will be wars and "military actions".
If ONE country is willing to go to war, the other countries either have to concede and give everything up without a fight or they have to fight to defend themselves. (Not all countries have elections and many of the ones who do have elections, use FEAR to get the populace to support military action.)
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
14 Aug 07
"If ONE country is willing to go to war, the other countries either have to concede and give everything up without a fight or they have to fight to defend themselves."
The thing of it is, without election fraud there would be many fewer wars. Sure there would be the rare once in a while war every few hundred years, but that's it. When there is a "military action" it could be much shorter than the ones we've had lately. There's no secret as to how and why we have unnecessary wars and "military actions" of longer duration than necessary.
Election fraud is giving us the people who profit from wars. Eliminate that, eliminate most wars and shorten the others.
I base this on the fact that I began my adult life as a professional soldier who did and continues to make a serious study of warfare. The fact of the matter is that not one of the wars the USA has been in the last 100 years was fought for the reasons told out right to the public. I'm positive of this even though I can not say exactly why each war was really fought. It is merely a fact that the official explanations don't hold up.
So, it is my sincere belief that if election fraud was outright eliminated, fewer corrupt people who profit from war would be in positions of power. This would result in fewer wars of shorter duration. The military really could do a much a better job than they are being allowed to do. Corrupt politicians benefit from dragging things out.
What do you say we just eliminate the massive election fraud that is going on, and see if I'm right? :-)
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Well, I hate to be the one to say it; but, good luck with that. As long as "people are people" someone will always try to "rig the system".
I do agree that the military is "hobbled"; but, a lot of that is the media and public opinion. Ever since television started bringing "war" into the living room of the American public; you have had a bunch of "bleeding heart" idealists, that have done everything they can to pull the military out of whatever situation they were in to take care of.
It is not just the "war profiteers" that cause the problems and delays.