my boyfriend slapped me twice!!!! wtf...
By bethel_101
@bethel_101 (432)
August 14, 2007 2:04am CST
i've never been hurt physically by anyone... i was respected greatly by my previous relationships.... and one heated argument, i got hurt physically by the person who's supposed to respect mo more than anybody else. in your opinion, should i leave him or give him another chance?
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56 responses
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
As a man, I believe that is already a good reason for you to leave him. That is an unmanly act, hurting a woman and slapping is an uncowrdly act. I always give respect to women, that hurting them would be the last thing I'd do while I am living in this world.
But still, the decision is your's. You have the power to stop it, or stay with him and hope that he might change. Just THINK deep about it first, that's the only advice I can suggest to you..
@bethel_101 (432)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
thanks raijin.... it was his first time to do it, and i think i'm blinded by the fact that i already planned my future with him....
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
15 Aug 07
I believe that a man that hits a woman is a coward and I would leave him immediately. My husband and I have had some heated arguments but he has never hit me and never would. There are men out there who treat us like princesses and you will find someone else who loves you and respects you for who you are.
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Trust me, if a man hits a woman once (or twice), he will do it again. My mother endured that for years thinking each time would be the last time. It never was.
I have never been hit or hurt by any man but, if I was, I would leave him. I have been married 20 years but, if he hit me, I would walk out and not look back. Because I saw what it does to women. I saw what it did to my mother. Do not live in fear. The chances that he will never touch you in anger again are VERY slim. Men either hit women or don't usually.
Please be careful and, if you do stay, never put yourself in a position of being really hurt by him. If he seems out of control or very angry, LEAVE the house or wherever you are before he can take it out on you.
You deserve respect and this man has disrespected you. You deserve better.
@bethel_101 (432)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
i wana have a marriage like yours, 20 years but your husband has never hurt you. i think i deserve that too...
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@singlepixel (2743)
14 Aug 07
show that man to me!!!!
I'll give him a "roller coaster ride" that he'll never forget for the rest of his life!!!..(LOL)
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@delladidit (466)
• United States
14 Aug 07
...When my father proposed to my mother, she told him she'd leave him if he ever hit her. He never did.
...wotfpatty is 100% correct. "The chances he will never touch you in anger again are VERY slim." And "You deserve better." I have been there, too. RUN!! And do it now.
...Never is love violent.
...Peace be with you. =(^;^)= Della
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@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
14 Aug 07
He does not respect you. If you let him try again to slap you, he will do it.
Do not give a chance to anybody to do it with you. Leave him as soon as possible. And you will find better man.
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@bethel_101 (432)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
for ram's benefit ------ i've never cheated. he slapped me because i was so sick i couldn't cook for him. he didn't want to take care of me i guess.
@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
14 Aug 07
ram, I really dont think it matters why he slapped her. no one deserves to be slapped no matter what they did or said.

@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Most people will probably tell you to leave him, but I'm not most people, so I'm not going to tell you what to do.
I'm just going to tell you my situation.
I have a husband and I been with him for 5 years. 2 years ago he use to be abusive. He would choke me, hit me, punch me, you name it, he did it.
I won't get into all the details, but he hasn't hit me since. It's been 2 years. So I believe people can change.
Sometimes we just have to stand up and let them know that we wont take the abuse and you have to show them that you wont take it.
What I'm saying is, don't sit around and let him hit on you. Give him one more chance, and if he does it again, walk away and then maybe he will realize how much you mean to him and he wont hit you agian.
Just be smart.
Good luck and make sure to let him know you don't stand for him hitting on you.
@bethel_101 (432)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
when he hit you did you ever think of leaving him??? why didn't you leave him?
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
14 Aug 07
The first time he hit me was a big shock to me and I told him how I felt and that my trust was gone and that if it happened again, I would leave. He didn't hit me for a while and then he hit me again and I said the same thing. This happened a few more times, many times and the day that I actually got up and left the house, is when he finally realized I wasn't playing around and I was serious. All the other times I just talked of leaving and he knew I wouldn't. So had to take action and actually leave him. I left him and stayed gone for about a week and he promised he wouldn't ever hit me and that he didn't want to lose me. And I gave him another chance and he never hit me again. He also said he would see a shrink for his angers, that was part of our deal. When we fight, he will go outside and take a walk or take a shower, just to cool off. He doesn't even raise his voice anymore.
The key is to not keep letting him hit you. Take action. If he doesn't change, then he isn't worth the pain.
So keep this in mind the next time he hits you, not saying he willl, he might actually never hit you again. I also know a friend of mine and her boyfriend hit her and only once and never again.
People can change, but if they think they can walk all over you, it will never change. So be firm.
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@fazelath (1174)
• India
14 Aug 07
u should dump him,he slapped u,he is not a gentleman,a person who cant respect a lady cant be a gentlemen,i think u should dump him,and find a person who will respect a lady,i will torture u in future too if u continue with him,if i was in your place i would leave him at that very moment
@nutea_anin (281)
• Indonesia
14 Aug 07 come till twice? and you still asking should you leave him or give another chance? c'mon......he's not deserves to be respected. and if he care about you,he won't slap you even just once!! DO NOT compromise! he could hurt you again and again and again.just let him go and i'm sure you will find another much better one. it's useless if you keep him but all he did to you was just hurt you phsycally.
if i were you, when he slap me for the first time, i won't even give him another chance and no compromise at all! i will just ask him to leave and out of my life for good.for sure!

@deebomb (15304)
• United States
14 Aug 07
bethel is it better to stay with a man that might eventually kill you just to be sure of haveing a man? it would be better to be with out a man than to be living in fear as you seem to be doing since you cannot forget thet he hit you back in jJuly.
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@bethel_101 (432)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
i know i'm stupid in staying..... are you sure i'll find someone better??
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@Nanette99 (219)
• Canada
14 Aug 07
There is always someone better. To begin with, you are better than that and being alone is better than being abused.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Leave him. I didn't read the other responses. I will. But I can tell you from experience that it only gets worse from here. Once he knows he can get away with hitting you, he knows that he can get away with anything. DO NOT put up with it. You deserve better. You are a strong beautiful woman and deserve to be treated with respect. I wouldn't hit my dog. You deserve much more than my dog.
I married my first husband when I was 17. When we were dating, he was a jerk, but he never hit me and he made me laugh and the good times outweighed the bad. After the wedding, his verbal abuse became worse. Finally he hit me and broke my arm. That's when I left him.
He put his second wife in the hospital, and I convinced her to leave him.
Don't wait until it gets worse. Get out now. I only say this because I have been there and I care.
Take care
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@bethel_101 (432)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
don't you think he'll change someday... or i'm just being too kind again...

@marymarj2002 (1769)
• Philippines
17 Aug 07
Ideally, that kind of person should be left. But sometimes we women let our emotions rule our life. That happens to me. I thought I can change him. I though I can slowly make him a good man. Until we have a baby and got married. His hurtings never stopped. It still continues. And after our fight he still blames me that it was my fault why I get hurt because I trigger him to. I don't think it should be that way, even how small or big the fight is there should be no physicall harm to one another especially us women because we are fragile. I can't understand why men did that to us.
I know hurting once could also mean that he can and there is a great chance that he can hurt you again. You are still boyfriends so I think you should leave him. Don't risk your future with that kind of man. That is one sign that he does not respect you. Move on with your life. It is good that he showed his true color at this early stage in your relationship. Find a good man.
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@Macthedj (630)
14 Aug 07
Hitting you once is bad enough but twice is a sign that he wont change. I grew up watching my father beat my mother and I always remember the promises he made about not doing it again, and belive me he sounded very sincere but that was only to last about a week at a time but my mother would always forgive him until he went a step too far and tried to kill my mother with knife. What I am trying to say is if he is capable of hitting you then you do not know what he is capable of further down the line. I hope you get rid of him for your sake.
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@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
15 Aug 07
Oftentimes, we tend to ignore the soft voice within us, particularly us women. Even if we can plainly see his 'rude' manners. Also at times, we give reasons why he has done this or that. I guess the rationale behind our reasoning in favor of our partners is that; as you said, we have already planned our lives in the future with them. And we don't want to destroy this loving picture we have in mind. So, we continously try to understand "their side".
On a personal note, I have learned this lesson a bit too late. If I may share with you; I am already married to my boyfriend of almost three years. He had manners which I dislike way back then, but I told myself that he can & he will change for better. But honey, he hasn't changed until now. I couldn't possibly just dump him now; because this is already a very different story. We're already married for four years and with one lovely daughter.
A piece of advice: do hear the little voice inside. It is really hard at first, but it's better this way. It's his loss, not yours, dear. Love yourself much & more than whoever comes along. It's an old cliche, but there's someone else better out there who really loves you and will never hurt you. Who knows what more worse things he can do to you?! Even if he constantly says he loves you, and is sorry for all the hurt he's done to you; think ten times or more before leaping into a big decision.
Take care and good luck.
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@warmweatherwoman (2233)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
14 Aug 07
LEAVE- GET OUT NOW- Don't look back- just keep moving. He slapped you twice- there will be a third, fourth and fifth time- trust me on that one. I was in one relationship where he tried to get physical with me one evening. I packed a bag with what I could carry and left the rest behind and never looked back. We had accumulated a house full of furniture, two 75 gallon fish tanks, and a bunch of personal stuff in the course of the 5 years we were dating. And when that incident occured- I didn't think twice about leaving it all. I grew up in an abusive household seeing my mother get beat on- and I've always said that won't be me and I meant it then and I still do- which is why I left everything when the one incident happened. All I can say is you are worth more! As a human being you should not be treated that way by another human being- no matter what!!!!! Again I stress- think about it- and be safe in the mean time.
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@jen_n514 (218)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
oh well u better leave him now...i know it would be hard at first because you love him and you've been together for 2 years..what if you'll end up together whatelse he can do to you..the fact that he slapped you already...that means he's capable of doing other things to you...
one thing for sure...he can't control his temper...meaning when he's mad he's capable of hurting someone...better decide now...
but of course we really can't demand or dictate to you what to's really upto you...try to think things over...ask yourself do i really deserve this kind of i willing to spend the rest of my life with him...then decide from there...
one last thing..he's not the only guy in this world...think about it...:D
be safe...:D
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@bethel_101 (432)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
yup true.. we don't have divorce here, only annulment and it can take 10 years to be approved.
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@MisterPlus (1915)
• Philippines
15 Aug 07
get rid of him .. that's the start of women abuse.. don't any man do that again to you. Be strong !!!
@Boomber (58)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 07
Any guy who slaps or hurt his gf is considered a bad guy.
Bear this in mind, if he can slap you know, do you think he will beat you up in the future? Don't be silly to think that you can make a change on him after you get marriage or after you been together with him for long time. IT WONT HAPPEN!
Leave him now, you deserve better man. Btw, which country are you from?
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Leave him.Any man who would hit you isn't the man you want to be with.This is the time to leave because a slap can become a punch and soon you could wind up in the hospital. There are good men out there that would never hit you. You deserve to be respected.And this is the time to find him.Good Luck.Take Care.
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@jhipolito (40)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
nope!you better leave him..theres another more phisicaly abuse will happen if you forgive him,but if you want to be a battered wife soon go ahead forgive him and let him do it again in a third,fourth...
@Vixx06 (162)
14 Aug 07
I think you should leave him until he gets some help. I was married to a guy who was violent and kept promising to change. After I left him he then saw that I was not going to take it anymore and thet he could not see his kids until he changed. He went and got help and is now a much better person (I still do not get back with him). If your boyfriend had hit you and you dont stand your ground he will find it easier to do it next time. You are worth more than that.
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@jcyap888 (721)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
i think you better leave him it not nice to have a boyfriend like that. in all cases i dont hit a girl, i got a sister in law whose case is like you before hand she and her boyfriend love each other until they have an argument and hitting each other but time healed and thy are back again and got married. now what happen there lovelife still unhappy they are still hitting and fighting with each other until they seperate, but not divorce not enough money to get divorce.
@mariedkarry (14)
• China
14 Aug 07
I suppose you should get another ,if you value him,you can give him a chance,let him alone and look and see his behavior.In every means,man should not hurt women,not to speak of the lover.A chance ,and do not tell him y give him a chance,if he really love you ,he'll get great regret.If not,I suppose it's time to say godbye to him.He worth nothing.
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