By ZenDove
@ZenDove (698)
United States
August 14, 2007 9:59am CST
I don't normally think that I am but today could be the day! My myLot earnings are $6.66! For the whole day that means that number will be following me around! Should I just go back to bed or throw salt over my shoulder or light a candle? lol Seriously, don't be surprised if you notice a lot more postings from me today than usual - I gotta get that number to change! I like to think of myself as being more sophisticated than superstitious. But, I have to admit to a little gasp and a cringe when I saw my earnings were the same as the "mark of the beast". What about you all, what are some of your hardest to shake superstitions?
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11 responses
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
14 Aug 07
That is funny. Mine is 5.55. I renewed my drivers license last year on June 6. So now I have the renewal date being 6/6/06. I have to carry my drivers license with me for the next 3 years with the number 6/6/06 on it. I was a little worried at the beginning but I think everything is going just fine. At least you can change your number in a day, mine can't be changed until 3 years from now. Scary..
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@ZenDove (698)
• United States
14 Aug 07
What is with the 5.55? I've never heard about that. What if you were super-religious and not just superstitious and had to carry around a card with 666 on it? You'd be paranoid by the end of the three years! Everything unfortunate or undesired that happened to you during that time you'd have to wonder if maybe... Sorry, didn't mean to feed your superstition! lol
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
15 Aug 07
The 5.55 was how much earnings I had the day I left you this response. You had 6.66 and I had 5.55. That is what I meant. Sorry to confuse you.
@leocravensky (77)
• Singapore
14 Aug 07
I am pretty superstitous myself. Everytime I go home late I will look at the corner wondering if theres any supernatural beings lurking at me. I'm a chinese and compared to the caucasians I believed in ghosts more then demonic beings. All in all, I dislike the eerie feelings I get regarding supernatural forces. But I do like the feeling of getting lucky sometimes =).
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@betshopboy (619)
• Singapore
14 Aug 07
I am not the superstitious type of person.
But I would like to tell you an incident or a coincidence that happened to me not so long ago. I did a health screening test and after it was completed, the nurse made an appointment for me to go back for the medical review.
The date was set on a Friday, it was dated 13th, and I am suppose to go to room 13!!! Even though I am not superstitious, I must admit i got a little worried over these numbers!
Luckily, the result came out OK, i was declared a clean bill of health!
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
15 Aug 07
I do understand the associations with the '666' belief system and how much bad energy is tied up around it. How I'd approach this is to reverse it and make it 999...because the Chinese believe 9 is a powerful number of completion and symbolize the beginning of a new, positive cycle. I would also suggest not focusing on it from fear-based thinking...because as you know from you've probably heard me say...what the mind conceives...and acheives. Consequently I do my best to steer my thoughts away from fearful things or focusing what I do NOT WANT to show up in my life.
To answer your question about supersititions. At one time I bought into a lot of my parents and grandparents superstitions. "Salt over the shoulder, broken mirrors and bad luck, don't put new shoes on the bed, say 'bread and butter' if you pass someone on a stairwell!" Oh goodness as I post this a whole bunch more come flooding back from echos in the past. Now I just say...'Scoot...mind..put a sock in it..I no longer subscribe to any of it!' And I do not.
The reason I am so cautious about what I wrap my mind around as a because most of what many establish as their world view was handed down by someone else...and the scarey thing is they never bother to question the validity of any of it. In my work I see people wandering around in what is often a 'brain-washed fog' where they have been so conditioned they cannot think outside that box.
It is very tragic to me...because after they begin to take the blinders off and reason things out for themselves their true light begins to shine. The reason I love the work my hubby and I do in communicating life enhancement ideas is so see people go: " never thought about it like that!" or "What a wonderful idea..why didn't I think of that?" Probably because I lot of people do not choose to activate their own thinking processes...and just follow the crowd or latest craze."
Once they begin to activate their own critical thinking skills...their true essence can come out of hiding and begin to express itself. Seeing people become personally empowered is a wonderful thing to witness...and I am always humbled to be able to participate in anyone's journey who really wants to fly. little vent there is a long winded way of saying that from my perspective...superstitions, dogma, extreme fundamentalism in any area are forms of brainwashing. When people are encouraged to become quiet, grounded, centered and given ways to develop their critical thinking skills they come to realize that the opinions of others only have as much power to affect we are willing to allow.
So ZenDove...I'd suggest going to your Zen Place, light a candle, take a deep breath and trust that all will be well in your corner of the Universe if you believe it to be so. If you believe you are at risk....well...I think you get where I am coming from.
Wishing you light filled blessings!
@ZenDove (698)
• United States
15 Aug 07
I've said it before and I'll say it again - your clients are very lucky people. Reading your words was like listening to my mother again. Thanks for that. She had a way of validating your space while correcting your thoughts that I sorely miss. All day long, I've been corraling my thoughts with "nam yoho renge kyo" - not that I am buddhist, but I find that if my thoughts get caught in a negative loop or if there is excess negative energy swarming around me, this mantra helps clear and center me. Actually, I've had a very high energy day, which I am always grateful for. Also, I read your piece about "attitude of gratitude" that again reminded of my mother. She used so say that and "I can hardly wait to see my good come out of this!" The redirection of thought-energy may seem like a small thing but it determines the current of your life. Thank you, perspectives, for not only giving me the opportunity to write these words in affirmation but also for caring enough to interact.
The things you said about a person believing according to what they have been told put me in the mind of a discussion I participated in earlier today. "The best saying I ever heard" it was posted by maildumpster - you might want to check it out. The saying she referred to was "To those who don't believe, there is no proof that is enough. To those who believe, no proof is needed." I'd like to read your take on this. Again, thank you and you make me smile and nod my head - which is a good thing! ;-)
@ZenDove (698)
• United States
15 Aug 07
Welcome to myLot, parvez! I hope you stay here and find friends and expression. From reading your "bottom line" response, I'd like to suggest that you check out the discussion listed by maildumpster. It's called "The greatest saying I ever heard." It's all about believing and proof. I think you'll find it interesting.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
14 Aug 07
I don't really have any superstitions. Some I follow because they are fun - wishing on stars, that sort of thing.
@shmeedia (1044)
• Canada
17 Oct 07
i'm not really superstitious but sometimes i admit things like your 6.66 pop up and make me go "hmmmm....".
but i have lived on the 13th floor for 10 years now. my building calls it the 14th, but i know it's only to hide the fact that it's the 13th ;)
the only weird thing that happens regarding that is that sometimes the elevator will either skip my floor or stop on the 12th or the 15th! woooooooo spooky! :)
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
15 Aug 07
I'm not superstitious. I don't believe my destiny is controlled by a black cat, a rabbit's foot, a cookie, or the date in the calendar. I believe in working smart, creating your own luck, and always being careful to avoid accidents.
I do occasionally read astrology though.
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
14 Aug 07
I don't think that is a sign. Everyone encounters that number every once in a while, and your earnings will go up. It's nothing to worry about - just a coincidence! I do have something weird that happens to me though. Every time the clock reads 11:11, I always look at it, night and day! It's odd, but I don't think it's a sign or anything. :P
@ZenDove (698)
• United States
15 Aug 07
That happens to me sometimes, too. I remember my mother saying that if you looked at a clock as it was showing 11:11, it meant that whatever you were doing, saying or thinking at that time was somehow significant. Yeah, okay. Well, I think that most superstitions came about from people trying to give weight and explanation to coincidence. You could drive yourself mad seeing signs and portents everywhere!
@sriki2526 (179)
• India
24 Jun 08
I don't believe in Superstitious. I view every aspect in scientific view.
Although my parents are still superstitious,I find myself in a difficult position in arguing them
for showing ignorance in the laws of nature.
I think no matter which part of the world you tour, you will find the natives nurturing certain beliefs and superstitions and my dwelling place is no exception in this case.
Though our society is fast progressing, there are many people who are still superstitious and have a strong faith in the local beliefs. While some of them are quite hilarious, few others are really interesting,
as many aspects of life are linked to them.
Few beliefs even find their way into the religious texts and scriptures.
One of the height of Superstitious is a Man marrying a female dog.