DO YOU BELIEVE IN DESTINY? And What is Destiny for you?

@ciades (1623)
August 15, 2007 9:12pm CST
Well, honestly and tell you frankly. I don't know if i believe on it. I more believe on choices. When you said Destiny? The first thing that comes on my mind is fairytales!hehehe. What i know Destiny is a future, providence,luck? or whatsoever. You? What it means? do you believe on that called destiny?
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4 responses
@kyutstudph (1263)
• Philippines
16 Aug 07
Yes I believe in destiny though I havent experienced it yet. I think there are persons that are meant for each one of us. That person will come at right place and time. Though some people had already testified that it is true for they experienced it already. But there is a saying that to see is to believe. God has plans for all of us. Thats what I think for now.
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• United States
16 Aug 07
Hey! I think you're right!
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
16 Aug 07
Yes, I do believe in destiny.. up to a certain point, as I don't think we are actually prisoners of it! But I believe in it on two levels. [1] I believe there is great purpose to life, as a whole, for the planet, or rather, for humanity.. something we're all learning here, for a specific reason.. and [2] I believe there's a special 'blueprint' for each one of us, which is also the thing which will make us the happiest and most fulfilled, and we are most fitted for!:)
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
16 Aug 07
ow wow! i think you convince me? hehhe. What a smart answer dear!:-)
@carol_m (709)
• Philippines
16 Aug 07
Destiny is there; fate is there, but there are also choices. I dont believe in destiny because fate and destiny can be transcended; can be surmounted. Whatever we're going through are just the consequences of our actions. Each of us has a control over what we believe in this life.
@Hayley_N (525)
• Argentina
24 Jul 08
I believe in fate & destiny. I'm a Buddhist and I believe what I got is what my God planned for me. Sometimes it's quite sad when you tried hard to change something but you failed too, and at last you'll relate it to the "fate & destiny" theory. Buddhist believe in "circulation". If you did good, you'll be pay back well. So when you think you're in a bad situation, just be good, like help people in need, scold people, be kind and the most important thing is RESPECT, respect your own parents. I believe if my fate and destiny is bad, but if I did good things, everything will turns good too.