How can I get over feeling stressed out about my child starting Kiindergarten?
By magnet
@magnet (2087)
United States
August 15, 2007 10:03pm CST
My child starts kindergarten Aug 27th and the closer it gets to that time the more tense I feel. I wonder if this is normal.I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't usually ever get stressed out about things. I am usually more laid back so this is so unlike me. He is my first born and I think it's going to be hard but I know he will be fine. I feel like he is academically ready but he still acts immature and alittle hyper sometimes and that is really getting on my nerves. Maybe school will help him mature more. I just want him to be happy and do well.He is so much like me and that is scarey. How can I just relax and let go?
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12 responses
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
16 Aug 07
Its typical for parents to feel this way when their kids start school so the first thing you need to do is realise you are having a normal reaction or anxiety attack. The second thing you need to do is plan something to do that day to keep your self busy and try to stay focussed on it instead of the dreaded first day of school. The last ting you need to do is get your child upset about starting school also, children often sense when we are stressed no matter how hard we might try to cover it up.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
16 Aug 07
i have worked with kindergarten teachers and have learned that parents are usually more nervous than the kids...
what i did with my daughters was take them in the spring so they could see what the kids in kindergarten are doing
you could also go the week before school starts (teachers are usually there - i did this with my older daughter when she started grade 1) - show your child the classroom, start waking him up a week before at the time he will need to get up for school...
deep breathes mom....
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@magnet (2087)
• United States
16 Aug 07
That's a good idea about waking him up a week before school starts. I am going to try that. My son loves to sleep until 9am so he's going to have to get used to waking up early everyday. I am going to see if it's okay to go to the school a week before school starts also. Thanks for the ideas.
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@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
16 Aug 07
Oh! you're the one who is so excited than your kid. just relax..nothing to get stressed about. Just make your kid ready for the big day.
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@marshall_blake2000 (304)
• United States
16 Aug 07
I have six kids. And every time one of them started shcool I was stressed about it.The feeling did not lieve me until a couple days after they started school.
I think it is a feeling that almost every dad and mom has. I seen your child starts school on the 27th So you will be ok by the 29th or 30th
I hope your child first day at school is a great one. O and you try to injoy your free time.
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@pamcake (276)
• United States
16 Aug 07
I can't think of what it's called but you know how some kids get upset when their parents leave them with a sitter or when they don't want to depart from the parent..well, parents get that too! It may not be that you don't want to depart from him, but you're anxious because it's not something you are used to. It's a big step..he's starting kindergarten! I remember when my first child started school. I was so overwhelmed. My second is starting this year, and I'm a little more relaxed about it this time.
A big thing that helped me was to interact with the parents of the children that my child was around a lot, at parent teacher nights, school functions, or outside of the school environment. That may help you to feel more comfortable with the situation. Good Luck!
@magnet (2087)
• United States
16 Aug 07
I want him to go, but I think it is going to be an adjustment.I almost wish that I could go to school with him on the first day of school.I'm not going to do that because I have to let go. Meet the teacher day is next week so I might feel better after touring the school and meeting his teachers and the other parents.
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@lina_inverse (21)
• Philippines
16 Aug 07
Oh that is so exciting! I know I will feel the same thing when my baby will go to school a few years from now. Relax. Take a deep breath. Enjoy each moment. And the most important thing of all, trust your child. It will pass soon and you will find out there is nothing to worry about.
@happymommy3 (2012)
• United States
16 Aug 07
Oh honey don't worry, that's perfectly normal to feel that way. I have been in your shoes, going for the 3rd time now. I have an 8, 5, and 4 year old. I know, it feels so stressful, it almost feels like you're the one going to kindergarten not them, lol. I was not so worried about my 1st daughter, she absolutely loved to draw and knew all her abc's numbers even knew how to write her name before starting so I was just a little nervous and she did so good. My second daughter started pre-k last year, I thought she would scream and cry and hate to go to school but it turned out totally different. She loved it and was one of the top 2 students in her class, even got principal's award out of her whole class. My boy now is going to pre-k and I feel even more worried for him. His speech isn't very well, where he should be at his age, actually he's at a 2 year old level, but his knowledge at a 6 year old level. Which is what the speech therapist told us. So I'm not worried about his academic skills, just how the kids will treat him when he talks but I know little by little he's getting better so I'm hoping it won't kill me so much to let him finally go. I think us mom's worry and stress out really more than we should because the outcome is usually so much better than we expect it to be. So hang in there and don't worry too much, your child will do good. Most children love school, so I'm sure you will be very surprised! Take care!
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
16 Aug 07
i know how you feel. our oldest is starting preschool on the 28th and i'm stressed too. she is so stubborn when i try to teach her stuff, i hope that she will do better for her teacher. and sometimes i think she messes up on purpose. i worry that she will have trouble making friends or that someone will be mean to her. she is a pretty sensitive kid. i think once school starts we'll both just naturally relax.
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
26 Aug 07
I think that is just normal to feel stressed and apprehensive and excited when our first born goes to school. I was even emotional and cried the first day that my daughter went to school in her uniform. All I could say is that my little princess is already starting to take off with her wings and it wont be long before she would want to be in her own. Like you, I worried also if my daughter would make friends or would cry in her class or pull somebody's hair or be very difficult. I watched her in her classroom apprehensively and keep on peeking inside her classroom to see if she is really listening and not running around. I learned to trust that teachers do know how to handle the children that age and that children will in a way mature too. Each day is revelation to me as far as her progress and learning is concerned. So my friend, don't worry too much and everything will go well. Your child will be fine and children arestronger and very much able than mother's like us thinks. Trust in the knowledge too that you did everything to equip your child in making it good out there in the real world.
@magnet (2087)
• United States
26 Aug 07
Thanks I am starting to relax more. I went to the meet the teacher Thursday and I was very impressed with her. She gave everyone her home number and told us that we can call her anytime and if she does not answer the phone to call again if we have any questions,concerns,or need to talk. She also said that she loves volunteers which is great.His first day of school is on Tuesday. My husband is going to take the entire week off for his first few days of school. I am going to take a picture of him the first day of school every year and put it in a photo album.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
17 Aug 07
I am exactly in your shoes at this moment too as my son starts Sept 4th. This is his first time in a school setting and I am not sure how he is going to be. He so much wants to go and learn as well as make some friends as he doesn't have any at the moment. He is very sociable and even though he may not be academically ready i.e. English not being his first language, he has picked up a lot since we arrived in USA and has grown in maturity as well. I have tried to teach him the basics and he has done well so far. I think I may be worrying about nothing though but i can't help it since this will be all new to him.
I am not sure whether i have prepared him enough but I have decided not to worry too much about it as it is only Kindergarten and just see how he goes this term/semester or whatever they call it.
The school is suppose to send out a package before he starts but I have not received it yet so I am getting anxious about that too. I have already ordered his school materials and a back pack which should be arriving a week before he starts school. I am not sure what else I should be doing.
I know that I am going to miss him when he starts though :(
@magnet (2087)
• United States
5 Sep 07
How was his first day? My son told me that he really love school so now I am enjoying this time, but I still miss him. I ask him so many questions when he gets home from school and he tells me that he's tired, so I have to ask him a few questions at a time.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
5 Sep 07
It went great! he was smiling by the time he got home and when I asked him how school was, he just said GREAT! then I asked him more questions and he said "can't remember" i think he was tired for sure because last night was the first time he went to bed by 7pm (without any moans and groans).
I missed him terribly yesterday and even though I fussed and bothered over him, i really didn't need too. He was so brave and confident and knew exactly what to do once he got to school! i was happy for him but i missed him for sure.
@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
26 Aug 07
sorry cant really help you i too have my first born starting kindergarden on the 27 and i am worried i know she is very smart she can blow right thru the check list of things that she should know or working on.... so i guess i can help by letting you know that your normal for feeling like you do unless neither one of us is normal! LOL good luck on monday !
@crochetmehappy (143)
• United States
16 Aug 07
I felt this way. Our oldest started Kindergarten last September. Our youngest started preschool the same day so both of them went from staying home with me all of the time to going to school full day. I was a wreck. Both of our kids have autism so I think that just added to it. I was attached to my cell phone (our emergency contact number) for the first 2 weeks and after having them come back home happy and healthy every day I started to relax. I think it's natural to be worried before Kindergarten, it's a big step. It's when they get to exercise all of the skills that you taught them up until that point. It will be great, just try to relax so you don't make him too nervous. They have a lot of starting school books at the library, I found that they made me feel better and I took them out for him.