INDIA: a village or industrial area
By vkstcp
@vkstcp (66)
3 responses
@engineer_akash (180)
17 Aug 07
yes dear i do agree with you india is now become a industrial country and i now going to become a superpower.
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@raviivar (66)
• India
17 Aug 07
our india is a great nation.every country have to learn by seeing at the cultures ,traditions and religions . so many religions are present in our county it is a damocratic country.for every country villgages will be ther.with out villages no country is there in the same in india also villages are there but comparing to the other countries more villages are there india. but we have to question our self why there are more number of villages in india. we knoe that the population of india is very very high comparing to the other countries according to the area of living.and less amount of money is present for developemnt and less cmount of commitment is there for the developement.btu now india is not in that position our country is a developing country. the currnecy value of india has been rised. this si the mark that india is getting into the developement.our economicla status is compiting with the developed countries.our countyr is great to me. we will get every thing in the future. the number villages is reduced in a great passion . this is the indication for the developement.every coyuntry is looking into the india. because no such tyupes of brillints are present in india. there is no much cooperatuion in india to achive the miracles thats why they are going to american like countries. one india is equal to ten japans but still india is in that position means there are so many reasons for this position of india. one of the most best and worst reason is corruption and the other one is uneducated potitical members. india is a democratic country this is written in the records only but coming to the application it is not happening now a days.we lost every thing in under the ruling of england . and still we are losting every thing under the ruling of our politicians. who will come who will change our countries position . no one will come no one will chenge it. we have to chenge it . we have to wake opurself in to the reality of the thing that are happening. our country is democratic countyr. every one will rule our himself we have that right.a country or a nation will not be build up on one person . anation will be bulit up by every on . every one in the nation is responsible for the we will wake up and we will reach what we want this is thang that will be happened conformly.