To what lengths would you go...
By soccermom
@soccermom (3198)
United States
August 16, 2007 8:27pm CST
to get out of paying medical bills? Alledgedly a man threw his terminally ill wife off of the 4th floor balcony of their apartment to put an end to the piling medical bills. The story reports that he kissed her goodbye first.
So what does this story tell us? Is it just a maniac who couldn't cope with the pressure? Or a man fed up with our outrageously expensive medical system? Did he feel he has a choice? I'm thiking probably not, but then on the other hand I'm pretty sure my hubby wouldn't toss me off a balcony to save himself any amount of money.
This story is crazy, but it really got me thinking again about the state of our health system. Do you think reports like this help make a case for Universal health care?
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12 responses
@seagoddess28 (873)
• Canada
17 Aug 07
This is really sad! Here in Canada, we do have universal health care. I will NOT knock it although some people do think it could be better. As you know I have had a series of strokes (the worst one last year in June). I do not know how my family's finances would have survived if we did not have universal health care and if I did not carry additional enhanced health benefits through my brokerage. (I am a Realtor with Century 21.) I am classified as a self-employed contractor, but entitled to participate in a group plan. I pay C$425/month for family coverage for enhanced health and dental benefits. It IS a lot of money, but if I were to compare our situation here with stories I hear about people in the States who go bankrupt due to health costs, I can only shake my head. When one reaches 65 years of age here, one also gets the benefit of subsidized medication (seniors pay very little for their medication here). I do thank the Lord for Tommy Douglas (the Father of Medicare in Canada, and Kiefer Sutherland's maternal grandfather) who started it all! Put me down as a supporter of Universal Health Care. No person should be denied health care just because of lack of means. It should be a human right, along with habeas corpus! God bless. :-D
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
17 Aug 07
I think any system could be improved if you truly look at it. At this point in the States there are way too many people who are going into debt because of the health care crisis. I work for a large insurance company through an independant agent, and I don't receive any sort of insurance benefits (ironic isn't it?) Thank goodness my hubby has a decent plan through his employer, but if the manufacturing market tanks and he loses his job we'd be screwed.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
17 Aug 07
The kicker is that between the two of them their assets equalled $6000. Hardly enough to murder a loved one over.
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
17 Aug 07
I'd never do something like this, and i know neither would my husband, but i do understand the pressure so many people have to go through, it's not easy, especially when you have nothing.
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@p8ntballr21 (857)
• United States
21 Aug 07
That is a horrible story.
Good thing for insurance since their is no Universal Health Care where I live. The worst part is, not everyone has insurance that will pay for everything.
I have been to the doctors over 20 times the past 2 months, good thing it costs me a few hundred as opposed to the several thousand by not having insurance.
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@ozwombat (56)
• Australia
17 Aug 07
Are you serious???? lolololol I am so hoping this is a joke but on another level am watching healthcare here in oz starting to follow us system and hoping it doesnt go that way.
there is still lots improvements need to be made but when hear tales like these kinda glad i live in oz
for me personally i believe medical should be available to all but then again thats just me
i am so glad ya hubby wouldnt toss ya off a balcony :)
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
17 Aug 07
Unfortunately, I am serious. So do you have universal healthcare where you live? How does it work, and how is it funded if you do? Here's a link to the story by the way...
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
18 Aug 07
I think we probably don't know the whole story here. I know the headlines read that he did it because of mounting medical bills, but perhaps they both planned it, as a way for her out of her pain as well as the financial side of it.
National Health Care is an oft-raised issue, but if you are used to the benefits and immediacy of service of your private HMO, you will be mightily disappointed in a national health plan. Most states have medical plans to cover low-income and indigent people that are funded by state taxes. Hospitals are required by law to provide a certain percentage of "free care" or reduced rates to those unable to afford health care.
Under a national health plan, you may be seen right away if you cut off a limb, but if you need something minor done, be prepared for a very long wait.
The answer is not national health but better administration of the funds already being funneled into local public health insurances.
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
17 Aug 07
I think that obviously the message isn't getting to our government officials as to the urgent need for affordable health care. The guy was sending a message and he was definately heard but I don't think in the way he wanted to be. I think people are going to focus more on the fact that he is crazy enough to throw his sick wife out of a window rather than hey, this should be a wake up call that we need to start doing something instead of just talking about it. I'm in pretty good health but I don't know how I would react if me or someone in my family were sick and we didn't have insurance. I might do the same thing.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
17 Aug 07
Wow. To be honest, this makes me glad that I don't live in the US. I can't imagine the pressure so many people must be under, what with the rising costs of, well, everything, and the medical needs of everyone.
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@venshida (4836)
• United States
17 Aug 07
The health insurance industry is not the greatest, but to throw your spouse on the balcony, absolutely no excuse. If my loved one was in medical need, and I did not have money to pay the bills I would beg, and go to every charitable organization there is out there to help them. I would not kill or hurt my spouse. The government should have some kind of insurance in place so people can purchase it at little or no cost. If we can go out and purchase automobile insurance, there is absolutely no reason why we should not be able to purchase health insurance. The system the way it is puts to much power on the employer. Why should I have to lose my insurance or pay absorbent premium because I am not in a group plan. I am not sure I am in favor of a universal health plan. I prefer something where we have choices such as Medicare where you have access to a lot of providers. If we have universal health care like Canada, and Europe, I will not be in favor of it.
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@KraZyDaIZy (42)
• United States
17 Aug 07
I think this story is INSANE!!! But, I am guessing that he is probably not in the right frame of mind. He is probably not coping well with knowing that his wife is suffering, she is probably thinking that she is going to die either way... and medical bills are probably piling up so high, they may lose EVERYTHING... I HATE OUR MEDICAL SYSTEM!!!!!!!! This story tells you that our medical system is so bad, that people fear the loss of their house more than their life. Something has got to be done!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
17 Aug 07
I sure as heck wouldn't go THAT far! Good grief! What a loving husband he is! I'd write to the congressman or woman for help or even go to a low cost clinic to see what they can do to help but never would I do something so drastic!
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@divinelight (90)
17 Aug 07
I would definetly not push my loved ones like that...may be i would reach website help..reach my near n dear ones..employers help...for immediate help.But would like to approach media n govt authorities to look into it seriously
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