Would you vote for Barak Obama as the next U.S. President?
By Proserpine
@Proserpine (248)
United States
17 responses
@Proserpine (248)
• United States
27 Oct 06
There is nothing great about Barak Obama, in terms of what he has "accomplished" so far, which is very refreshing, and which means he is as non-slick and non-tarnished as candidates come! He possesses great character, however, superb common sense, compassion and a deep intelligence, which are all prerequisites, for me at least, of a great leader.
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@Proserpine (248)
• United States
30 Oct 06
Sorry. I should have addressed this to U.S. citizens! I sometimes forget there are people from all over the world on this site! He is a U.S. Senator who many, many wish would run for the U.S. Presidency in 2008. And I think he will, which would be a Godsend to all countries, in the long run!
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@Proserpine (248)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I like Hilary a lot. She is tough and fair-minded and has years and years of political office behind her. I worry, though, that she will simply practice politics as usual, toeing the Democratic line, and I think we need fresh blood. Someone solid, trustworthy, smart and visionary, without a lot of baggage and unjaded. This is why I shope to support Obama should he decide to run. Thanks for your response!
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@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
30 Oct 06
I think that Barack Obama is a born leader. I think it's time we broke some records in a presidential election, and either a black man (Obama) or a woman (Hillary) would be quite refreshing. I find it hard to believe that Hillary could win, even though I would probably vote for her myself, because I live in the deep South where she is typically hated. For some reason, I feel like Barack could break the barriers and emerge victorious!
@Proserpine (248)
• United States
30 Oct 06
I agree with everything you said! We must break a record this time around or it will be more of the same, and I for one can't tolerate much more of what Bush and Co. have been dishing out the last six years. Six years! That is a LONG time, and two more VERY long years to go! It will be torture. And do you really think the deep south would back Obama? I am curious!
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@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
30 Oct 06
I would definitely vote for either one for President if they were running. I think Obama may have a better chance than Hillary. I think either one would do better than Bush and his cronies. Rush Limbaugh is one person I'd never vote for...not even for dog catcher. He makes me ill!
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@Proserpine (248)
• United States
30 Oct 06
Well said! Limbaugh is disgusting and reprehensible, and hopefully on his way out of talk radio. I cannot even stand to hear his voice anymore! And I am so excited about the upcoming elections! We must all show up in droves and vote the republican perps out for once and for all!
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@tsmeesa98 (576)
• United States
30 Oct 06
I would vote for either of them. The reason is that they have some new ideas... of course that is also why people bash them... they aren't the traditional candidates
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@Proserpine (248)
• United States
30 Oct 06
Again, I agree with you completely! We need NO more "politics as usual!" A revolution! Long live the revolution!
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@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
12 Nov 06
I would vote for someone more moderate, and I'm hoping that either Senator Evan Bayh or Senator Richard Lugar (a couple of Indiana's own who fit that bill) will be running in the next election. If both ran, it would be hard to make up my mind.
@Proserpine (248)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I don't know either of your senators, but will certainly look into them should they run. It will be very interesting to see who ends up on both tickets!
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@sanojacob (314)
• India
30 Oct 06
hillary will be good at least by her beauty ???
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@Proserpine (248)
• United States
30 Oct 06
I like Hillary, but not more the Obama. She is too well-known and sufficiently "stuck" in her ways. Obama is young, new and "untarnished." Exactly what the doctor ordered!
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@Pleasurebound (214)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I haven't seen any indication that Obama is president material. what are his accomplishments? what exactly is his stance on any issue? so far, all I have seen is a pretty boy face, and a line of smooth talk, so let's see the political passion
@Proserpine (248)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Weel, he can't help what he looks like! And truly, he is as honest and unsmooth-talking as I've seen in politics in a long time. He is classically educated, which is HUGE, which means he has a knowledge of the past, and will not be tempted to make the same mistakes others have made before him. (Look where Bush, with his cursory education, got us!) He has the common sense of two to three generations ago, and he is honest as the day is long. Plus he is unjaded by "politics as usual", and so would offer us a visionary path, where the common good is more important than two polarized political parties hashing out their hatred and differences till they are blue in the face. And he lacks, immensely, personal ambition. Read his book, if you are interested, entitled, "The Audacity of Hope," and thanks so much for responding.
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@Proserpine (248)
• United States
30 Oct 06
You are very right! But in order to get a big change, I think we will have to fight VERY hard! But I think we are more than ready to do that!
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@miajane (359)
• United States
15 Nov 06
the problem is that most people don't want to work together to make humanity better. instead of tackling poverty, education and health concerns directly, they wrap everything up into pseudo-politics.
no one person is the solution. what we need is for communities to stand together and reclaim power. how can we give so much power to the government? why should they decide how our earned money is spent? taxes are meant to provide for the people, not for the personal needs and wants of the politicians.
instead of focusing on the next problem we elect president, why not focus on setting up a system where a president is not needed to make decisions that half the population will hate. lets build up the community- give where it counts.
again, no one person is the solution.
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@marriedman111399 (1207)
• United States
5 Dec 06
Not sure yet but I have 1 question, What has Barak Obama done, Not sure about anything he has done yet
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I think they both stand for (to me) the rights things. It is going to be hard to make a choice. I shall be paying close attention to both of them
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@KATRINKA (1624)
• United States
4 Aug 07
I haven't heard what the right-leaning pundits are saying about Obama. I tend not to listen to them. I'm a registered Republican, but I don't vote strictly for the party. I listen to the candidate and his/her issues. Would Rush and et al say the same things if Obama or Hillary were Republican? It seems no matter what Republicans do, those pundits (except for O'Reilly) put any Republican on a pedestal and rationalize their behavior. They're sheep who don't have a mind of their own.
@mehale (2200)
• United States
31 Aug 07
That is a tough question. Obama has some really promising ideas and plans for our country. He is also fairly new to politics. That is both a good thing and a bad thing. He talks about Washington needing change - yes it does, desperately. However, without much political experience to back him up, he can't be certain what needs changed or how to go about it. I do believe that he would make a good leader, and could easily make a good start at putting our country back on the right track. Hillary is another story, I was considering voting for her - but I am not so sure now. It seems that she changes her stand on the issues based on which way will gain her more votes. If she is already lying, and "telling the people what they want to hear" and she has not even earned the Democratic nomination, then how can we trust her in office? I am really not certain at all who I want to back in this upcoming election year!~
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 May 08
Wow, I can't believe you started this discussion 2 years ago. It looks like Obama is going to be the nominee, in fact he may have "unofficially" wrapped it up tonight with his victory in the North Carolina primary and possible upset in Indiana. As for Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly I don't believe a word any of them say. Oops - I almost forgot to answer your question - I sure will vote for him.