Do you believe in War or Peace?

@sanju21 (135)
United States
August 17, 2007 2:20pm CST
No this is not the title of Leo Tolstoy's 'War and Peace', but a question genuinely framed from my concerned mind .Yes Iknow therecan be a 1001 reasons behind War.This justifications are not only glorified by the political leaders or statesman of our times but also some common people support war above peace furthering logical reasons related to globalisation and terrorism.I believe these terrorists have avery biased mentality wo doenot understand the language of love and humanity...they donot understand the basic concepts of peace and development.But rather than war which involves bloodshed and loss of innocent lives can't we sought for some alternatives which fall in between?Your thoughtful response in this issue will be most welcome as this is one of the prime concerns of today.
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3 responses
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
17 Aug 07
Hi sanju21! I don't believe in war either because in war, there are no real winners. The destroyed lives will never be the same again nor can be mended completely. I don't know specifically about what alternatives we can have in order to eradicate war and bloodshed but for sure there would be other ways or actions that can be taken instead of going to war. I just hope we can all co-exist harmoniously without greed and discrimination. Take care and have a nice day!
• Pakistan
17 Aug 07
@ranitam22 (1146)
• United States
17 Aug 07
You are right, some people in different countries and in the US are brought up thinking that war is the answer. I think it all boils down to people being so stubborn and pig-headed to not compromise. No one wants to admit they are wrong. I think the people that start war would just rather kill until the last person is gone so they can have their way without having to deal with conversation. I believe in peace myself. If everyone could talk like adults to resolve issues and compromise which is most important, peace could be achieved. You have to meet eachother half way.