what is it like to be pregnant?

@ranitam22 (1146)
United States
August 17, 2007 10:48pm CST
What are the ups and downs to being pregnant? I've heard some good things and some bad things and I just want to know the majority of things that go on so I have some kind of idea what to expect when the time comes? Any suggestions or responses would be very useful to me
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3 responses
@sophylline (1041)
• Philippines
19 Aug 07
I've had only one pregnancy and to tell you the truth I have had a really difficult one. I have found out I was pregnant only a few weeks. It was early but I found out also that it had the tendency to miscarry. I had waited and longed to conceive and when I did I took no chances of losing my baby. I was told to bed rest for almost the entire pregnancy. I also felt awful. I was nauseated, dizzy, throwing up all the time and could not eat at all the first half of nine months, I was weak, and bedridden. The later part of my pregnancy, I felt better, I was eating like a horse and just basically felt better. But I still could not go out. When I did, out of boredom and just wanted action for a change, I went to work in my business, but later that day I was rushed to the emergency hospital for preterm. I was bleeding heavy. Thank God, my baby held on. And eventually, I gave birth to my baby girl full term. Oh how much I developed patience! The only good part of my pregnancy were the fact that everyone, even strangers are good to you. Friends and relatives are gushing and excited. There was a time I had to get my Social Security by myself and there was a really loooong line of people and I had a privilege not to wait in line and was helped right away. Ofcourse, also the feeling of being excited yourself of the coming baby, that high, is really a good feeling, especially when you start shopping for the baby's clothing and stuff.
@ranitam22 (1146)
• United States
19 Aug 07
yes the perks are great and i find myself treating pregnant women differently as well. Congratulations on your child and good luck
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
19 Aug 07
well, i just finished up my 3rd pregnancy and they were all about the same. I was sort of sick the first 3 months, but i had evening sickness not mornings. with my last one i was sick all day. i didn't throw up though, just had a sour stomach. other than that nothing major went on. around 4 months you feel your baby move for the first time. its a great feeling. at 5 months you'll get an ultrasound and get to see your baby and maybe find out if its a boy or a girl. with my 3rd pregnancy i had swelling in my feet and hands. i was past my due date with all 3. with the 3rd though the last few days my blood pressure started going up so they induced me. all 3 of my labors were about 8-10 hours. everyones is a little different, but no matter how different the story, no one would change it for the world because it brought them their beautiful baby :)
@ranitam22 (1146)
• United States
19 Aug 07
that's what everyone says, all the pain and suffering of pregnancy is worth it, once you look into your child's eyes. congratulations and thank you. Maybe me and my boyfriend will start trying.
@tdl617 (34)
• United States
18 Aug 07
I have two kids, both pregnancies where more or less the same. I have had alot of pregnant family member as well. I personally had now morning sickness ever, no swelling other than the belly, naturally, all of my appointments went great considering what they do, lol. My sisters first pregnancy caused alot of cooncern. She went to the doctor and they did the whole picuture thing, they seen white stuff around her babies heart and there was a big uproar of whether or not he had down syndrome, it turned out to be calcium around his heart. She had alot of spotting and morning sickness, usually all day and night. My cousin also had a miserable pregnancy. She spent 60% of the time in the hosital for being dehydrated because she couldnt keep anything down. She gained alot. It wasnt just her feet that swelled, it was her hands and her face too. Especially her nose, it was rather amusing. Im not trying to scare you out of getting pregnant, Im just trying to show you how different each mother can be. But I wish you the best and all the luck.
@ranitam22 (1146)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Do you think the differences in pregnancies attributes to how healthy the mother was before she was pregnant? I know for the most part it does, but are there any differences between you and your sister like stress levels or bad habits that would answer why you had a better pregnancy or is it just a coin toss?