WHich category of advertisement is most successful ?

August 18, 2007 4:12am CST
There are a no. of categories of advertisement in intenet .Banners , text ad, search engine results , email ads ( ads sent through emails , signature ads (ads put in email signature ) .Either or both as interent users( surfer) and as adverisers(ecom website owners ,blog owners) you have some preferences for some category of advertisement over others though none category is exclusive . I am new to this area of activity -online home based business . I have lauched a website of my own which i have to advertise now . That is why it is important for me to know the preference of people who are frequent users of internet . WOuld you share your opinion here please? Thank you for reading the post upto here .
1 response
18 Aug 07
IMHO Article marketing is the best way to get your website noticed. Read up on it here. http://articlemarketing.jims-info.com